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Released: 1-Dec-2008 8:00 AM EST
Giving the Gift of Health This Holiday Season
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A bottle of cologne, a new pair of pajamas or a video game are all quick and easy gifts to buy and wrap for the upcoming holiday season. But this year, why not give something more healthy and beneficial to a loved one? Why not give the gift of health?

Released: 24-Nov-2008 9:00 AM EST
Five Tips to Survive the Holidays
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Jonathan Abramowitz, director of the UNC Anxiety and Stress Disorders Clinic, offers five tips for making it through the holidays with your sanity intact.

19-Nov-2008 11:00 AM EST
The Physics of Golf Balls: New Research Aims to Help Golfers by Producing Better Balls That Fly Farther
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

At the 61st Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics this week, a team of researchers from Arizona State University and the University of Maryland is reporting research that may soon give avid golfers another way to improve their game.

Released: 21-Nov-2008 1:00 PM EST
From Deep in Lake Ontario, Comes a Natural Coolant
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry researchers are studying a plan that would pump water from deep in Lake Ontario into buildings 30 miles away in Syracuse, providing environmentally friendly cooling for city buildings.

18-Nov-2008 1:15 PM EST
Long-Term Antibiotics Reduce COPD Exacerbations, Raise Questions
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Long-term use of a macrolide antibiotic may reduce the frequency of exacerbations in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by as much as 35 percent, according to a London-based study.

Released: 20-Nov-2008 9:30 AM EST
Fluid Dynamics Virtual Press Room Now Open -- Stunning Graphics, Videos, and Science News Tips Available Online
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

The virtual Press Room for next week's 61st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics in San Antonio is now open. See

Released: 19-Nov-2008 11:25 AM EST
Common Virus Helps Quality of Life for Sarcoma Patients Says Cancer Expert
Oncolytics Biotech

New data presented by Dr. Monica Mita at the Cancer Therapy and Research Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center, shows that some sarcoma patients are benefiting from treatment with REOLYSIN, developed from a harmless virus called the reovirus that most people are exposed to at some point in their lives.

Released: 18-Nov-2008 4:50 PM EST
Expert Sees Stable, Possibly Lower, Gas Prices for the Holiday Season
University of Alabama

University of Alabama professor Peter Clark offers opinions on whether gas prices will continue to fall this holiday season, whether more drilling will mean cheaper prices at the pump, how a new President will affect gas prices, and whether falling gas prices will fuel holiday spending.

Released: 18-Nov-2008 4:45 PM EST
Holiday Travel: Thanksgiving Could be Worst Travel Day of the Year
University of Alabama

University of Alabama professor Allen Parrish offers a peek at peak travel, advice on the best time to travel and how weather affects holiday travel, whether GPS systems improve driving safety, and more.

Released: 18-Nov-2008 4:00 PM EST
Gift Giving That Doesn't Break the Bank
University of Alabama

American consumers have a lot of challenges this holiday shopping season, the most important challenge being how to spread holiday cheer and give gifts without overspending on an already tight budget. University of Alabama professor Caroline Fulmer offers tips on gift giving that doesn't empty your wallet.

Released: 17-Nov-2008 11:25 AM EST
For High School Doping, Parents Want School Intervention, Low Penalties
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health finds that nearly 1 in 10 parents of high school athletes is aware of the use of performance-enhancing drugs by an athlete in their community. The poll also finds that most parents feel that schools "“ with minimal penalties to individual students "“ should be responsible for handling the problem.

Released: 17-Nov-2008 1:00 AM EST
Hypertension Develops Early, Silently, in African-American Men
American Physiological Society (APS)

Young and healthy African-American men were found to silently develop hypertension earlier than their white counterparts, according to a new study. How blood pressure is measured may be the key to early detection. Central blood pressure, in the aorta near the heart, not brachial pressure, in the artery of the arm, may be the key to screening, the study found.

Released: 14-Nov-2008 5:00 PM EST
Turkey - It's Not Just for Thanksgiving Anymore
University of Maryland, College Park

Americans love their turkey - and increasingly, they're eating it throughout the year. Prof. Nickolas Zimmermann - an associate professor of animal and avian sciences at the University of Maryland is a turkey expert. In this release, he talks about why turkey is so popular - and gives us an update on Avian Flu research.

