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Newswise: Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found
Released: 29-Feb-2024 2:00 PM EST
Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found

Using archival data from the Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers have measured the heaviest pair of supermassive black holes ever found. The merging of two supermassive black holes is a phenomenon that has long been predicted, though never observed. This massive pair gives clues as to why such an event seems so unlikely in the Universe.

Newswise: Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found
Released: 29-Feb-2024 2:00 PM EST
Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found

Using archival data from the Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers have measured the heaviest pair of supermassive black holes ever found. The merging of two supermassive black holes is a phenomenon that has long been predicted, though never observed. This massive pair gives clues as to why such an event seems so unlikely in the Universe.

Newswise: Astronómos miden el par de Agujeros Negros más pesado jamás encontrado
Released: 29-Feb-2024 2:00 PM EST
Astronómos miden el par de Agujeros Negros más pesado jamás encontrado

Usando datos de archivo del telescopio Gemini Norte, un equipo de astrónomos midió un par de agujero negros supermasivos, los más pesados jamás encontrados. La fusión de estos agujeros negros supermasivos es un fenómeno que se predice desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque nunca se ha observado. Este par masivo nos entrega pistas de por qué un evento como este es tan improbable en el Universo.

Newswise: Astronómos miden el par de Agujeros Negros más pesado jamás encontrado
Released: 29-Feb-2024 2:00 PM EST
Astronómos miden el par de Agujeros Negros más pesado jamás encontrado

Usando datos de archivo del telescopio Gemini Norte, un equipo de astrónomos midió un par de agujero negros supermasivos, los más pesados jamás encontrados. La fusión de estos agujeros negros supermasivos es un fenómeno que se predice desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque nunca se ha observado. Este par masivo nos entrega pistas de por qué un evento como este es tan improbable en el Universo.

Released: 28-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST
Solar flares: U-M experts highlight gaps preventing accurate predictions of impacts around Earth
University of Michigan

The recent spike of activity from the sun occurred during what NASA has dubbed the Heliophysics Big Year—a celebration of solar science centered on the April 8 total eclipse, the last that will be visible from the continental U.S. for 20 years.

Newswise:Video Embedded the-west-is-best-to-spot-ufos
Released: 27-Feb-2024 6:05 PM EST
The West is best to spot UFOs
University of Utah

Most sighting reports of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena occur in the American West where proximity to public lands, dark skies and military installations afford more opportunities to see strange objects in the air. Understanding environmental context may help identify truly anomalous objects that are a legitimate threat.

Newswise: NASA Space Technology and Google Earth Engine Computing Power Are Helping to Save Tigers
Released: 27-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
NASA Space Technology and Google Earth Engine Computing Power Are Helping to Save Tigers
Wildlife Conservation Society

A new computer platform called TCL 3.0 represents a breakthrough in how scientists measure and monitor changes in tiger habitat and provides a framework for monitoring other wildlife species across the globe.

Newswise: How decades of expertise with the fourth state of matter could bring satellites closer to Earth
Released: 27-Feb-2024 8:00 AM EST
How decades of expertise with the fourth state of matter could bring satellites closer to Earth
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are working on ways to improve thrusters for satellites operating in very low orbit around the Earth. The researchers believe they can make satellites that weigh less, last longer and cost less by creating thrusters that use the air around them instead of having to carry its own supply of fuel. PPPL’s diagnostics will be used to evaluate this innovative thruster concept and characterize key physical processes involved in its operation.

Newswise: UAH Researchers Using Pulsar Measurements to Probe Dark Matter Find Milky Way Galaxy Is Highly Dynamic
Released: 26-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
UAH Researchers Using Pulsar Measurements to Probe Dark Matter Find Milky Way Galaxy Is Highly Dynamic
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dark matter comprises over 80% of all matter in the cosmos but is invisible to conventional observation, because it seemingly does not interact with light or electromagnetic fields. Now Dr. Sukanya Chakrabarti, the Pei-Ling Chan Endowed Chair in the College of Science at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), along with lead author Dr. Tom Donlon, a UAH postdoctoral associate, have written a paper to help illuminate just how much dark matter there is in our galaxy and where it resides by studying the gravitational acceleration of binary pulsars. Chakrabarti gave a plenary talk on this work and other methods to measure galactic accelerations at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans in January.

