Newswise — (TORONTO – April 15, 2014) – Beck Taxi is driving home the message Cancer be beaten, by sporting Joe’s Team auto magnets on all of their taxis during the months of April and May. Founded by the inspirational Torontonian, Joe Finley, Joe’s Team has raised more than $9 million for critical cancer research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Beck Taxi is proud to help raise awareness of the Joe’s Team cause. The Joe’s Team Triathlon has become one of the largest fundraising events in support of The Princess Margaret and in just seven short years has enabled head and neck research staff at the hospital to grow from four to more than sixty clinicians and scientists.

Following invasive chemo, radiation and lung surgery, Joe Finley fulfilled a lifelong goal and completed his first triathlon. That feeling of success led him to partner with The Princess Margaret in 2007 to create Joe’s Team.

“Joe’s Team is an event that will literally change your life and the lives of others,” stated Finley. He always said, “It’s difficult to explain the overwhelming feeling you get when you finish the race. If I could bottle up that feeling and give it to people, they would all participate.”

This year, the Joe’s Team sprint triathlon (750m swim, 5k run, 20k bike) takes place at the CNIB camp on Lake Joseph, Ontario on July 5th. Sadly, Joe passed away in 2010, but spearheaded by his courageous wife Cara, Joe’s Team will continue its aggressive goal of conquering cancer in our lifetime. The triathlon goal this year is to reach $10 million in funding to establish the Joe Finley Centre for Head and Neck Cancer Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Spring marks the official kick-off to sprint triathlon training season; the perfect time for anyone, at almost any fitness level, to become inspired, shed the winter weight, build muscle, and increase endurance. Joe’s Team attracts people at all fitness levels, from first-timers to seasoned triathletes – all committed to a great cause.

“Every time a passenger sees a Joe’s Team auto magnet on a Beck Taxi, they’ll know they are riding in a taxi that is helping to raise awareness in the fight against cancer,” says Kristine Hubbard, Operations Manager, Beck Taxi. “We all have a story about someone who has been touched by cancer. I hope that when people see the Joe’s Team Beck Taxis they are encouraged to do something on their own, whether by taking up the Joe’s Team challenge, making a donation or helping out a friend with cancer.”

For those hesitant to try a TRI, Joe’s Team also offers a duathlon, and a relay option for both the triathlon and duathlon.

About Princess Margaret Cancer Centre The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre has achieved an international reputation as a global leader in the fight against cancer and delivering Personalized Cancer Medicine. The Princess Margaret, one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world, is a member of the University Health Network, which also includes Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. All are research hospitals affiliated with the University of Toronto.

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