Latest News from: Virginia Tech

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Released: 29-Jul-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers to Study Hereditary Breast Cancer to Find BRCA1 Treatment Option
Virginia Tech

People with a BRCA1 gene mutation are at much higher risk for breast cancer, but no treatments exist to specifically target this problem. Researchers will use structural biology tools to better understand this difficult-to-treat hereditary cancer.

Released: 23-Jul-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Obesity Linked to Low Endurance, Increased Fatigue in the Workplace
Virginia Tech

New engineering study conducted at Virginia Tech investigates ergonomic effects of obesity-related functional performance impairment

Released: 22-Jul-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Scientists to Study Effects of Climate Change on the Chesapeake Bay
Virginia Tech

A multi-university team will answer the ongoing questions of how the impacts of manmade stressors such as agricultural use and burgeoning populations work in concert with a warming planet on water systems.

5-Jul-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Scientists Probe DNA of 'Evolution Canyon' Fruit Flies, Find Drivers of Change
Virginia Tech

Researchers led by scientists with the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute have discovered how fruit flies in "Evolution Canyon" have been able to adapt to extremely different, ecologies. The discovery adds to current understanding of the biodiversity.

5-Jul-2014 10:30 AM EDT
High Earners in a Stock Market Game Have Brain Patterns That Can Predict Market Bubbles
Virginia Tech

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? It may be that, when it comes to stock market success, your brain is heeding the wrong neural signals, according to a multi-institutional team of researchers.

Released: 25-Jun-2014 4:00 AM EDT
Researchers Treat Incarceration as a Disease Epidemic, Discover Small Changes Help
Virginia Tech

By treating incarceration as an infectious disease, researchers show that small differences in prison sentences can lead to large differences in incarceration rates. The research was published in June in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 

Released: 25-Jun-2014 12:30 AM EDT
Carrots as Effective as Sticks for Slowing Amazon Deforestation
Virginia Tech

An international team of scientists, including one from Virginia Tech, reviewed published research and determined that positive incentives for farmers, counties, and states can do as much to preserve forests as public policies that call for penalties.

Released: 23-Jun-2014 10:50 PM EDT
Aging Accelerates Genomic Changes, Signaling Challenges for Personalized Medicine
Virginia Tech

Virginia Bioinformatics Institute researchers at Virginia Tech have discovered aging can occur at different rates within an individual's genome, with some portions aging 100 times faster than others. It makes personalized medicine even more challenging.

18-Jun-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Astronomers Pierce Galactic Clouds to Shed Light on Black Hole Development
Virginia Tech

Using a large array of satellites and space observatories, an international team spent more than a year training their instruments on the brightest and most studied of the “local” black holes — the one situated at the core of Type I Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5548.

Released: 18-Jun-2014 9:40 AM EDT
Wildlife Researchers Map Fishing Resources to Assist Land Managers, Anglers
Virginia Tech

Researchers mapped a cultural ecosystem service by identifying the key features that influence anglers’ enjoyment, such as environmental quality, accessibility, and fish abundance.

Released: 17-Jun-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Researchers Map Gene Differences in Yellow Fever, Malaria Mosquitoes
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech entomologists have developed a chromosome map for about half of the genome of the mosquito Aedes agypti, the major carrier of dengue fever and yellow fever. With the map, researchers can chart ways to prevent diseases.

Released: 13-Jun-2014 11:10 PM EDT
Researchers Tap Social Networks of Endangered Indiana Bat to Help Manage Habitat
Virginia Tech

Scientists at Virginia Tech and The Ohio State University found that the endangered Indiana bat may be able to use its social connections to survive a certain amount of roost destruction, depending on habitat availability.

Released: 9-Jun-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Architectural Researcher to Tell Global Conferees How 'Living Roofs' Help Build Better Cities
Virginia Tech

With more people moving into cities, architects need tools to make good decisions about green roofs. Virginia Tech architectural researcher Elizabeth Grant said with weather extremes becoming unpredictable, vegetated roofs build resilience into a changing world.

27-May-2014 9:05 AM EDT
New Proactive Approach Unveiled to Detect Malicious Software in Networked Computers and Data
Virginia Tech

Computer scientists at Virginia Tech have developed a unique anomaly protection security approach for the detection of malicious activities on networked computers. The work was performed using a National Science Foundation CAREER award and is being presented at an international conference in Tokyo, Japan.

Released: 3-Jun-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Deeper Than, 'EvoCor' Searches for Gene Relationships
Virginia Tech

A team led by Gregorio Valdez of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has designed a search engine that identifies genes that are functionally linked. The discovery may lead to ways to treat diseases that have a genetic component, such as cancer or Alzheimer’s.

Released: 2-Jun-2014 9:45 AM EDT
Researchers Propose Tactics for Ethical Use of Twitter Data
Virginia Tech

Tweets are short, but amass enough of them, and researchers can deduce a great deal about subjects ranging from disease outbreaks to social unrest. Researchers have proposed guidelines to make sure data mined from Twitter data is used ethically.

