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Released: 7-Jul-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Los pacientes con lesiones graves del plexo braquial que se someten a una amputación informan que es beneficiosa
Mayo Clinic

La cirugía reconstructiva puede no funcionar en algunas personas con lesiones graves del plexo braquial y, por ello, optan por la amputación.

Released: 6-Jul-2022 4:45 PM EDT
How Older Adults and Their Caregivers View Pain, Depression and Other Patient Symptoms
Regenstrief Institute

Adults, especially older adults, may be in pain or depressed but not able to convey details of their symptoms and quality of life to their doctors for various reasons including cognitive impairment.

Released: 1-Jul-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Dissolving implantable device relieves pain without drugs
Northwestern University

A Northwestern University-led team of researchers has developed a small, soft, flexible implant that relieves pain on demand and without the use of drugs.

Released: 1-Jul-2022 2:10 PM EDT
خبير يشارك نصائح للوقاية من إصابات رياضات المضرب و"العصا"
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا— النشاط أمر مفيد للجسم، إلا إن بعض الرياضات قد تكون قاسية بشكل خاص على اليدين والمعصمين. إن الألم في جانب الرسغ المقابل للإبهام - والذي يُسمى ألم الرسغ الزندي -- هو أحد الأسباب الشائعة للألم المنهك لدى الرياضيين الذين يمارسون الرياضات التي تستخدم "العصي" أو رياضات المضرب، مثل: التنس، والغولف، والهوكي، واللاكروس.

Released: 30-Jun-2022 2:05 PM EDT
A dor nas pernas pode ser causada pelas varizes?
Mayo Clinic

Pacientes que estejam com dores e sensação de peso ou de queimação nas pernas podem estar vivenciando sintomas das varizes. Essas veias torcidas e dilatadas geralmente se desenvolvem conforme a pessoa envelhece, mas também podem começar ainda na juventude.

Released: 30-Jun-2022 2:05 PM EDT
¿Pueden las venas varicosas causar dolor en la pierna?
Mayo Clinic

Los pacientes que tienen una sensación de dolor, peso o ardor en las piernas pueden estar presentando síntomas de venas varicosas. Estas venas torcidas y agrandadas suelen desarrollarse a medida que la gente envejece, aunque también aparecen en personas más jóvenes.

Released: 30-Jun-2022 2:05 PM EDT
هل يمكن أن يكون ألم الساق بسبب الدوالي الوريدية؟
Mayo Clinic

ربما يمر المرضى الذين يعانون من شعور مؤلم وثقل أو حرقان في أرجلهم بأعراض الدوالي الوريدية. غالبًا ما تظهر هذه الأوردة الملتوية والمتضخمة مع التقدم في العمر، ولكنها يمكن أن تبدأ في الظهور أيضًا لدى الناس الأصغر سنًا. أي وريد قريب من سطح الجلد - يسمى وريدًا سطحيًا - يمكن أن يصبح دوالي وريدية.

Released: 30-Jun-2022 11:50 AM EDT
Patients with Severe Brachial Plexus Injuries Who Undergo Amputation Report Benefits, Mayo Study Finds
Mayo Clinic

Reconstruction surgery may not work for some people with severe brachial plexus injuries, so they choose to undergo amputation. In a retrospective review by Mayo Clinic researchers, these patients reported less mechanical shoulder pain, higher employment rates and more satisfaction after amputation. The paper appears online in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.

28-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Winning by Default: Tonsillectomy Study Shows Power of Pre-Set Opioid Rx Size
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A small tweak to hospitals’ prescribing systems might make a big difference in reducing risk from leftover opioid pain medication, while still making sure surgery patients get relief from their post-operation pain, a new study suggests.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 1:50 PM EDT
Migraine Treatment Device Maker CEFALY Technology Streamlines Subscription Experience With Ordergroove
Cefaly Technology

CEFALY Technology has partnered with Ordergroove, the leader in Relationship Commerce, to offer an upgraded electrode subscription experience to its customers.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Un experto nos comparte sugerencias para evitar lesiones en los deportes que se juegan con «palos» o raquetas
Mayo Clinic

Aquel dolor de la muñeca en el lado opuesto al pulgar y conocido como dolor cubital de la muñeca es la causa frecuente de un dolor debilitante en los deportistas que usan «palos» o raquetas para practicar deportes como tenis, golf, hockey y lacrosse.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic


Released: 28-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Especialista compartilha dicas para prevenir lesões em esportes de tacos e raquetes
Mayo Clinic

A dor na lateral do punho do lado oposto ao polegar, chamada de dor na borda ulnar do punho, é uma causa comum de dor debilitante em atletas que praticam esportes que usam tacos ou raquetes, como tênis, golfe, hóquei e lacrosse.