Newswise: Three years later, search for life on Mars continues
Released: 22-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
Three years later, search for life on Mars continues
University of Cincinnati

In the three years since NASA’s Perseverance rover touched down on Mars, the NASA science team has made the daily task of investigating the red planet seem almost mundane.

Released: 22-Feb-2024 7:05 PM EST
A new beginning: The search for more temperate Tatooines
Yale University

Luke Skywalker’s childhood might have been slightly less harsh if he’d grown up on a more temperate Tatooine — like the ones identified in a new, Yale-led study.

Newswise: Webb Finds Evidence for Neutron Star at Heart of Young Supernova Remnant
22-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Webb Finds Evidence for Neutron Star at Heart of Young Supernova Remnant
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

New observations by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have provided the first direct evidence of what is likely a neutron star, revealed by the effects of its high-energy emission, at the center of the Supernova 1987A remnant.

Newswise: RUDN scientists discover changes in gastrointestinal organs after space flight
Released: 21-Feb-2024 9:15 AM EST
RUDN scientists discover changes in gastrointestinal organs after space flight
Scientific Project Lomonosov

RUDN University scientists have shown how the tissues of the digestive system change in weightlessness. The experiment was carried out on laboratory rodents that were in space flight for a month

Newswise: Partial-Tycho-Crater.png?resize=1152%2C1536&ssl=1
15-Feb-2024 9:05 AM EST
Can Astronomers Use Radar to Spot a Cataclysmic Asteroid?
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

How does ground-based astronomical radar expand our understanding of the Universe? By allowing us to study our nearby Solar System, and everything in it, in unprecedented detail. Radar can reveal the surface and ancient geology of planets and their moons, letting us trace their evolution.

Newswise: U of I Researchers on Team Exploring Black Hole Mergers With $1.8 Million NASA Award
Released: 13-Feb-2024 5:05 PM EST
U of I Researchers on Team Exploring Black Hole Mergers With $1.8 Million NASA Award
University of Idaho

A team including University of Idaho researchers is going to explore the physics of supermassive black hole mergers and galaxy collisions, unlocking secrets that could reshape science’s understanding of one of the universe’s most enigmatic processes.

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Released: 13-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Astronomers Discover Jupiter-sized Objects Drawn into Each Other’s Orbit
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

In our most basic understanding of our Solar System, planets are drawn into the orbit of our massive star, the Sun. But what happens to planet-sized objects that don’t have a star? A team of astronomers studying Jupiter-mass binary objects (JuMBOs) in the Orion Nebula are gaining a new understanding of these unusual systems.

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Released: 13-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Owens Valley: Radio Astronomy in the Land of Sky and Stream
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Though far to the west of the St. Croix antenna, the Owens Valley antenna has some similarities, in particular being in a remote location. The high mountains surrounding the valley mean that access to the region is only possible from the south, or through mountain passes. This also makes for a unique geography. To the south are the dry bed remains of Owens Lake, and further beyond is Death Valley. To the East are the White Mountains, which is home to the great bristlecone pine forest, and some of the oldest living trees in the world. Within the Methuselah Grove of this forest is hidden a particular tree that was seeded nearly 5,000 years ago.

Released: 13-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Learning Shines Brightly at SuperKnova
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

SuperKnova is a project to provide learning opportunities in radio technology for students in a way that is inclusive and equitable. Originally conceived at the Radio Astronomy Imaging and Analysis Lab (RADIAL), SuperKnova is a collaboration between RADIAL, NRAO, and educators and students from across the country.