Released: 29-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Monitoring, Protecting Bats Critical as Millions Perish
Virginia Tech

Researchers have determined ways to improve a sampling technique known as acoustic monitoring — listening to bats in their environment. The noninvasive tracking technique avoids transmission of diseases that could occur with handling bats.

Released: 15-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Young Virginia Tech Scientist Counts African Predators to Help Save Them
Virginia Tech

A fish and wildlife conservation graduate student is working with the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust to determine the status of 13 different carnivores, including six cat species as well as the endangered African wild dog.

13-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Virginia Tech Football Helmet Ratings Update: Five New Helmets Meet Five-Star Mark
Virginia Tech

Each helmet model’s ability to reduce concussion risk is assessed through 120 impact tests that are analyzed using the STAR Evaluation System, with each test weighted based on how often that impact condition occurs on the field.

Released: 12-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Plastics to Dust: Easy-to-Compost Plastic Bags Move Closer to Mainstream
Virginia Tech

Bags meet requirements of disintegrating to particles less than 2 millimeters in size in 180 days. Since the bags are made of all-natural components, they can be composted just like any other plant-based material.

Released: 8-May-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Homemade Stink-Bug Traps Squash Store-Bought Models, Virginia Tech Researchers Find
Virginia Tech

A Virginia Tech team of researchers has proven that homemade, inexpensive stink bug traps crafted from simple household items outshine pricier models designed to kill the invasive, annoying bugs.

Released: 6-May-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Virginia Tech Hosts Booth 422 at 2014 AUVSI Unmanned Systems Conference: Full Scale Robotic Systems Featured
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech Unmanned Aircraft System researchers will be available for interviews May 12 through May 15 at the 2014 Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International conference in Orlando.

Released: 23-Apr-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Following a Protein’s Travel Inside Cells Is a Key to Improving Patient Monitoring and Drug Development
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech chemical engineer Chang Lu and his colleagues have used a National Science Foundation grant to develop a technique to detect subcellular location of a protein.

Released: 21-Apr-2014 6:00 PM EDT
Queuing Theory Helps Physicist Understand Protein Recycling
Virginia Tech

Will Mather tries to extend an understanding of waiting in line to how cells operate, especially as it relates to what the consequences could be of protein traffic jams inside cells.

17-Apr-2014 10:00 PM EDT
Ecology Team Improves Understanding of Valley-Wide Stream Chemistry
Virginia Tech

Understanding the chemistry of streams at a finer scale could help to identify factors impairing water quality and help protect aquatic ecosystems.

Released: 21-Apr-2014 8:05 AM EDT
New Material Coating Technology Mimics Nature’s Lotus Effect
Virginia Tech

A unique and low cost method to coat materials is the subject of a pending international patent. Ranga Pitchumani of Virginia Tech’s Mechanical Engineering Department and Atieh Haghdoost, a recent doctoral graduate from Pitchumani’s Advanced Materials and Technologies Laboratory developed the process.

Released: 14-Apr-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Dead Wood Alive with Management Information in Old-Growth Iranian Forest
Virginia Tech

Dead wood, such as old stumps and logs, is often overlooked when examining forest’s vitality; however, new research from old-growth forests in Iran point out the importance of this often-overlooked forest feature.

Released: 14-Apr-2014 8:35 AM EDT
Efficient Analysis of Small Quantity of Cells Improves Chances to Understand Disease
Virginia Tech

Chang Lu of Virginia Tech’s Chemical Engineering Department has developed techniques that allow him to obtain reliable results over the course of disease development inside cells. The National Institutes of Health is a past supporter of this work, and just announced a new $1.3 million grant to further this work.

Released: 9-Apr-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Hiking Inca Road Informs Engineer's Research, Teaching
Virginia Tech

Can modern engineers learn best practices from ancient road builders? Christine Fiori, who has led the first formal engineering study of the Inca Road, thinks so.

Released: 1-Apr-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Scientists Study Amazon to Predict Impact of Climate Change
Virginia Tech

Extreme weather events in the Amazon Basin are giving NASA-funded scientists an opportunity to predict the impacts of climate change and deforestation on ecological processes and ecosystem services of the Amazon River wetlands.

Released: 31-Mar-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Addicts Who Live in the Moment May Get Most Benefit From Certain Kinds of Treatment
Virginia Tech

A simple cognitive test may be able to predict how well an individual struggling with addiction will respond to certain treatments, according to a study led by an addiction expert at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute.

Released: 28-Mar-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Abecedarian Project Pioneer Lauds New Evidence Supporting Early Educational Interventions
Virginia Tech

One of the founders of the landmark early childhood intervention known as Carolina Abecedarian Project lauds the new insights that the project continues to produce.

Released: 26-Mar-2014 7:00 AM EDT
West Virginia Chemical Spill Into Elk River Contaminating Air and Water Quality, According to Study
Virginia Tech

The complexities and implications of the chemical spill into West Virginia‘s Elk River keep growing, according to a study led by Virginia Tech Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Andrea Dietrich.

