Newswise — Lousy. Poorly written. Poorly acted. Maryland's resident Tolkien expert " English Professor Verlyn Flieger - has these and a few other choice words to describe her view of Director Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. The third and final installment of the Middle Earth saga will be released to theaters December 17. And while fans around the world have embraced Jackson's vision of Tolkien's universe, Flieger has taken a decidedly contrary view of the films.

Verlyn Flieger, professor of English, University of MarylandExpertise - J.R.R. Tolkien, myth studies and comparative mythology.

Flieger Says: " I think the (Lord of the Rings) films are lousy, poorly written and in many instances poorly acted. There's also too much emphasis on special effects. That subverts one of the book's great strengths, which is the power to awaken the reader's imagination. These films, in fact, leave nothing to the imagination."

Credentials - author or books and numerous articles about Tolkien and mythology including the renowned 1983 book, Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World and A Question of Time: J.R.R. Tolkien's Road to Faerie. Flieger has written her own book based on mythology - "Pig Tales" - that received critical acclaim.

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