Dannagal Young from the University of Delaware studies the content, audience, and effects of political humor. She is available to talk on Jon Stewart’s departure from The Daily Show.

She says, "Stewart and Colbert cultivated an important genre at an important time. But while their departure from Comedy Central may be the end of this era, new, critical, satirical voices will fill that void in ways we haven't even thought of yet and fast.

What Oliver is doing right now on HBO is groundbreaking - pushing the audience beyond mere observation, to actually take action - often on issues that have been ignored by the press.

Meanwhile, young writers in NY and LA working on small stage shows & podcasts, writing for the onion or funny or die have some very important things to say about politics and social issues.

Stewart's impact on America's political and comic sensibility will remain, long after he leaves The Daily Show. The young satirists who have come of age as dedicated fans and apprentices are sure to impress us with where they take this genre next."

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