Released: 13-Nov-2008 5:00 PM EST
Compact Research Freezers to Debut in Space
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A pair of Endeavour-carried cryogenic freezers will boost the biological research capacity of the shuttle and the International Space Station. Capable of minus 160 degrees Celsius, the small, portable GLACIER units from UAB can hold laboratory trays, test tubes and various research containers used in space-based experiments.

12-Nov-2008 3:30 PM EST
Hubble Directly Observes Planet Orbiting Fomalhaut
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have taken the first visible-light snapshot of a planet orbiting another star. The images show the planet, named Fomalhaut b, as a tiny point source of light orbiting the nearby, bright southern star Fomalhaut, located 25 light-years away in the constellation Piscis Australis. An immense debris disk about 21.5 billion miles across surrounds the star. Fomalhaut b is orbiting 1.8 billion miles inside the disk's sharp inner edge.

Released: 13-Nov-2008 1:45 PM EST
Toy Sales to Escape Downturn in Otherwise Bleak Holiday Sales Season
University of Alabama

University of Alabama retail expert Kristy Reynolds predicts the upcoming holiday season for retailers will be the worst since the recession in the early 1980s when the nation was hit by increased bankruptcies, agricultural exports plummeted, crop prices fell, interest rates increased, and the federal budget deficit jumped.

Released: 13-Nov-2008 12:45 PM EST
Recession-Proof Careers: Future Looks Bright for Federal, Public Sector Careers
University of Alabama at Birmingham

During tough economic times, no job is safe, however, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, working for the government may be one of the safest careers to have during a recession. Bureau statistics show that the government fires and lays off workers at 25 percent the rate of the private sector.

Released: 11-Nov-2008 12:50 PM EST
Text Messaging May Help Children Fight Off Obesity
University of North Carolina Health Care System

A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill suggests that cell phone text messaging could be used to reduce children's chances of becoming overweight or obese later in life, by helping them monitor and modify their own behaviors now.

Released: 11-Nov-2008 8:00 AM EST
Battling Bacteria in the Blood: Researchers Tackle Deadly Infections
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

About one in every 100 people each year will experience a serious bloodstream infection, and often times, antibiotics aren't enough. So to combat these rampant infections, University of Michigan researchers are working to find ways to better diagnose and treat them.

Released: 10-Nov-2008 9:00 PM EST
Nanotechnology for Stent Coating Promises Improved Post-op Performance
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A nanomatrix for stent coating designed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) mimics natural endothelium, the substance that lines blood vessels, and promises the potential to prevent post-operative tissue scaring along the blood vessel wall, greatly reducing the possibility of future thrombosis, or blockage at the stent site.

Released: 10-Nov-2008 2:25 PM EST
Obese Women More Impulsive than Other Females
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A new study in the November issue of the journal Appetite finds that obese women display significantly weaker impulse control than normal-weight women, but between obese and normal-weight men, the impulsivity levels are nearly the same. The study was conducted by researchers in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of Psychology.

Released: 10-Nov-2008 9:00 AM EST
Foot Problems Common Among People with Diabetes
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

More than half of all lower limb amputations done in the U.S. each year are related to complications from diabetes. That's why experts with the University of Michigan Health System recommend regular foot self-checks for those with diabetes.

Released: 7-Nov-2008 10:00 AM EST
Flapping Flags: Following the Leader Can be a Drag
Cornell University

Graduate student Leif Ristroph found that two or more flexible objects in a flow - flags flapping in the wind, for example - experience drag very differently from rigid objects in a similar flow.

Released: 6-Nov-2008 11:45 AM EST
Recession-proof Career: Forensic Accounting and It Auditing Financial Fraud Increases in Economic Recessions
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The business of financial fraud at the corporate level historically spikes as those in desperate need of money manipulate company revenues and assets for personal gain, and the trend is the key reason why a career in forensic accounting and information technology (IT) auditing is not only recession-proof but recession-flourishing, according to Tommie Singleton, Ph.D., associate professor of Accounting at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

Released: 5-Nov-2008 5:00 PM EST
Expert Commentary: History Professor Comments on Barack Obama’s Win
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Barack Obama has made history as the first African-American to win the White House. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Associate Professor Horace Huntley, Ph.D., offers his perspective on the historical significance of Obama's win. Huntley teaches African-American history at UAB.

