Feature Channels: Food and Water Safety

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Newswise: Year-end survey spotlights food safety, age-related consumer behavior, out-of-stock trends
Released: 16-Jan-2024 7:05 AM EST
Year-end survey spotlights food safety, age-related consumer behavior, out-of-stock trends
Purdue University

Building off the previous month’s survey, the December 2023 Consumer Food Insights Report digs deeper into the relationships between food-date labels and the decision to discard food.

Released: 10-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
New EPA Research Highlights Food Waste Contributions to Climate Change
Environmental Protection Agency - Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response (CESER)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that over one-third of the food produced in the United States is never eaten, wasting the resources used to produce, transport, process, and distribute it – and much of it is sent to landfills, where it breaks down and generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Released: 10-Jan-2024 1:30 PM EST
Can drinking alkaline water help prevent kidney stones? Not likely, study finds
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

 Bottled water marketed as "alkaline water" is unlikely to be an effective alternative for prevention of recurrent urinary stones, reports a study in the January issue of The Journal of Urology®, an Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Is spa water a fossil of water? Uncover the real ultra-deep water cycles
University of Tsukuba

Although most natural spa waters primarily originate from atmospheric precipitation, such as rain and snow (known as meteoric water), the present study explored the unique qualities of certain spa waters.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Study of Unintentional Contaminants in Food Packaging Urges Scrutiny
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Researchers detect hydrocarbons, PAHs and other chemicals in recycled plastics, raising concerns about detecting and evaluating risks in plastic packaging.

5-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
What’s in Your Bottled Water? Study Suggests There May Be Hundreds of Thousands of Tiny Plastic Bits
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A breakthrough microscopic technique that can detect minute particles of plastic in bottled water that can pass into human blood, cells and the placenta with unknown health effects has been developed by a team of researchers from Rutgers and Columbia universities.

Released: 4-Jan-2024 2:00 PM EST
Starting a family with the help of science: The latest research in Fertility

Find the latest research and features on fertility in the Fertility News Source on Newswise.

Newswise: New reasons eating less fat should be one of your resolutions
Released: 3-Jan-2024 5:05 PM EST
New reasons eating less fat should be one of your resolutions
University of California, Riverside

A UC Riverside study to motivate your new year’s resolutions: it demonstrates that high-fat diets affect genes linked not only to obesity, colon cancer and irritable bowels, but also to the immune system, brain function, and potentially COVID-19 risk.

Newswise: Greener and Feasible Production: Enzymatic Methods for Mono- and Diacylglycerol Synthesis in the Food Industry
Released: 2-Jan-2024 9:10 PM EST
Greener and Feasible Production: Enzymatic Methods for Mono- and Diacylglycerol Synthesis in the Food Industry
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Monoacylglycerols (MAGs) and diacylglycerols (DAGs) are nonionic molecules found in minor amounts in oils and fats, exhibiting hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties.

Released: 2-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
‘Nutritional quality must be at the heart of climate smart agriculture’ - researchers
University of Leeds

Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa need to diversify away from growing maize and switch to crops that are resilient to climate change and supply enough key micronutrients for the population, according to a major research study.

Newswise: Finding the ‘goldilocks’ zone or conditions in rice irrigation
Released: 28-Dec-2023 8:05 AM EST
Finding the ‘goldilocks’ zone or conditions in rice irrigation
Texas A&M AgriLife

Alternate wetting and drying, a rice irrigation practice dating back to the 1980s, is part of a broader Texas A&M AgriLife study investigating its potential to reduce water and fertilizer use.

Released: 21-Dec-2023 3:50 PM EST
IAFNS Webinar Series on Roles of Sodium: A Check-In on Progress, Emerging Science and Next Steps
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Series of seven free IAFNS webinars on what’s new on the role of Sodium in diet, health, consumer preferences, food safety and quality — setting the stage for an expert dialogue to inform future public health guidance.

Newswise: image.jpg
Released: 18-Dec-2023 9:30 AM EST
Holiday story ideas: Smart toy safety, managing holiday stress, economics of Christmas music, and more
Virginia Tech

The Virginia Tech media relations office has the following experts available for interviews on holiday related topics.

Newswise: SNAP recipients may struggle to meet dietary goals, especially in food deserts
Released: 14-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
SNAP recipients may struggle to meet dietary goals, especially in food deserts
University of Notre Dame

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the nation’s largest nutrition program, helping 41 million participants afford “nutritious food essential to health and well-being.

Newswise: Consumers grapple with confusion over food-date labels
Released: 14-Dec-2023 8:05 AM EST
Consumers grapple with confusion over food-date labels
Purdue University

The use of food-date labels such as “use-by” and “best if used by” causes consumer confusion that results in many Americans discarding food that is safe to eat or donate, according to the November 2023 Consumer Food Insights Report.

Newswise: Wheat Sequencing Consortium Awarded NSF Grant to Mine Wheat Diversity for Food Security
Released: 13-Dec-2023 9:00 AM EST
Wheat Sequencing Consortium Awarded NSF Grant to Mine Wheat Diversity for Food Security
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium

The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) is starting a two-year project, with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), to mine an untapped genetic resource for wheat improvement by sequencing the genomes of ancient varieties representing the worldwide diversity of bread wheat.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 6:05 AM EST
If a piece of Turkey gets stuck in your throat this Christmas, there is no point in trying to free it with Cola
Amsterdam UMC

Cola. A drink forever associated with the Christmas season. And also, for many, a liquid that can help clear a blocked oesophagus. Something that may be a bit more likely at this time of year.

Newswise: Department of Food Science and Technology researcher explores agrifood system solutions
Released: 11-Dec-2023 3:05 AM EST
Department of Food Science and Technology researcher explores agrifood system solutions
Texas A&M AgriLife

Reza Ovissipour, Ph.D., a Texas A&M AgriLife Research assistant professor in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Food Science and Technology, is actively contributing to solutions for the crucial food-related challenges of today — and tomorrow.
