Missouri University of Science and Technology has experts in French history and culture available to respond to media requests related to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

Dr. Shannon Fogg, chair of history and political science at Missouri S&T, is available to discuss French history with members of the media. Fogg is a European historian who specializes in the history of Modern France from the Enlightenment to the present with an emphasis on social history. Fogg’s research focuses on daily life in France during World War II. Her first book, “The Politics of Daily Life in Vichy France: Foreigners, Undesirables and Strangers,” focuses on the effects of shortages on attitudes towards the French government and towards minority groups such as Jews and Gypsies. Her current research project explores the looting of Jewish apartments in Paris during World War II and the restitution of goods after the war.

Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston, an associate professor of French at Missouri S&T, is an expert in French culture and would be willing to speak to the media.

To arrange for an interview, please contact the Missouri S&T Marketing and Communications office at 573-341-4328 or email [email protected]

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