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Released: 29-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
AHCPR-Funded Studies Address Insulin Therapy For Type 2 Diabetes; Diagnostic Protocols For Chest Pain
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Two AHCPR-funded research projects appear in the November 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The first study is about the use of insulin in the management of type-2 diabetes. The other is about treating chest pain effectively without a costly hospital admission.

Released: 29-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
AHCPR Announces New Center, Consolidating Two Components to Improve Efficiency
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) is consolidating two existing components to create the Center for Practice and Technology Assessment (CPTA), which will oversee the Agency's Evidence-based Practice Program. CPTA will house the existing Office of the Forum for Quality and Effectiveness in Health Care, and will include the functions of the previous Center for Health Care Technology. The consolidation, designed to improve efficiency, is being announced in today's Federal Register.

Released: 29-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
AHCPR Studies Suggest Quality Improvements
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Five new papers supported by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) present findings and suggestions that could be used to improve the quality of medical care.

Released: 29-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Helping Smokers Quit Is Cost-Effective
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

A new report released by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) finds that smoking cessation interventions are cost-effective. While all types of cessation treatment were found to be cost-effective, those involving more intensive counseling and the nicotine patch proved to be especially worthwhile. Smoking cessation interventions are less costly than other preventive medical interventions such as the treatment of high cholesterol.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
New Scientist Tip Sheet for 11-26-97
New Scientist

New Scientist Tip Sheet for 11-26-97

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Holograms of CT Scans Display Neurovascular & Spine Pathology More Accurately and Clearly Than Software Renderings
Communications Plus

A physician reporting at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting this week will describe how the Digital Holographyô System from VoxelÆ (NASDAQ:VOXL) improves display of cerebral vasculature and reduces or eliminates image artifacts in patients with surgical hardware. Additionally, Voxel will introduce software for previewing three-dimensional holograms on a computer.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa study finds that a non-invasive, low-cost test for lung cancer is appropriate for many patients
University of Iowa

When it comes to lung cancer diagnosis sometimes less is more, even in the high-tech world of medicine. That is the message of a University of Iowa study showing that the analysis of sputum -- a low-cost, low-risk method for detecting lung cancer -- makes more sense as an initial diagnostic test for many patients than the more expensive invasive methods. In addition, the potential national savings in testing costs with the adoption of sputum analysis would be at least $30 million per year.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
American Heart Association's 23rd International Joint Conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulation
American Heart Association (AHA)

You are invited to cover the AHA's 23rd International Joint Conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulation, which will be held February 5-7, 1998 at the Omni Rosen in Orlando. This is the largest conference in the world that draws together medical scientists and physicians engaged in research and treatment of stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious disability. More than 1,500 scientists are expected to attend from the United States and other nations

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
November Tip Sheet
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Tips related to chem/bio warfare 1. Chemical microsensors detect signs of munitions or toxins. 2. PCR technology tell if pathogens are natural outbreak -- or not. 3. Acoustic signature reveals container contents. 4. Modeling bioagent dispersals in urban settings. 5. A lab tool for bioanalysis is now used in the field by the Army. 6. Remote detection technology aids defense against terrorism.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Management expert: Top jobs still out of reach for most women
Purdue University

Research on women in management positions suggests that women are cracking, but still rarely breaking through, the corporate "glass ceiling." The study, co-authored by Jodi S. Goodman, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Purdue University's Krannert Graduate School of Management, notes that only 3 percent to 5 percent of top managers are women.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Purdue discovery may help paper mills, livestock feed
Purdue University

A Purdue biochemist has identified plant genes that could soon help the wood industry produce paper with less waste and livestock get more nutrition out of their feed.

Released: 27-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Cell Article: Single Genetic Locus Linked to Top Cancer-Targeted Biochemical Pathways
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

While identifying a new cancer-fighting tumor suppressor gene called ARF, scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have made another, potentially more far-reaching discovery, that a single genetic locus called INK4a encodes protein products that regulate the most frequently targeted biochemical pathways in human cancers.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Gay men relate their development in new book
Cornell University

Cornell University Professor of Human Development Ritch Savin-Williams analyzes developmental milestones and turning points of 180 gay young men with generous excerpts from their poignant and diverse personal stories.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Tips from the American Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association (APA)

December Online Tipsheet from the American Psychiatric Association: 1) Antidepressants and Sexual Dysfunction: Women Fare Better than Men, 2) Child Abuse Linked to Multiple Personality Disorder, 3) Poor Quality of Life for PTSD Vietnam Vets, 4) ECT Effective Among Elderly, 5) Public and Private Health System Treatment Both Work for Children

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Particle Matter Air Pollution Focus of New Research Program
University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)

The University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) has established a program to conduct research and demonstrate technologies related to fine particle matter, an air pollutant that affects human health and the environment.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Biological Clocks No Longer Found Only in the Brain
National Science Foundation (NSF)

A recent discovery by a team of scientists, working in part through the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Center for Biological Timing, challenges the strongly-held belief that 24-hour rhythms (biological clocks) are centrally controlled by the brain.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Research Finds Insulin Ineffective For Many Diabetics
University of Michigan