Released: 20-Mar-2014 10:35 AM EDT
Virginia Tech Neuroscientists Investigate How Brain Repairs Itself After a Stroke
Virginia Tech

The brain’s natural network of collateral blood vessels and its ability to remodel them after stroke and traumatic brain injury — could be the gateway to new treatments. Virginia Tech researchers are investigating how to better use these existing assets.

Released: 19-Mar-2014 2:50 PM EDT
Virginia Tech Biochemist Out for Blood When It Comes to Stopping Malaria Transmission
Virginia Tech

Researchers are examining the crucial time when malaria is transmitted from a mosquito parasite to humans. The effort will attempt to identify new drug targets to prevent malaria.

Released: 13-Mar-2014 3:45 PM EDT
Bioscientists Write Languages to Design Synthetic Living Systems
Virginia Tech

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Virginia Tech have used a computer-aided design tool to create genetic languages to guide the design of biological systems.

12-Mar-2014 7:00 AM EDT
Preserving Large Carnivores in the Ecosystem Requires Multifaceted Approach
Virginia Tech

Social species, such as the African wild dog, require strict participation from group members to be successful. This strategy can enhance fitness benefits for the group, but also a higher critical threshold for extinction. Awareness of life history needs to guide management strategy.

Released: 10-Mar-2014 12:00 PM EDT
West Virginia Spill Activates Virginia Tech Engineers to Determine Effects of Chemicals
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech engineers sprung into action when more than 10,000 gallons of a chemical mixture leaked from a storage tank near Charleston, W.Va., and entered a river upstream of a water-treatment plant in January.

Released: 18-Feb-2014 10:00 AM EST
Researchers Establish Benchmark Set of Genotypes for Human Genome Sequencing
Virginia Tech

A team of bioinformaticians from Harvard University and the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute of Virginia Tech has presented new methods to integrate data from different sequencing platforms, thus producing a reliable set of genotypes that will serve as a benchmark for human genome sequencing.

Released: 13-Feb-2014 10:25 PM EST
Virginia Tech to Design Framework for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Virginia Tech

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has been tapped by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to design the integration framework that will allow vehicles to “talk” with their drivers and with other automobiles on the roadway.

Released: 6-Feb-2014 5:30 PM EST
Substance in Photosynthesis Was in Play in Ancient, Methane-Producing Microbes
Virginia Tech

An international team of researchers has discovered that a process that turns on photosynthesis in plants likely developed on Earth in ancient microbes 2.5 billion years ago, long before oxygen became available.

29-Jan-2014 9:00 AM EST
New Study Finds Differences in Concussion Risk Between Football Helmets
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech biomedical researchers took the lead in a large six-year study to see if helmets reduce concussion risk. Data were collected between 2005 and 2010 from eight collegiate teams: Virginia Tech, University of North Carolina, University of Oklahoma, Dartmouth College, Brown University, University of Minnesota, Indiana University, and University of Illinois. Overall, the study found a significant reduction in concussion risk when comparing a 1-star helmet to a 4 star helmet.

Released: 30-Jan-2014 3:55 PM EST
China-U.S. Lab Dedicated to Enhance Mussel Conservation, Pearl Production
Virginia Tech

Mollusk researchers at Virginia Tech in the United States and at the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center in Wuxi, China, are promoting freshwater mussel conservation and develop more robust and productive pearl-producing Chinese mussels.

Released: 30-Jan-2014 11:15 AM EST
Like X-Men, a Diversely Talented Group of Cells Can Be Formidable
Virginia Tech

A multi-university research team, including researchers with the Fralin Life Science Institute at Virginia Tech, discovered that the unique physical differences among brain tumor cells were because of chromosomal abnormalities.

Released: 27-Jan-2014 8:00 PM EST
Hurricane Sandy May Be a Blessing for Tiny Piping Plover
Virginia Tech

The piping plover, a threatened shorebird, is expected to capitalize on new habitat created by Hurricane Sandy on hard-hit Long Island, N.Y. The storm created wider sandy beaches, the plover’s preferred habitat.

Released: 21-Jan-2014 12:00 PM EST
Virginia Tech-Led Pest-Control Measure Saves Up to $309 Million for Indian Farmers, Consumers
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech researchers who first discovered a devastating pest in India and devised a natural way to combat it have now put an economic value on their counterattack: up to $309 million the first year and more than $1 billion over five years.

Released: 21-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
Sweet Science: Virginia Tech Researcher Develops Energy-Dense Sugar Battery
Virginia Tech

A Virginia Tech research team has developed a battery that runs on sugar and has an unmatched energy density, a development that could replace conventional batteries with ones that are cheaper, refillable, and biodegradable.

Released: 15-Jan-2014 3:00 PM EST
With NSF CAREER Award, Virginia Tech Biomedical Engineer Pursues Development of Five-Dimensional Imaging Technology
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech biomedical engineering faculty member Guohua Cao, director of the X-Ray Systems Laboratory, is leading an effort to develop a new type of X-ray scanner that is an unprecedented five dimensional technology.

10-Jan-2014 2:30 PM EST
Ultrasound Directed to the Human Brain Can Boost Sensory Performance
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists have demonstrated that ultrasound directed to a specific region of the brain can boost performance in sensory discrimination.