Newswise: Finding cannibalized stars
Released: 9-Feb-2024 4:05 PM EST
Finding cannibalized stars
Georgia State University

Scientists working with the powerful telescopes at Georgia State’s Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array have completed a survey of a group of stars suspected to have devoured most of the gas from orbiting companion stars.

Newswise: Testing the Evolution of the Universe with Galaxy Clusters
Released: 8-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Testing the Evolution of the Universe with Galaxy Clusters
Department of Energy, Office of Science

100 billion – there are at least that many stars in our Milky Way. It seems like an unimaginable number. Yet astrophysicists study structures in our universe that are far bigger than galaxies alone.

Newswise: NASA's Hubble Traces 'String of Pearls' Star Clusters in Galaxy Collisions
Released: 8-Feb-2024 10:00 AM EST
NASA's Hubble Traces 'String of Pearls' Star Clusters in Galaxy Collisions
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

When galaxies go bump in the night, they cook-up new generations of stars that might otherwise have never been born. These close encounters between galaxies cause a gravitational tug-of-war.

Newswise:Video Embedded el-observatorio-rubin-impulsar-una-nueva-era-en-misiones-espaciales-sin-salir-de-la-tierra
6-Feb-2024 11:00 AM EST
El Observatorio Rubin impulsará una nueva era en misiones espaciales sin salir de la tierra

El Observatorio Vera C. Rubin ayudará a los científicos a identificar objetivos intrigantes para dar prioridad a futuras misiones espaciales, mediante la detección de millones de nuevos objetos en el Sistema Solar y revelar, con el mayor detalle jamás visto, el contexto más amplio en el que existen.

Newswise:Video Embedded el-observatorio-rubin-impulsar-una-nueva-era-en-misiones-espaciales-sin-salir-de-la-tierra
6-Feb-2024 11:00 AM EST
El Observatorio Rubin impulsará una nueva era en misiones espaciales sin salir de la tierra

El Observatorio Vera C. Rubin ayudará a los científicos a identificar objetivos intrigantes para dar prioridad a futuras misiones espaciales, mediante la detección de millones de nuevos objetos en el Sistema Solar y revelar, con el mayor detalle jamás visto, el contexto más amplio en el que existen.

Newswise:Video Embedded rubin-observatory-will-inspire-a-new-era-in-space-missions-without-ever-leaving-the-ground
6-Feb-2024 11:00 AM EST
Rubin Observatory will Inspire a New Era in Space Missions without Ever Leaving the Ground

Vera C. Rubin Observatory will help scientists identify intriguing targets to prioritize for future space missions by detecting millions of new Solar System objects, and by revealing — in more detail than we’ve ever seen — the broader context in which these objects exist.

Newswise:Video Embedded rubin-observatory-will-inspire-a-new-era-in-space-missions-without-ever-leaving-the-ground
6-Feb-2024 11:00 AM EST
Rubin Observatory will Inspire a New Era in Space Missions without Ever Leaving the Ground

Vera C. Rubin Observatory will help scientists identify intriguing targets to prioritize for future space missions by detecting millions of new Solar System objects, and by revealing — in more detail than we’ve ever seen — the broader context in which these objects exist.

Newswise: NASA's Roman to Use Rare Events to Calculate Expansion Rate of Universe
Released: 7-Feb-2024 10:15 AM EST
NASA's Roman to Use Rare Events to Calculate Expansion Rate of Universe
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

With a panoramic view 200 times larger than the Hubble Space Telescope’s infrared view, the sheer amount of data captured by the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will change the landscape of astronomy.

Newswise: A Long, Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Not So Far Away...
Released: 6-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
A Long, Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Not So Far Away...
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Employing massive data sets collected through NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a research team led by a Rutgers University–New Brunswick astronomer is unearthing clues to conditions existing in the early universe. The team has catalogued the ages of stars in the Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte (WLM) galaxy, constructing the most detailed picture of it yet, according to the researchers.