People with type 2 diabetes are routinely encouraged to strictly control their blood sugar at near-normal levels, but a new study indicates this is extremely difficult to do through conventional use of insulin. The study evaluates how effective, safe and costly insulin treatment is in a typical setting.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
NSF November 24, 1997 Tipsheet
National Science Foundation (NSF)

1) Scientists demonstrate new need to preserve biodiversity, 2) U.S. Research and Development (R&D) expenditures exceed expectations, 3) Carbon, not sulfate, prevails in polluted D.C. air

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Society of Gynecologic Oncology

Newly Released Study Recommends Genetic Testing of Gynecologic Cancer Victims in this High Risk Group, Regardless of Family History

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
NC State Experts Know Science and Politics of Greenhouse Gases
North Carolina State University

On Dec. 1, more than 100 countries will send delegations to the United Nations Kyoto Conference of the Parties to discuss limiting greenhouse gas emissions. North Carolina State University experts have researched this important environmental issue, taken part in worldwide conferences debating the actions needed to help ensure the world's environmental health, and have studied the policies motivating the politics. Call on them if you'd like to localize your coverage of the Kyoto Conference.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
UIC Program Allows Patients to Test Blood at Home and Transmit Results to Hospital Electronically
University of Illinois Chicago

The University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center has developed a home health monitoring system that allows older patients to test their own blood at home and transmit the results electronically to the hospital.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Global Climate Change Recorded in Antarctic Marine Fossils
National Science Foundation (NSF)

An ancient type of marine community typical of 450 million years ago has resurfaced in Antarctic fossils of near-modern age. A National Science Foundation-sponsored expedition to Seymour Island off the Antarctic Peninsula unearthed an ecological anomaly: fossil communities only 40-million-years-old dominated by brittle stars and sea lilies (marine invertebrates like starfish).

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
IntraLase Will Develop Laser Systems For Eye Surgery
University of Michigan

A new University of Michigan spin-off company---IntraLase Corporation---will develop and market a new generation of lasers for high-precision medical applications. The lasers will cut delicate structures, such as the cornea of the eye, while avoiding damage to overlying or adjacent tissue---something not possible with current clinical laser technology.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Enzymes May Improve Delivery Of Anticancer Drug Derived From The Pacific Yew Tree
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Washington -- Scientists today report making modifications to the promising anticancer drug paclitaxel, originally isolated from the Pacific yew tree, that they say may enable it to be more soluble in a patient's body and therefore more effective. The drug's limited solubility has complicated its efficacy in cancer treatment.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Millions Face Barriers to Obtaining Medical Care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Nearly 13 million of the roughly 110 million families in the United States -- 11.6 percent of all families -- experienced difficulty or delays in obtaining medical care or did not get the care they needed during 1996, according to new estimates from the federal Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). In addition, more than 46 million Americans had no usual source of health care in 1996. This means nearly 18 percent of the population had no particular doctor's office, clinic, health center or other place where they would usually go if they were sick or needed advice about their health.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Experts Available To Discuss Global Climate Change Issues
University of Michigan

Several University of Michigan scientists currently conducting research on questions related to the effects of global warming, climate change and increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are available for interviews. Here is a summary of their areas of expertise and how to reach them.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
How to Run an Experiment Without Leaving Home
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

A $20 million crystal growth experiment on board the current flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia is making Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute a testbed for the remote telescience that will be the paradigm for research on the planned International Space Station.

Released: 25-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Commission Report on Dietary Supplement Labels Urges More Research, Improved Consumer Education
Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

Washington, DC-- In a final report issued today, a presidential commission recommended a number of measures to increase the public's knowledge about the role of dietary supplements in promoting good health and urged more scientific research to enhance the knowledge base about supplements.

Released: 25-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
PhRMA Marks World AIDS Day With Release of New Study
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

Pharmaceutical companies have 124 new medicines and vaccines for AIDS in clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to a survey release by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to mark World AIDS Day (December 1).

Released: 25-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
News about Science, Technology and Engineering at Iowa State University
Iowa State University

November tips include 1.) High-tech snow plows set to battle winter, 2.) Making PC's work like supercomputers, 3.) New alliance for nondestructive evaluation education.

Released: 25-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Lead Sheet: 1997 International Conference on Global Warming in Kyoto, Japan
Boston University

At the December 1ñ10 Kyoto conference on global warming, the economic consequences of imposing carbon dioxide limits versus environmental safety will be hotly debated. To help the media provide perspective on the business, scientific, political, and economic aspects of this story, we have compiled a list of experts who can address various aspects of these issues.

Released: 25-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Final Exams Cause Colds
Dick Jones Communications

The end of a college semester brings two things--lots of finals and plenty of students with colds. It's not the exams that make students sick, but the stress of preparing for them does make students more susceptible to colds and other viral infections.

