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15-Jun-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Concrete Cracks Heal Themselves
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

In the human body, small wounds are easily treated by the body itself, requiring no further care. For bigger wounds to be healed, the body may need outside assistance. Concrete is like a living body, in that it can self-heal its own small wounds (cracks) as an intrinsic characteristic.

24-Aug-2015 8:00 AM EDT
Building with Recycled Concrete
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Farmington Hills, MI - Every day we are impacted by recycled materials. We dry our hands with recycled paper towels, drink our coffee from recycled paper cups, and even drink our water from recycled plastic bottles. But what about building materials?

17-Sep-2015 8:00 AM EDT
Aging Infrastructure Requires a Better Understanding of the Long-Term Behavior of Bridge Girders
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Long-term durability is a major issue for today’s infrastructure. In order to create concrete bridges with longer service lives and better performance, we must better understand the long-term behavior of these members.

Release date: 16-Nov-2015 2:05 PM EST
american concrete institute tours cutting edge national renewable energy laboratory
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

In conjunction with the Concrete Sustainability Forum 8, held during the American Concrete Institute Concrete Convention and Exposition, Denver, CO, ACI hosted a tour of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) outside Boulder, Colorado.

19-Nov-2015 1:00 PM EST
Sustainable and Safe Concrete Structures? Testing the Seismic Behavior of Full-Scale Recycled Concrete Structures
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Recently, the first full-scale experiments on recycled concrete structures were made and one of the tests was rather ambitious: the structures were subjected to horizontal forces until they collapsed in order to evaluate their seismic capacity.

19-Nov-2015 4:30 PM EST
How Ductility of Concrete Can Influence the Structural Performance of Corroded Reinforced Beams
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Research on reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites shows that they can improve infrastructure sustainability by reducing the amount of repair and maintenance needed during the service life.

20-Nov-2015 9:30 AM EST
Protecting the Environment From the Harmful Effects of Natural Sand Mining
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Due to the environmental effects of natural sand mining, the regulations discourage the use of natural sand for concrete manufacture. Research shows using crushed sand in self-consolidating concrete is a viable alternative.

12-Jan-2016 9:00 AM EST
Study on the Influence of Column Size and Slab Slenderness on Punching Strength
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

This study shows that slenderness has an important influence on the punching strength of slabs with shear reinforcement, despite the fact that it is neglected in many codes of practice.

12-Jan-2016 8:00 AM EST
Measured Load Capacity of Buried Reinforced Concrete Pipes
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

New concrete research indicates that critical crack does not develop until after the specified service load has been surpassed, suggesting that current pipe designs are overly conservative.

13-Jan-2016 8:00 AM EST
Cyclic Lateral Testing of Precast Concrete T-Walls in Fast Low-Rise Construction
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

An innovative precast concrete (PC) T-wall panel system was developed to enhance constructability and lateral load resistance of fast-track, low-rise buildings.
