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Released: 11-Dec-2003 12:00 PM EST
With Nature’s Help, a Better Vision System for Smart Weapons
University of Florida

The next generation of smart weapons may "see" targets with a manmade version of that wonder of the natural world, the insect eye.

15-Dec-2003 2:20 PM EST
Overharvesting Of Brazil Nuts Leading To Fewer Trees
University of Florida

Brazil nuts, those time-honored holiday stocking stuffers, will continue to help save the rainforest -- as long as at least a few of the brown morsels are left behind to grow into trees.

Released: 17-Dec-2003 11:30 AM EST
Elderly Admit Hearing Loss but Not Necessarily Its Effects
University of Florida

The elderly aren't as stubborn as stereotyped in their unwillingness to admit hearing loss, although they may still deny the strain it creates for themselves and others, a new study finds.

Released: 22-Dec-2003 4:30 PM EST
Strong Families Enjoy Most Support from Those Who Find It Difficult
University of Florida

The most positive attitudes about the value of marriage and the importance of families are found among groups that experience the greatest difficulty forming and maintaining healthy family relationships, a new study finds.

Released: 8-Jan-2004 2:00 PM EST
Study Suggests Life on Earth Sprang from Borax Minerals
University of Florida

Researchers say they have shown that minerals were key to some of the initial processes that formed life on Earth.

Released: 22-Jan-2004 11:50 AM EST
Unborn Children Hear ‘Melody’ Of Speech
University of Florida

In a series of unique experiments on a pregnant ewe designed to record exactly what sounds reach the fetal ear, research has bolstered previous findings suggesting that human fetuses likely hear mostly low-frequency rather than high-frequency sounds.

Released: 28-Jan-2004 5:20 AM EST
World Shark Attacks Sink Again, May Signal Long-Term Trend
University of Florida

The number of shark attacks worldwide took a dip for the third straight year, in part perhaps because more people are realizing the ocean is a wild place instead of a backyard swimming pool, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 4-Feb-2004 11:40 AM EST
People Unduly Gloomy In Positive Situations, Upbeat In Negative Ones
University of Florida

Odds are people think the glass is half empty when it is overflowing and half full when it is about to run dry, according to a new study on attitudes about risk.

Released: 11-Feb-2004 4:10 PM EST
Gays, Blacks and Other Groups Stake Out New Roles in Rodeo
University of Florida

The American frontier experience is being replayed by nontraditional groups who are taking the bull by the horns and staging their own rugged rodeos.

Released: 20-Feb-2004 3:30 PM EST
Team Builds Rough-and-Tumble Robot Car for LA-to-Vegas Race
University of Florida

It looks like a cross between a Hummer and a tank. But the squat, pug-nosed car with brown body panels in place of its windshield and windows is radically different from any vehicle on today's roads or battlefields.