Newswise: Understanding the Moon’s History with Chang’e-5 Sample
1-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Understanding the Moon’s History with Chang’e-5 Sample
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

China’s Chang’e-5, the first lunar sample return mission since the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 in 1976, delivered 1.73 kilograms of regolith from the Oceanus Procellarum, a plane named for its vast size.

Newswise: FAU’s Ata Sarajedini, Ph.D., Among 21 New Fellows of the American Astronomical Society
Released: 6-Feb-2024 8:30 AM EST
FAU’s Ata Sarajedini, Ph.D., Among 21 New Fellows of the American Astronomical Society
Florida Atlantic University

Ata Sarajedini, Ph.D., was elected for his contributions to the field of resolved stellar populations as applied to the formation and evolution of star clusters and galaxies, extensive service to the astronomical community through leadership of committees, and outstanding efforts in public service such as hosting the “Astronomy Minute” podcast.

Newswise: The Challenges and Charms of In-Person Observing
Released: 1-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
The Challenges and Charms of In-Person Observing

NSF’s NOIRLab’s world-class observatories — Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Kitt Peak National Observatory, the International Gemini Observatory, and Vera C. Rubin Observatory — are built in some of the highest and driest locations on Earth, often situated far from major inhabited areas.

Newswise: El fascinante desafío de observar en persona
Released: 1-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
El fascinante desafío de observar en persona

Los observatorios de clase mundial de NOIRLab de NSF: el Observatorio Cerro Tololo, el Observatorio Nacional Kitt Peak, el Observatorio Internacional Gemini y el Observatorio Vera C. Rubin, están construidos en algunos de los lugares más altos y secos del planeta, a menudo alejados de las principales áreas pobladas.

Newswise: Gas on the run
28-Jan-2024 11:05 PM EST
Gas on the run
Hokkaido University

Theoretical predictions have been confirmed with the discovery of an outflow of molecular gas from a quasar when the Universe was less than a billion years old.

Newswise: Dr. Gabe Xu wins $75K McMahon-Pleiad Prize from University of Alabama System in recognition of research contributions
Released: 31-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Dr. Gabe Xu wins $75K McMahon-Pleiad Prize from University of Alabama System in recognition of research contributions
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Gabe Xu, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has been selected to receive the 2023 University of Alabama (UA) System McMahon-Pleiad Prize.

Newswise: Scientists Reveal How Tar Particles from Wildfire Smoke Absorb and Refract Solar Radiation, Light in Atmosphere
Released: 31-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Scientists Reveal How Tar Particles from Wildfire Smoke Absorb and Refract Solar Radiation, Light in Atmosphere
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - EMSL

A multi-institutional team of researchers studied how solar radiation from the sun interacts with individual tar balls. This research, featured on the cover of ACS Publications' Environmental Science & Technology, provides insights into how wildfires influence climate change.

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Released: 30-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
From moon ‘dust’ to moon ‘soil’
Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas A&M graduate student grows chickpeas in amended moondust.

Newswise: SpaceX launches staph infection experiment to ISS today
Released: 30-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
SpaceX launches staph infection experiment to ISS today
University of Florida

University of Florida scientist hopes to learn what happens if you get infected with Staphylococcus aureus while in space.

Released: 29-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
Researchers spying for signs of life among exoplanet atmospheres
Ohio State University

The next generation of advanced telescopes could sharpen the hunt for potential extraterrestrial life by closely scrutinizing the atmospheres of nearby exoplanets, new research suggests.

Newswise: Journey Through the Universe Celebrates 20 Years of Exploration on Hawai‘i Island
23-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
Journey Through the Universe Celebrates 20 Years of Exploration on Hawai‘i Island

Journey Through the Universe — a partnership between the International Gemini Observatory, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, and the Hawaiʻi Department of Education Hilo-Waiākea Complex Area — celebrates 20 years of cosmic exploration with Hawai‘i students and the community.

