Newswise — Six University of Delaware professors have been chosen as 2011 Salzburg Fellows by the Salzburg Global Seminar, an independent, non-governmental organization that seeks to challenge present and future leaders to solve issues of global concern.

UD's Salzburg Fellows, designated as distinguished or emerging leaders, will join faculty and professionals from around the world in Salzburg, Austria, to discuss critical issues confronting the global community and strategies for addressing them.

Offered on a diversity of topics throughout the year, the Salzburg Global Seminars are convened at the historic Schloss Leopoldskron (Schloss Palace). The seminars, held over a five-day period, are structured around morning lectures by experts on the session topic, and afternoon working groups facilitated by faculty who lead the group in developing strategies for change, policy proposals or projects for cooperative action.

Kathleen Matt, dean of the College of Health Sciences, and Paul Head, chair of the Department of Music, will serve as faculty presenters, and Lloyd Shorter, assistant professor of music, will join them as a participant in the session “Instrumental Value: The Transformative Power of Music,” April 2-6.

Joan DelFattore, professor of English and legal studies, will participate in “Why Law Matters: The Inaugural Session of the Cutler Center on the Rule of Law,” Aug. 23-28.

Kathleen Minke, professor of education, will participate in “Optimizing Talent: Closing Educational and Social Mobility Gaps Worldwide,” Dec. 6-11; and Gregg Silvis, assistant director of library computing systems, will attend “Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture,” Oct. 19-23.

More than 60 UD faculty have been selected for the Salzburg Global Seminars since the University of Delaware began participating in the programs in 1977, according to Lesa Griffiths, associate provost for international programs and director of the Institute for Global Studies.

“The University of Delaware is very proud of our long-term relationship with the Salzburg Global Seminar,” Griffiths said. “Our Salzburg alumni have had tremendous impact on the internationalization of our campus and have been active participants in discussions on a wide variety of global issues and challenges.”

According to past participants, the Salzburg Global Seminars are not only intellectually and culturally stimulating, but held in beautiful, peaceful surroundings. The Schloss Leopoldskron, where the seminars are held, inspired a number of idyllic settings in the film The Sound of Music. The palace today is a national historic monument.