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Friday, August 17, 2012

Editorial Tip - Links In Your Newswise Release

When you are contributing a story to Newswise through our contribution form, it is always a good idea to make sure you are activating the links found in the text of your article.

Reporters using Newswise have asked for links in news releases, especially when it comes to research published in a journal.  Read our blog about one such reporter’s request here.

Making links in your news release is particularly important if you are copying material from a document like a Word file containing activated links. These links will not translate into the content field if you are just copying and pasting the material. You must activate the links for them to work correctly. You can do this using our handy tools found at the top of the Article Content box. Once you’ve pasted in the content from your document, highlight the text you would like to have hyperlinked and then click the “link” button at top (the chain icon). This will automatically write in the html tags in your article. Make sure to paste in the URL from your original document (in Word, right-click and select “copy hyperlink”). The URL always goes in quotes on the right.

For example, the html for your activated link should look something like

<a href="">this</a>

Also remember that destination url must have a “http://” written in them to automatically be linked to an outside web site. For example:

<a href=""></a>

must be written as

<a href=""></a>

A “http://” button has been placed above the Article Content box for your convenience. This will paste it in where ever your cursor is placed.

Posted by Craig Jones on 08/17/12 at 02:15 PM


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