Released: 24-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Recombinant Protein Immunizes Mice, Promises New Strategy Against Infection and Cancer
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Solving a long-standing problem in vaccine development, scientists have crafted a new way to deliver foreign proteins into the body such that the immune system is primed to attack virus-infected cells and cancer cells. Because this kind of an immune response is key to vaccine development, the findings have profound implications for developing safe vaccines to immunize against AIDS and other infectious diseases, and for creating new cancer therapies.

Released: 24-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
High-fat meal may raise risk of blood clotting -- increasing heart attack and stroke risk
American Heart Association (AHA)

A high-fat meal can spark a dramatic rise in a blood coagulation factor, which may increase the risk of death from heart disease and stroke, researchers report in this month's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, a journal of the American Heart Association

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
UT Southwestern Center for Breast Care Offers New Risk Assessment Program
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Two means of assessing a woman's risk of developing breast cancer Ø one for the general population and one for women with a family history of the disease Ø are being offered through a new program in the UT Southwestern Center for Breast Care.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Compound Accelerates Fruit Ripening, Slows Softening After Harvest
University of Wisconsin–Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison horticulturists have identified a compound that causes fruit to ripen more quickly and last longer on grocers' shelves and in our refrigerators.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
World Fisheries at Maximum Capacity, Scientists Warn
Wildlife Conservation Society

In a compendium of more than 25 peer-reviewed papers published this month, scientists warn that the world's fisheries are now considered fully or heavily exploited, and need new management schemes to prevent collapse.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Expert on Touch Therapy
Nova Southeastern University

A massage can be like medicine. That's according to Dr. Tiffany Field, Dean of the Mailman Family and School Center at Nova Southeastern University. She also oversees the university's newly established Touch Research Institute and Wellness Center.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Health Care on Cruise Ships Not Sufficient
Nova Southeastern University

Travelers need to be aware of the limitiations of cruise-ship health care just as they would be aware of health-care problems in foreign countries.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Sound of Parasaurolophus Dinosaur to Resonate through Museum on December 5
Sandia National Laboratories

Did the large plant-eating Parasaurolophus dinosaur bellow, screech, roar or honk? Find out at 10 a.m. Dec. 5 when Sandia National Laboratories and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science ìunveilî the sound the dinosaur made 70 million years ago.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Sandia creates microtransmission; vastly increases power of microengine
Sandia National Laboratories

A microtransmission about the size of a grain of sand, developed at Sandia National Laboratories, can increase the power of its micro- engine (also the size of a grain of sand) 3 million times, and theoretically move an object weighing one pound.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
B-School News: UD to host Philadelphia MBA Forum Dec. 6
University of Delaware

The University of Delaware's rapidly rising College of Business and Economics has been invited to host an MBA Forum on Saturday, Dec. 6, in Philadelphia, providing would-be master of business administration students with a rare opportunity to meet admissions professionals from more than 100 of the world's leading graduate business schools.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
How little gray cells process sound: they're really a series of computers
University of Washington

Individual brain cells continually perfrom complex computational tasks to help humans, bats, gerbil, birds and other creatures distinguish what a sound ;is and where it is coming from. To do this, individual neurons do not just relay information from one point to another. Instead each neuron could be compared to a tiny computer that compiles ;information from many sources and makes a decision based on that information, say a group of neuroscientists who are beginning to unravel how brain cells continually perform complex computations what a sound is and where it's coming from.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
University of Wyoming

Proposed legislation to expand the services offered by American banks will be difficult to push through Congress because the industry is divided over the issue, according to Sherrill Shaffer, who heads the University of Wyoming's new program in banking and financial services.

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
October climate was a little on the dry side
Cornell University

October turned out dry in the Northeast, according to climatologists from the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University.

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Older moms have favorite children and admit it
Cornell University

Cornell University gerontologist finds that 80 percent of older moms have favorite children and most children think -- wrongly -- that they are it. Moms tend to favor children who had problems out of their control.

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Probability chart for a 'white' Thanksgiving
Cornell University

A probability chart developed by the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University shows the chances of a 'white' Thanksgiving. The chart gives the probability of one-inch or more of snow on the ground Thanksgiving morning.

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
African American Males More Likely Than Any Other Group to Lose Motivation to Succeed in School by Twelfth Grade
American Psychological Association (APA)

African American boys, compared with Whites, Hispanics and African American girls, are "particularly and perhaps uniquely" vulnerable to "academic disidentification," the phenomenon in which success or failure in school ceases to matter to the student. The finding comes from a four-year study of nearly 25,000 high school students across the United States and is reported in the December issue of the Journal of Educational Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Purdue Researchers Track Oil Spill's Effects on Sea Otters
Purdue University

Studies on the health of sea otters in Alaska are helping scientists understand how an ecosystem responds to an environmental disaster. Paul W. Snyder, a Purdue University veterinary pathologist, is studying the effects that the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound has had on the Alaskan sea otter population.

Released: 21-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Purdue Study: Bankruptcy Laws are Part of the Problem
Purdue University

The bankruptcy system in the United States functions as unlimited insurance for financially troubled consumers, with the rest of us paying the premiums. That's the conclusion of a joint study released recently from Purdue University and the Credit Research Center at Georgetown University.
