Newswise — Representatives from the University of Technical Education (UTE) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam signed a memorandum of understanding with Texas Tech University establishing a cooperative program for undergraduate education.

The arrangement will allow qualified students from UTE to obtain a bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech in the fields of industrial engineering, computer science, finance and banking and business administration.

Students from UTE would complete a predetermined number of courses in Vietnam and then transfer to Texas Tech to finish their degrees.

UTE is the nation’s leading technical education institution and is one of 200 vocational training institutions in Vietnam seeking to raise the percentage of educated labor force in Vietnam by 40 percent in 2010.

This agreement builds upon the work of the Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech which is home to the largest collection of Vietnam-related material outside of the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The Vietnam Center and Archive has assisted with numerous academic agreements between Texas Tech and Vietnamese universities to include the University of DaNang and Open University of Ho Chi Minh City.