Released: 27-Jun-2022 4:10 PM EDT
Sleep Deprivation Influences Physician Perception of Patient Pain
University of Missouri, Columbia

Doctors who are sleep deprived have less empathy for patient pain and that perception affects their prescribing habits, according to a new international study from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and researchers in Israel.

Released: 23-Jun-2022 11:45 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic


Released: 21-Jun-2022 12:20 PM EDT
New Drugs with High Abuse Potential More Likely to Be Approved, Go to Market to Treat Pain
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

CHICAGO – “Despite the prevalence and societal costs of pain in the United States, investment in pain medication development is low, due in part to poor understanding of the probability of successful development of such medications,” said the authors of a study published Online First in Anesthesiology, the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).

Released: 15-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

据世界卫生组织(WHO)称,头痛疾病是全球最常见的健康问题之一,也是最未得到适当诊断和治疗的疾病之一。在这次专家提醒中,凤凰城妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的头痛和偏头痛专家兼神经科医生Amaal Starling医学博士针对包括偏头痛和药物诱发的反弹性头痛在内的各种疾病,提出了一些预防和管理头痛的建议。

Released: 14-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Especialista da Mayo Clinic dá dicas de como prevenir e gerenciar dores de cabeça, desde a enxaqueca até a “cefaleia de rebote”
Mayo Clinic

Os distúrbios de dores de cabeça estão entre os problemas de saúde mais comuns em todo o mundo e são um dos mais subdiagnosticados e subtratados, segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Neste alerta do especialista, a neurologista Dra. Amaal Starling, M.D., especialista em dor de cabeça e enxaqueca da Mayo Clinic em Phoenix, dá dicas para prevenir e gerenciar distúrbios de dor de cabeça, incluindo enxaqueca e a cefaleia de rebote induzida por medicamentos.

Released: 14-Jun-2022 3:15 PM EDT
"Yes, optimists live longer" and more research news on Aging for media

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Aging channel on Newswise, a free source for journalists.

Released: 13-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
خبير مايو كلينك يقدم نصائح للوقاية من الصداع وإدارته، من الصداع النصفي إلى الصداع "الارتدادي" اضطرابات الصداع ولإدارتها، ومنها: الصداع النصفي، والصداع الارتدادي الناجم عن الأدوية.
Mayo Clinic

فينيكس، أريزونا. — إن اضطرابات الصداع من أكثر المشاكل الصحية شيوعًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، وواحدة من أكثر المشاكل التي لا يتم تشخيصها أو علاجها، وفقًا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO). في هذا التنبيه الذي يقدمه الخبير، تقدم طبيبة الأعصاب آمال ستارلينج، دكتور الطب، وهي خبير في الصداع والشقيقة في مايو كلينك في فينيكس، نصائح للوقاية من اضطرابات الصداع ولإدارتها، ومنها: الصداع النصفي، والصداع الارتدادي الناجم عن الأدوية.

7-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Spinal Anesthesia Associated with More Pain, Prescription Analgesic Use After Hip Surgery Compared with General Anesthesia
American College of Physicians (ACP)

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing spinal versus general anesthesia for hip surgery found that spinal anesthesia was associated with worse pain immediately after surgery and higher rates of pain reliever prescriptions at 60 days. However, differences in pain, satisfaction, or mental status between the two interventions seemed to diminish at 60, 180, or 365 days after surgery. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

9-Jun-2022 10:40 AM EDT
Spinal Anesthesia Linked to Higher Painkiller Use in Hip Fracture Patients
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A study examining pain and prescription use among hip fracture patients compared outcomes among those who had spinal anesthesia and those who had general anesthesia

Released: 13-Jun-2022 12:40 PM EDT
Increased Overdose and Mental Health Risks Persist Two Years After Opioid Dose Reduction
UC Davis Health

A new UC Davis Health study suggests that the increased rates of overdose and mental health crisis observed during the first year after opioid dose tapering persist through the second year. The study was published in JAMA Network Open.

Released: 13-Jun-2022 10:55 AM EDT
Brain Differences in Pain Modulation in People with Self-Injury Behaviour
Karolinska Institute

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden might have found an explanation for why people with self-injury behaviour generally feel less pain than others.

