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Released: 16-Jan-2013 9:50 PM EST
Body's Ibuprofen, SPARC, Reduces Inflammation and Thus Bladder Cancer Development and Metastasis
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Cancer researchers are increasingly aware that in addition to genetic mutations in a cancer itself, characteristics of the surrounding tissue can promote or suppress tumor growth. One of these important tissue characteristics is inflammation – most cancers prosper in and attach to inflamed tissue and so many cancers have developed ways to create it.

Released: 24-Jan-2013 11:50 AM EST
Planning for Bacteria in Cancer Patients May Help Hospitals Fight Infections
University of Colorado Cancer Center

What cancerous conditions lead to what kinds of bacterial infections? If doctors knew, they could predict which patients would likely benefit from pre-treatment with certain kinds of antibiotics. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows the answer: E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae are especially prevalent in patients with lung and GI cancers, more so for Klebsiella if these patients have been treated previously with aminopenicillins.

Released: 31-Jan-2013 11:45 AM EST
Silibinin, Found in Milk Thistle, Protects Against UV-Induced Skin Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A pair of University of Colorado Cancer Center studies published this month show that the milk thistle extract, silibinin, kills skin cells mutated by UVA radiation and protects against damage by UVB radiation - thus protecting against UV-induced skin cancer and photo-aging.

Released: 8-Feb-2013 9:50 AM EST
Long-Term Side-Effects of New, Targeted Therapies in Pediatric Cancer Patients
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A University of Colorado Cancer Center review published this week in the journal Lancet Oncology describes possible long-term side-effects of new, targeted therapies in pediatric cancer patients: what we don’t know may hurt us.

Released: 13-Feb-2013 1:50 PM EST
Problem-Solving Training Helps Mothers Cope with Child’s Cancer Diagnosis
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A multi-site clinical trial including the University of Colorado Cancer Center shows that the benefit of Bright IDEAS problem-solving skills training goes beyond teaching parents to navigate the complex medical, educational, and other systems that accompany a child’s diagnosis of cancer – the training also leads to durable reduction in mothers’ levels of anxiety and symptoms of posttraumatic stress, and improves overall coping with a child’s illness.

Released: 20-Feb-2013 12:00 PM EST
A Diet of Resistant Starch Helps the Body Resist Colorectal Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A University of Colorado Cancer Center review published in this month’s issue of the journal Current Opinion in Gastroenterology shows that resistant starch also helps the body resist colorectal cancer through mechanisms including killing pre-cancerous cells and reducing inflammation that can otherwise promote cancer.

Released: 23-Jul-2013 2:15 PM EDT
Pathways Activated in Most K9 Bone Tumors not Driving the Worst Bone Tumors
University of Colorado Cancer Center

CU Cancer Center and CSU Flint Animal Cancer Center study shows NOTCH signaling elevated in K9 osteosarcoma, but aspects of Notch signaling noticeably deactivated in the worst cancers.

Released: 8-Aug-2013 5:45 PM EDT
With Early, Obvious Benefit of a Targeted Cancer Drug, Should Expensive Clinical Testing Continue?
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Study: If the science behind a drug shows it to be rationally targeted at a cancer-causing genetic mutation, and if early clinical trials show the drug is safe and happens to be especially effective, should the drug be held to the same time-consuming and expensive testing standards of traditional chemotherapies? Or is the clinical trials process a relic from the time of earlier, highly toxic therapies?

Released: 12-Aug-2013 12:20 PM EDT
Perception of Fertility Affects Quality of Life in Young, Female Cancer Survivors
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A recently published CU Cancer Center study shows that beyond the fact of fertility, a young woman's perception of fertility based on regular menstrual cycles after cancer treatment affects her quality of life long after treatment ends.

Released: 20-Aug-2013 1:45 PM EDT
Chromosome 21 Abnormality Tells Oncologists to Treat Pediatric ALL More Aggressively
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A recent study by members of the Children’s Oncology Group reports results of a large trial showing that children whose leukemia cells have amplification of a portion of chromosome 21 may require more aggressive treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) than children without this gene amplification.