Released: 31-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Holiday Giving Season Complicated by Shifting Norms on Gratuities, Psychologist Suggests
Washington University in St. Louis

As Americans are stuggling to make ends meet with rising gas and food costs, they are grappling more than ever with what's appropriate when it comes to rewarding service providers with tips, gifts and other token gratuities, suggests Leonard Green, Ph.D., a psychology professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis who studies tipping behavior.

Released: 31-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Finding Educational Toys Is Not Hard; Key Is Keeping Child's Age in Mind
Washington University in St. Louis

Many parents around the country will purchase toys for their children this coming holiday season. While choosing toys that will further a child's education development is important, it's also a great idea for parents to remember to play with their children and engage with them in their new gifts. R. Keith Sawyer, Ph.D., associate professor of education in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, offers advice to parents worried about making the right toy choice for their children.

Released: 31-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Portion Control Key to Keeping Holiday Weight Gain at Bay
Washington University in St. Louis

Interested in keeping the pounds off this holiday season? A nutrition expert at Washington University in St. Louis has some very simple tips for remembering accurate portion sizes, which may be even more important than the food choices you make.

Released: 30-Oct-2008 12:15 PM EDT
Expert Commentary: Expert Discusses Possible ‘Magic 60’ in the Senate, Electoral College
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Many experts say that the downturn in the economy is just one factor that could result in the U.S. Senate Democrats winning a 60-seat majority, known as the "Magic 60," on Nov. 4. A 60-seat majority by the Democrats would make it difficult for the Republicans to block legislation through a filibuster, says University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) political scientist Holly Brasher, Ph.D.

Released: 30-Oct-2008 8:50 AM EDT
Fire Videos Dramatize Christmas Tree Safety Measures
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

As the weather grows cold and people start planning for the holidays, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have released two new research videos that illustrate the benefit of having sprinkler systems in homes. Scientists exposed two dry Christmas trees to an open flame in a living room mock-up built inside their laboratory and recorded the results.

Released: 29-Oct-2008 6:00 AM EDT
What the World Needs Now: Safe Non-Antibiotic Anti-Infectives
NovaBay Pharmaceuticals

At the upcoming first-ever joint meeting of the American Society for Microbiology and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting, October 25-28, 2008, in Washington, D.C.), Emeryville, CA.-based NovaBay Pharmaceuticals presented four posters and an oral presentation regarding the company's topical anti-microbial program.

27-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Grapes May Aid a Bunch of Heart Risk Factors, Animal Study Finds
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Could eating grapes help fight high blood pressure related to a salty diet? And could grapes calm other factors that are also related to heart diseases such as heart failure? A new University of Michigan animal study suggests so.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Diabetes Advocate Works to Change the Way UA Eats
University of Alabama

Whether they know her or not, UA senior Dana Lewis is changing the way people on campus eat lunch every day. A student living with Type 1 diabetes, Lewis has worked with campus food services to place nutrition labels in the dining halls and in kiosks outside dining areas to provide daily nutritional information. This semester, the award-winning student is teaching a class on "Living with Diabetes" to help others.

Released: 22-Oct-2008 1:45 PM EDT
Study Confirms Best Way to Transport Youth with Football Neck Injuries
University of Virginia Health System

EMTs often remove helmets of injured young football players before transporting them to the hospital. UVA researchers found that when a young football player's helmet is removed, his spinal alignment changes, possibly increasing the risk of paralysis or neurological damage. The researchers recommend that EMTs always keep the helmets on when transporting young players.

Released: 22-Oct-2008 10:10 AM EDT
FSU Scientific Computing Department Hosts International Conference
Florida State University

Researchers from all over the world will gather at Florida State University for a major international conference that focuses on predicting the properties of materials and finding new ways to improve these properties.