Released: 8-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Experta de Mayo Clinic ofrece sugerencias para prevenir y controlar los dolores de cabeza, desde migrañas hasta cefaleas por efecto rebote
Mayo Clinic

Los trastornos por cefalea están entre los problemas de salud más frecuentes en todo el mundo, pero son de los menos diagnosticados y tratados, dice la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).

Released: 8-Jun-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic expert offers tips to prevent, manage headaches, from migraine to ‘rebound’
Mayo Clinic

Headache disorders are among the most common health problems worldwide and one of the most underdiagnosed and undertreated, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In this expert alert, neurologist Amaal Starling, M.D., a headache and migraine expert at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, offers tips to prevent and manage headache disorders, including migraine and medication-induced rebound headache.

Released: 8-Jun-2022 1:05 PM EDT
How Does the Brain Process Heat as Pain?
Case Western Reserve University

A team of researchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine believe they’ve found an answer to how thermal pain is sensed.

Released: 7-Jun-2022 12:40 PM EDT
CEFALY Technology Marks a Milestone: 2 Billion Migraines Treated & Counting!
Cefaly Technology

As Migraine and Headache Awareness Month kicks off, CEFALY Technology is celebrating its 8th anniversary in the United States and a major milestone: 2 billion migraines treated with the CEFALY migraine treatment device.

Released: 7-Jun-2022 1:05 AM EDT
Activating an Amygdala-Brainstem Pathway Relieves Pain and Improves Emotional State in Rats
Society for Neuroscience

Activating a circuit between the amygdala and brainstem relieves pain and reduces defensive behaviors in rats, according to research recently published in JNeurosci.

Released: 2-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
هل يمكن أن تؤثر الأورام الليفية الرحمية على الحمل؟ خبير مايو كلينك يشرح لنا
Mayo Clinic

الورم الليفي الرحمي هو نمو حميد أو غير سرطاني في الجزء العضلي من الرحم. ورغم أنه شائع، فإنه قد يسبب الألم والنزيف المفرط، ويثير مخاوف بشأن الخصوبة والحمل بالنسبة للبعض.

Released: 2-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
O mioma uterino pode afetar a gravidez? Especialista da Mayo Clinic explica
Mayo Clinic

Um mioma uterino é um crescimento benigno ou não cancerígeno da porção muscular do útero. Embora comum, ele pode causar dor e sangramento excessivo, além de preocupações sobre fertilidade e gravidez para algumas pessoas.

Released: 2-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
¿Pueden los fibromas uterinos afectar el embarazo? Una experta de Mayo Clinic lo explica
Mayo Clinic

Un fibroma uterino es un tumor benigno, o no canceroso, en la parte muscular del útero. Aunque los fibromas sean frecuentes, en algunas mujeres pueden provocar dolor y sangrado excesivo, además de inquietudes respecto a la fertilidad y el embarazo.

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Awarded $3 Million to Study Opioid Use in Hospitalized Infants
Released: 2-Jun-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Awarded $3 Million to Study Opioid Use in Hospitalized Infants
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA researchers received the grant to study the long-term influence of opioids, a class of powerful painkillers, on hospitalized, critically ill infants. Extended opioid use may cause health and developmental issues and the $3 million grant will help identify the long-term effects of opioid pain relief for newborns.

Released: 27-May-2022 8:45 AM EDT
Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: We previously reported the efficacy of an 8-week home-based therapeutic immersive virtual reality (VR) program in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. Community-based adults with self-reported chronic low b...

Released: 24-May-2022 12:05 PM EDT
NIH Awards $9 Million to Wake Forest University School of Medicine to Study ‘Love Hormone’ as Treatment for Pain
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

Scientists at Wake Forest University School of Medicine have been awarded approximately $9 million from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to study the use of oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone, as a treatment for pain after injury.

Newswise:Video Embedded recommendations-for-interventional-pain-procedures-during-contrast-shortage
Released: 24-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Recommendations for Interventional Pain Procedures During Contrast Shortage
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Pain medicine practitioners should take measures to reduce the use of iodinated contrast medium in interventional pain procedures due to the current shortage of iohexol. Clinicians are advised to consider using alternate image guidance, such as ultrasound, delaying non-urgent procedures, and using alternative contrast agents, according to guidance just released by ASRA Pain Medicine.

Released: 23-May-2022 5:05 PM EDT
New research may explain unexpected effects of common painkillers
Yale University

Now, a new Yale-led study has uncovered a previously unknown process by which some NSAIDs affect the body.

