Feature Channels: Sports Medicine

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Released: 14-Feb-2023 7:00 AM EST
Avaliação de 20 anos sugere que atletas com doença cardíaca genética podem retornar com segurança aos esportes competitivos
Mayo Clinic

Atletas com doença cardíaca genética frequentemente são considerados inaptos a participar de esportes competitivos devido ao risco de parada cardíaca súbita. Embora a intenção dos médicos seja compreensível, será que essa é necessariamente a melhor abordagem?

Released: 10-Feb-2023 7:50 PM EST
Review strengthens evidence that repetitive head impacts can cause CTE
Boston University School of Medicine

During the past 17 years, there has been a remarkable increase in scientific research concerning chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) with researchers at the BU CTE Center at the forefront.

Newswise: Marc J. Philippon, MD, FAAOS, Receives OREF Clinical Research Award for 
Validating and Advancing Hip Arthroscopy
Released: 10-Feb-2023 2:55 PM EST
Marc J. Philippon, MD, FAAOS, Receives OREF Clinical Research Award for Validating and Advancing Hip Arthroscopy
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

Marc J. Philippon, MD, FAAOS, was honored with the 2023 Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF) Clinical Research Award, which recognizes outstanding clinical research related to musculoskeletal disease or injury.

Newswise: Super Bowl LVII: Experts available to comment
Released: 9-Feb-2023 2:00 PM EST
Super Bowl LVII: Experts available to comment
Indiana University

Experts are available to comment on sports media, legal sports gambling, sports data, audience engagement, Super Bowl advertisements and player safety.

Released: 8-Feb-2023 2:15 PM EST
Study reveals warning signs of poor mental health in athletes
Staffordshire University

More than 400 athletes across a variety of sports, ages and levels of experience were questioned for the study by sports psychology experts from Staffordshire University and Manchester Metropolitan University.

Newswise: For Former Football Players, Concussion and Hypertension Go Hand in Hand, New Study Shows
Released: 7-Feb-2023 3:00 PM EST
For Former Football Players, Concussion and Hypertension Go Hand in Hand, New Study Shows
Harvard Medical School

New research links history of concussions to elevated risk for high blood pressure among former NFL players . The link between concussion and high blood pressure persisted even after controlling for known hypertension risk factors.

Released: 6-Feb-2023 1:05 PM EST
UTHealth Houston study: Caregivers trust social media more than physicians with CTE questions
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Those caring for people who are at an increased risk of developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are more likely to turn to social media for answers than physicians, according to research from UTHealth Houston.

Newswise: Head trauma doesn't predict memory problems in NFL retirees, UT Southwestern study shows
Released: 2-Feb-2023 11:05 AM EST
Head trauma doesn't predict memory problems in NFL retirees, UT Southwestern study shows
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A study of retired professional football players by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center found that their cognitive abilities did not differ significantly from a control group of similarly aged men who did not play football, nor did those abilities show significant change over one to five years. The findings were published in Brain Injury.

Released: 31-Jan-2023 5:05 PM EST
The latest research news on surgery and transplants

Below are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Surgery and the Transplantation channels on Newswise, a free source for journalists.

Released: 31-Jan-2023 8:00 AM EST
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Como evitar lesões no tornozelo
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Tenho pouco mais de 50 anos e adoro meu estilo de vida ativo. Recentemente, ouvi relatos sobre o aumento de torções e fraturas no tornozelo, particularmente em uma população mais velha, devido em parte à atividade e ao envelhecimento. Em primeiro lugar, como posso evitar essas lesões?

Released: 31-Jan-2023 8:00 AM EST
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: cómo evitar una lesión en el tobillo
Mayo Clinic

Tengo poco más de 50 años y disfruto de un estilo de vida activo. Hace poco, me enteré de que hay informes sobre un aumento de esguinces y fracturas de tobillo, particularmente entre la población más adulta, debido a una combinación de dos factores: la actividad y la edad. ¿Cómo puedo evitar estas lesiones en primer lugar?

Newswise: Exercise is beneficial for people with epilepsy. Many physicians still don't encourage it.
Released: 24-Jan-2023 2:05 PM EST
Exercise is beneficial for people with epilepsy. Many physicians still don't encourage it.
International League Against Epilepsy

Other than in rare cases, physical activity does not increase the risk for seizures in people with epilepsy. But people with epilepsy are less active than the general population and have poorer objective physical fitness than the general population. How can we change that?

Released: 24-Jan-2023 11:05 AM EST
Estudo de evidências do mundo real sobre medicina regenerativa e cirurgia do ombro
Mayo Clinic

JACKSONVILLE, Florida — A aplicação de medicina regenerativa a uma cirurgia de ombro comum pode ter um impacto na necessidade de cirurgia de revisão de acompanhamento em alguns pacientes, de acordo com um estudo da Mayo Clinic.

Released: 24-Jan-2023 11:05 AM EST
Mayo Clinic

根据一项妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)的真实世界证据研究,将再生医学应用于常见的肩关节手术可能会对部分患者的后续修复手术需求产生影响。

Released: 24-Jan-2023 11:05 AM EST
Estudio de evidencia del mundo real sobre medicina regenerativa y cirugía de hombro
Mayo Clinic

JACKSONVILLE, Florida — La aplicación de medicina regenerativa en una cirugía de hombro común puede tener una repercusión en la necesidad de cirugía correctiva de seguimiento en algunos pacientes, según un estudio de evidencia del mundo real de Mayo Clinic.

Released: 24-Jan-2023 11:05 AM EST
دراسة بأدلة واقعية على الطب التجديدي وجراحة الكتف
Mayo Clinic

إن تطبيق الطب التجديدي على إحدى جراحات الكتف الشائعة قد يكون له تأثيرٌ على الحاجة إلى جراحة مراجعة للمتابعة بالنسبة لبعض المرضى، وفقًا لدراسة مايو كلينك ذات الأدلة الواقعية. حيث حلل باحثو

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This news release is embargoed until 23-Jan-2023 5:00 PM EST Released to reporters: 17-Jan-2023 2:00 PM EST

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Newswise: Tears in Tokyo: Muscle–tendon injuries during Olympic competition can spell heartbreak
Released: 18-Jan-2023 6:55 PM EST
Tears in Tokyo: Muscle–tendon injuries during Olympic competition can spell heartbreak
Tokyo Medical and Dental University

In a recent study, researchers reviewed magnetic resonance images (MRI) of muscle injuries experienced by athletes during the Tokyo Olympic Games and found that when muscle injuries were characterized by torn fibers extending to the tendon, athletes were often unable to finish their events.

13-Jan-2023 4:45 PM EST
Good News for Athletes Who Are Slow to Recover from Concussion
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new study suggests that athletes who recover more slowly from concussion may be able to return to play with an additional month of recovery beyond the typical recovery time, according to a new study published in the January 18, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Slow recovery was defined as taking more than 14 days for symptoms to resolve or taking more than 24 days to return to play, both of which are considered the typical recovery times for about 80% of athletes with concussion.