Newswise: Journey Through the Universe Celebrates 20 Years of Exploration on Hawai‘i Island
23-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
Journey Through the Universe Celebrates 20 Years of Exploration on Hawai‘i Island

Journey Through the Universe — a partnership between the International Gemini Observatory, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, and the Hawaiʻi Department of Education Hilo-Waiākea Complex Area — celebrates 20 years of cosmic exploration with Hawai‘i students and the community.

Newswise: Journey Through the Universe celebra 20 años de exploración en la isla de Hawai‘i
24-Jan-2024 4:30 PM EST
Journey Through the Universe celebra 20 años de exploración en la isla de Hawai‘i

Journey Through the Universe: una asociación entre el Observatorio Internacional Gemini, operado por NOIRLab de NSF, y el Departamento de Educación Hilo-Waiākea Complex Area de Hawaiʻi celebra 20 años de exploración cósmica con los estudiantes y la comunidad de Hawai‘i.

Newswise: Journey Through the Universe celebra 20 años de exploración en la isla de Hawai‘i
24-Jan-2024 4:30 PM EST
Journey Through the Universe celebra 20 años de exploración en la isla de Hawai‘i

Journey Through the Universe: una asociación entre el Observatorio Internacional Gemini, operado por NOIRLab de NSF, y el Departamento de Educación Hilo-Waiākea Complex Area de Hawaiʻi celebra 20 años de exploración cósmica con los estudiantes y la comunidad de Hawai‘i.

Newswise: Astronomers spot 18 black holes gobbling up nearby stars
Released: 29-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Astronomers spot 18 black holes gobbling up nearby stars
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The detections more than double the number of known tidal disruption events in the nearby universe.

Released: 29-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
UC Irvine-led team unravels mysteries of planet formation, evolution in distant solar system
University of California, Irvine

Irvine, Calif., Jan. 29, 2024 – A recently discovered solar system with six confirmed exoplanets and a possible seventh is boosting astronomers’ knowledge of planet formation and evolution.

Newswise: NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies
Released: 29-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Astronomers have long planned to use NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to obtain the highest resolution near- and mid-infrared images ever taken of nearby spiral galaxies, and today they are publicly available.

Newswise: 'Old smokers' and 'squalling newborns' among hidden stars spotted for first time
Released: 26-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
'Old smokers' and 'squalling newborns' among hidden stars spotted for first time
Royal Astronomical Society

'Hidden' stars including a new type of elderly giant nicknamed an 'old smoker' have been spotted for the first time by astronomers.

Newswise: Telescopio Gemini Sur en Chile captura imagen de peculiar galaxia enredada en su propia red de brazos polvorientos
Released: 25-Jan-2024 3:00 PM EST
Telescopio Gemini Sur en Chile captura imagen de peculiar galaxia enredada en su propia red de brazos polvorientos

La galaxia lenticular NGC 4753 es un objeto realmente extraordinario. Su prominente y compleja red de bandas de polvo que se tuercen alrededor de su núcleo galáctico, define su “peculiar” clasificación y probablemente sea el resultado de una fusión galáctica con una cercana galaxia enana hace unos 1.300 millones de años atrás.

Newswise: Telescopio Gemini Sur en Chile captura imagen de peculiar galaxia enredada en su propia red de brazos polvorientos
Released: 25-Jan-2024 3:00 PM EST
Telescopio Gemini Sur en Chile captura imagen de peculiar galaxia enredada en su propia red de brazos polvorientos

La galaxia lenticular NGC 4753 es un objeto realmente extraordinario. Su prominente y compleja red de bandas de polvo que se tuercen alrededor de su núcleo galáctico, define su “peculiar” clasificación y probablemente sea el resultado de una fusión galáctica con una cercana galaxia enana hace unos 1.300 millones de años atrás.