Released: 23-May-2022 4:15 PM EDT
During general anaesthesia, 1 in 10 people may be ‘conscious’ following intubation
University of Alberta

An international study has found around 1 in 10 participants under planned general anaesthesia were able to respond to commands. Importantly no subjects remembered the commands after surgery. Researchers say the study sheds light on a medical phenomena known as ‘connected consciousness’.

Released: 23-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Experts stress importance of monitoring for post-treatment opioid use in young sarcoma patients

New analysis finds more than half of U.S. adolescents and young adults with sarcoma—a type of cancer in the bones or soft tissues—are often prescribed opioids to treat their pain.

Released: 20-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Medicinal cannabis shown to reduce pain and need for opiate painkillers among cancer patients

A comprehensive assessment of the benefits of medical cannabis for cancer-related pain found that for most oncology patients, pain measures improved significantly, other cancer-related symptoms also decreased, the consumption of painkillers was reduced, and the side effects were minimal.

Released: 17-May-2022 1:45 PM EDT
Stress could make us more likable, and other Behavioral Science news tips

Here are some of the latest articles added to the Behavioral Science channel on Newswise.

Released: 17-May-2022 8:45 AM EDT
National Medical Billing Services Announces Acquisition of Medi-Corp, Inc.
National Medical Billing Services

National Medical Billing Services ("National Medical"), an industry leading healthcare revenue cycle management ("RCM") company serving the surgical market, has acquired Medi-Corp, Inc. ("Medi-Corp" or the "Company"), a nationwide RCM services provider specializing in anesthesia, ASCs, and pain management.

Released: 13-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Hispanic people with chest pain wait in ER on average 28 minutes longer than other people
American Heart Association (AHA)

Hispanic people who went to the emergency room (ER) reporting chest pain waited longer than non-Hispanic people to be treated, admitted to the hospital or discharged from the ER, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association’s Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Sessions 2022.

Released: 13-May-2022 3:05 PM EDT
"Growing end" of inflammation discovered
University of Bonn

Redness, swelling, pain - these are signs of inflammation.

Released: 13-May-2022 2:00 AM EDT
Multimodal Chronic Pain Therapy for Adults via Smartphone: Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Combination therapies delivered remotely via the internet or mobile devices are increasingly being used to improve and promote the self-management of chronic conditions. However, little is known regarding the long-term ef...

Released: 10-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Discovery in the brains of army veterans with chronic pain could pave way for personalized treatments

A new study is the first to investigate brain connectivity patterns at rest in veterans with both chronic pain and trauma, finding three unique brain subtypes potentially indicating high, medium, and low susceptibility to pain and trauma symptoms.

Released: 9-May-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Study Finds Duloxetine Added to Multimodal Pain Management Reduced Opioid Use After Knee Replacement
Geoffrey Westrich, MD

A study by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) found that the antidepressant duloxetine reduced the use of opioid medication when added to a multimodal pain management regimen after knee replacement surgery. The study appeared in The Journal of Arthroplasty.

Newswise: UTSW Study Finds New Pain Management Approach Reduced Opioid Use After C-Sections
Released: 2-May-2022 6:05 PM EDT
UTSW Study Finds New Pain Management Approach Reduced Opioid Use After C-Sections
UT Southwestern Medical Center

For years, women recovering from cesarean section (C-section) deliveries have been given devices that let them, with a button, control the flow of opioid painkillers into their IV line. But as researchers and policymakers push to curb the use of opioids, clinicians are developing new strategies for treating pain after C-sections.

Newswise: Novel stent, from Ureteral Stent Co. and invented by University Hospitals Cleveland's Dr. Lee Ponsky, secures FDA clearance
Released: 2-May-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Novel stent, from Ureteral Stent Co. and invented by University Hospitals Cleveland's Dr. Lee Ponsky, secures FDA clearance
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Relief™ Stent, a new urinary stent invented by Lee Ponsky, MD, in collaboration with Dean Secrest, secured FDA 510k clearance, which means it can be marketed in the U.S. for patients suffering from kidney stones and other issues causing difficulty with drainage of the kidney.

Newswise: Study Helps Determine Light Sedation Levels Among ICU Patients
27-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Study Helps Determine Light Sedation Levels Among ICU Patients
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

A pilot study at Maine Medical Center found that scores on the RAS and SASS sedation scales that were best associated with a patient's ability to follow at least three commands are higher than the commonly recommended thresholds for each assessment tool.