Released: 21-Oct-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Expert Commentary on Polling
University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Professor Larry Powell, Ph.D., discusses a phenomenon known as the Bradley Effect and why predicting this year's presidential race may be harder than ever:

Released: 21-Oct-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Has Your Favorite MBA Program Been Ranked by BusinessWeek? If Not, Don’t Hold Your Breath…
Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University

Waiting for your favorite B-school to finally make it into the 2008 BusinessWeek ranking? According to Frederick P. Morgeson, professor of Management and Valade Research Scholar at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University, you may be waiting a long time. He found that not only has this ranking been extremely stable since it was created in 1988, it can also be predicted with relatively few variables.

Released: 20-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Many Voters Admit to Not Knowing Much About Stem Cells
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Are voters ready to make an educated decision about stem cell research? A report released today by the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health finds very few likely voters feel that they know a lot about stem cell research. The good news: Voters do have an interest in learning more about stem cells.

Released: 17-Oct-2008 11:10 AM EDT
Researcher’s Discovery Leads to $1.5 Million Grant, Potential New Treatment of Liver Fibrosispotential New Treatment of Liver Fibrosis
Florida State University

The discovery of a protein involved in the life-threatening mechanism of liver fibrosis has helped a researcher at the Florida State University College of Medicine attract a $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 16-Oct-2008 1:00 AM EDT
Fructose Sets Table for Weight Gain without Warning
American Physiological Society (APS)

Eating too much fructose can induce leptin resistance, a condition that can easily lead to becoming overweight when combined with a high-fat, high-calorie diet, according to a study with rats. The study also found that leptin resistance can develop silently, that is, with little indication that it is happening.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 10:45 AM EDT
Information to Change How Economists Look at Developing World
University of Chicago

The most comprehensive set of data ever gathered on a developing economy is now available free and provides the traditional socioeconomic information on households, as well as data on lending, borrowing, migration and family networks. The material, which covers a 10 year period, is based on survey data from Thailand.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
5 Things You Should Know About Stem Cell Research
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Stem cells are emerging as a key issue in many political races. But to cast an educated vote on stem cells, voters must understand a complex, fast-emerging new field of medicine - no easy task. To help, U-M scientists offer five key things they feel everyone should know about stem cells.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Who Will Voters Pick to Tackle Nation’s Health Care Problems?
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

The U-M C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health finds the majority of likely voters believe Barack Obama can best handle the country's biggest health care issues, including the high cost of health insurance, and the millions of U.S. adults and children without insurance.

9-Oct-2008 8:00 PM EDT
Pandemic Flu Models Improve Food, Quarantine Strategies
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A presentation on October 12 at the INFORMS Annual Meeting will describe pandemic flu models that can help organizations improve their food distribution and school closing strategies in the event of such an emergency. The models are flexible so that multiple scenarios can be investigated to see which options meet an organization's specific goal.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 2:55 PM EDT
Landmark Study Unlocks Stem Cell, DNA Secrets to Speed Therapies
Florida State University

In a groundbreaking study led by an eminent molecular biologist at Florida State University, researchers have discovered that as embryonic stem cells turn into different cell types, there are dramatic corresponding changes to the order in which DNA is replicated and reorganized.

Released: 9-Oct-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Economic Meltdown Creates New Independence For Brokers
National Securities Corporation

The recent collapse of several major financial institutions"”A.I.G., Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Wachovia, and Washington Mutual"”has left the world's financial markets reeling, with no one knowing when the dust will settle.

6-Oct-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Cell Protein Suppresses Pain Eight Times More Effectively than Morphine
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and the University of Helsinki have discovered a new therapeutic target for pain control, one that appears to be eight times more effective at suppressing pain than morphine.

Released: 6-Oct-2008 9:00 PM EDT
Wellness Expert Offers Couples' Economic Survival Tips
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Economic turmoil can lead to couples' arguments. The key is to make those discussions productive, not destructive, said a psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Josh Klapow, Ph.D. offers five tips for a productive financial dialogue.

Released: 6-Oct-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Breast Cancer Remains Threat for Older Women
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Despite recent examples of young and middle-aged celebrities being diagnosed with breast cancer, more than half of breast cancers happen in women over age 65. That's why experts at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center recommend women continue to receive yearly breast screenings through their 70s.

Released: 3-Oct-2008 11:45 AM EDT
Rensselaer Opens the Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Art Center (EMPAC)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute today opens the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), an unprecedented experimental center dedicated to the integrated pursuit of the performing arts and sciences.
