Online education programs are hugely popular – they're convenient, affordable, and more credible than ever before. But there's a huge opportunity being missed when it comes to online ed: vocational programs. The fact is, jobs in vocational areas – food services, automotive, electrical – are among the fastest growing in this down economy (according to a study by Harvard Graduate School of Education, 30% of the 47 million new jobs expected to be created in the U.S. by 2018 will only require an associate’s degree or a certificate.). Yet online ed is failing to train job seekers in these important categories. Triumph's Executive Chairman Jack Larson is working to bring more vocational programs online, and helping skilled workers find work. The company recently launched a successful online cooking school, Escoffier Online Culinary Academy, and already have 500 students enrolled in under 2 years – with almost half already graduating and starting their new careers. Escoffier Online is the first in what Triumph Higher Education hopes is the first in a series of online vocation programs and schools.