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Released: 16-Nov-2021 6:35 PM EST
Air pollution decrease in India during COVID-19 lockdown not as high as originally thought
York University

Observational data shows air pollution in India decreased drastically in the first COVID-19 lockdown when emissions from vehicles naturally declined, but York University researchers say those numbers only tell part of the story – blue skies and an absence of visible smog can be deceiving and hide pollutants that could potentially cause health issues.

Released: 15-Nov-2021 4:25 PM EST
Are scientists contaminating their own samples? New study shows we may be emitting clouds of microfibres
Staffordshire University

More than 70% of microplastics found in samples from oceans and rivers could come from the scientists collecting them.

Newswise: Sustainable, biodegradable, vegan glitter – from your fruit bowl
Released: 11-Nov-2021 4:20 PM EST
Sustainable, biodegradable, vegan glitter – from your fruit bowl
University of Cambridge

Glitter is the bane of every parent and primary school teacher. But beyond its general annoyance factor, it’s also made of toxic and unsustainable materials, and contributes to plastic pollution.

Newswise: Researchers Link Pollution to Cardiovascular Disease, 
Develop Strategies to Reduce Exposure and Encourage Government Intervention
10-Nov-2021 9:35 AM EST
Researchers Link Pollution to Cardiovascular Disease, Develop Strategies to Reduce Exposure and Encourage Government Intervention
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

In a new review article, published today in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from University Hospitals (UH), Case Western Reserve University and Boston College discuss evidence linking pollution and cardiovascular disease. The research team highlights strategies for reducing individual exposure to pollution, and the importance of government-supported interventions encouraging clean energy.

Released: 10-Nov-2021 4:15 PM EST
Improve recycling compliance by using this technique in PSAs
University at Buffalo

A specific messaging strategy used in a public service announcement (PSA) video can effectively encourage New Yorkers who struggle with recycling compliance to properly separate their trash from recycling, according to the results of a University at Buffalo study.

Released: 10-Nov-2021 9:00 AM EST
COVID-19 lockdowns closed racial gap in exposure to air pollution in rural New York, new research shows
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Minority neighborhoods in rural New York experienced a disproportionately greater improvement in air quality compared to other neighborhoods, according to new research conducted at Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Newswise: Air pollution disproportionally affects people of color, lower-income residents in DC
Released: 8-Nov-2021 2:45 PM EST
Air pollution disproportionally affects people of color, lower-income residents in DC
American Geophysical Union (AGU)

The rates of death and health burdens associated with air pollution are borne unequally and inequitably by people of color and those with lower household income and educational attainment in Washington, D.C., according to a new study.

Released: 5-Nov-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Black carbon aerosols heating Arctic: Large contribution from mid-latitude biomass burning
Nagoya University

Over the past few decades, the annual average temperature in the Arctic has increased almost twice as fast as it has elsewhere in the world.

Released: 5-Nov-2021 8:50 AM EDT
Save the planet (and your health) by steering clear of sweets and pastries
University of South Australia

Need another reason to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, apart from an expanding waistline? They're not helping the environment, contributing to a higher cropland, water scarcity and ecological footprint, according to a new review led by the University of South Australia.

3-Nov-2021 10:35 AM EDT
Air pollution linked to heart scarring in adults with hypertension and kidney disease
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

• Among adults with hypertension, air pollution exposure was not linked with blood levels of Galectin 3, a marker of scarring in the heart; however, in adults who also had chronic kidney disease, air pollution exposure was associated with rising levels of Galectin 3. • Results from the study will be presented online at ASN Kidney Week 2021 November 4–November 7.

Released: 4-Nov-2021 4:35 PM EDT
New Climate Pledges, if Fulfilled, Now Significantly More Likely to Prevent Worst of Global Warming
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

New climate pledges issued ahead of COP26 boost the chances of limiting global warming to 2 degrees, according to a new study in Science.

4-Nov-2021 9:20 AM EDT
Cutting ammonia emissions is a cost-effective way to prevent air pollution deaths
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Tackling pollution from the emission of nitrogen compounds, particularly ammonia, could reduce many of the 23.3 million years of life that were lost prematurely across the world in 2013 due to nitrogen-related air pollution.

Newswise: UCI’s Michael Méndez to lead press conference at UN climate change summit
Released: 4-Nov-2021 12:35 PM EDT
UCI’s Michael Méndez to lead press conference at UN climate change summit
University of California, Irvine

Michael Méndez, assistant professor of urban planning & public policy at the University of California, Irvine, will moderate a press conference on California’s approach to integrating environmental justice into climate solutions at 1:15 p.m. GMT on Monday, Nov. 8, at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Released: 4-Nov-2021 9:20 AM EDT
New global policy centre launched during COP26 to tackle the world’s plastic pollution problem
University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth will launch its Global Plastics Policy Centre at the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow today - 4th November, to help find sustainable solutions to tackle plastic pollution around the world.

3-Nov-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Aviation’s present-day contribution to human-induced global warming is 4% and will increase over the next 30 years should pre-Covid growth resume
Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing

Aviation is responsible for more global warming than implied by its carbon footprint alone. According to new research published today, aviation could consume up one-sixth of the remaining temperature budget required to limit warming to 1.5˚C by 2050.

Newswise: Turning Plastic Grocery Bags into Sustainable Fuel
Released: 3-Nov-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Turning Plastic Grocery Bags into Sustainable Fuel
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, by AIP Publishing, researchers from Caltech report using catalytic pyrolysis to turn plastic wastes into a valuable fuel source. They focused on recycling plastic and upgrading plastic into other products or converting it to a vapor with heat, which met a catalyst and turned into the desired fuel-like product.

29-Oct-2021 12:05 PM EDT
Three ways to reduce the carbon footprint of food purchased by U.S. households
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology report three ways that Americans can reduce the carbon footprint of their food purchases, without requiring drastic dietary changes.

Released: 2-Nov-2021 12:15 PM EDT
Four reasons why businesses won't adopt reusable packaging – and one way to address them all
Lancaster University

A track and trace system is the answer to encourage reusable packaging, says new research.

