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Released: 15-Jul-2013 3:55 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Explains New Vaccine Options for Next Influenza Season
Mayo Clinic

The next flu shot season will include several new vaccine options for consumers, Mayo Clinic vaccine expert Gregory Poland, M.D., says. Fearful of needles? There’s now an influenza vaccination just for you. Allergic to eggs? It won’t stop you from getting a flu shot. The new choices move influenza vaccinations closer to the personalized approach long sought by immunologists including Dr. Poland, but they may also prove bewildering to patients, he says.

Released: 15-Jul-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Bilingual Children Have a Two-Tracked Mind
Ithaca College

Ithaca College faculty member Skott Freedman has discovered insights that indicate children can learn two native languages as easily as they can learn one.

Released: 15-Jul-2013 1:50 PM EDT
Airborne Observatory and Ithaca College Students Record Outer Space in Unprecedented Detail
Ithaca College

A team of Ithaca College physics students and a professor recently took photos from a flying observatory to help discover what makes up our universe.

Released: 11-Jul-2013 9:00 AM EDT
The “City of Microbes” Within Our Bodies May Maintain Our Health, Expert Says
Coronado Biosciences

Many researchers believe when the microbiome is unbalanced, it predisposes us to numerous autoimmune diseases. Chief Medical Officer of Coronado Biosciences, Karin Hehenberger, believes the theory about microbiota is related to the “hygiene hypothesis”—the notion that there is a direct link between elevated rates of autoimmune diseases and Western society’s obsession to establish germ-free environments. One approach comes in the form of a treatment involving Trichuris suis ova (TSO)—pig whipworm eggs.

Released: 10-Jul-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Advice Related to FDA Warning on Common Blood Pressure Medication
Mayo Clinic

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators have issued a warning on the blood pressure drug known generically as olmesartan medoxomil.

Released: 3-Jul-2013 4:50 PM EDT
Alice Munro Biographer Available to Comment
St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University's Dr. Robert Thacker, professor of Canadian Studies, wrote the 2011 biography of literary great Alice Munro. For almost 30 years, Dr. Thacker researched this biography, steeping himself in Munro’s life and work, working with her co-operation to make it complete.

Released: 3-Jul-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Danger in the Sky - Altitude Chamber Trains Pilots to Deal with Decompression and Hypoxia
University of North Dakota

Altitude chamber training at the University of North Dakota trains pilots to be aware of decompression and hypoxia. If the flight crew has been trained to recognize symptoms, they can take immediate action.

Released: 1-Jul-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Calming Your Dog’s Anxiety During Noisy Fourth of July
University of Washington

Have a dog with noise phobias, especially fireworks? University of Washington psychologist explains three main ways to calm dogs' fears.

Released: 27-Jun-2013 2:55 PM EDT
Online Privacy and Freedom of Speech: What’s Next for the NSA
Wake Forest University

Many Americans are questioning their freedom of speech and expression in light of the National Security Agency (NSA) leaks scandal. Just wait, cautions privacy expert and Wake Forest University communication professor Ananda Mitra. The NSA can do this in America because we have freedom of expression.

Released: 25-Jun-2013 10:50 AM EDT
Expert Available to Provide Insight on Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
National Communication Association

Expert available to discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action.

Released: 24-Jun-2013 3:40 PM EDT
War Is No Spectator Sport on Eve of Battle of Gettysburg 150th
Gettysburg College

Gettysburg College prof. finds a usable past in Civil War history.

Released: 24-Jun-2013 10:55 AM EDT
Sociologists Available to Discuss Supreme Court’s Rulings in the Gay Marriage Cases
American Sociological Association (ASA)

The American Sociological Association (ASA) has sociologists available to discuss the Supreme Court’s rulings in the same-sex marriage cases.

Released: 21-Jun-2013 4:25 PM EDT
Many Black People Are Conservative, but Not the Way Most Think
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Many black people vote Democratic, although their moral views are more in line with Republicans. A UAB professor explains why.

Released: 21-Jun-2013 3:45 PM EDT
Professor Examines the Role of Race in Shaping the Republican South
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Regional politics didn’t change, so the parties did, University of Alabama at Birmingham professor says in a new book.

Released: 21-Jun-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Loyola Fights Infectious Disease The Modern Way - With Robots
Loyola Medicine

Hospitals are synonymous with cleanliness and now Loyola University Health System is the first academic medical center in Illinois to take disinfection to futuristic levels. Nicknamed “Ralph” by the housekeeping staff at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital and “little Joe” at Loyola University Medical Center, 3-foot upright cylindrical robots provide the finishing touches to room sanitation. A rotating telescopic head emits cidal ultraviolet (UV) rays for 15 minutes in closed, unoccupied rooms to systematically kill germs dead.

Released: 20-Jun-2013 4:45 PM EDT
Immigrant Insights: Binghamton Researcher Explores Strengths, Needs of Asian Americans
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Korean-American young people often come to appreciate the sacrifices their parents make for them, according to research conducted by Binghamton University researcher Hyeyoung Kang. It’s a poorly understood subject, since studies of immigrant families frequently concentrate on challenges and conflicts, says Kang, an assistant professor of human development.

Released: 19-Jun-2013 10:25 AM EDT
Pharmacologist Creating Research Institute, Direction for Animal Health Industry's Future
Kansas State University

A university pharmacologist is developing an innovative animal health research center and making plans to improve the drug approval process used by the animal health industry.

Released: 18-Jun-2013 12:45 PM EDT
Five Ways to Keep Your Cool When Exercising in Summer Heat
American University

Even the most fit gym rat needs to take steps to avoid heat injury, especially heat stroke says Stacey Snelling, associate dean of American University's School of Education, Teaching and Health.

Released: 14-Jun-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Geisinger Health System Chief Scientific Officer Lauds Supreme Court Ruling on Human Gene Patenting
Geisinger Health System

Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling that human genes cannot be patented is a major victory for patients.

Released: 13-Jun-2013 2:30 PM EDT
U-Michigan Experts Available to Discuss Supreme Court Ruling on Human Gene Patents
University of Michigan

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that human genes may not be patented. The University of Michigan has several experts available to comment on the implications of the ruling.

Released: 13-Jun-2013 1:15 PM EDT
SCOTUS Myriad Genetics Decision a Significant Shift From Status Quo
Washington University in St. Louis

In the Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics decision, the Supreme Court unanimously held that naturally occurring DNA sequences are “products of nature” and therefore cannot be patented.

Released: 11-Jun-2013 6:40 PM EDT
Mercury 13 Author Can Speak on 50th Anniversary of Women in Space
Mount Holyoke College

Fifty years ago this month, Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. It took the U.S. until June 18, 1983 to send a woman into space, despite training 13 women in the early 1960s.

Released: 10-Jun-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Safe Rooms -- Real Estate Expert
University of Texas at Dallas

Thousands of homeowners are considering adding safe rooms after recent devastating tornadoes. How will they impact home values and resale? What factors should they consider before purchasing?

Released: 10-Jun-2013 11:15 AM EDT
Natural Products Drug Discovery Group explores plant potential
University of Alabama Huntsville

Begun over 20 years ago at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) to study medicinal properties of Costa Rican plants, the Natural Products Drug Discovery Group has branched out to Africa, Australia, the Bahamas, Yemen and Cuba.

Released: 10-Jun-2013 6:00 AM EDT
Trim, Toned and Tranquil: Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation Experts at Baylor Offer Summertime Strategies
Baylor University

Suggestions for summer diets, exercise and de-stressing are offered by Baylor experts.

Released: 7-Jun-2013 3:00 PM EDT
SU End-of-Life Care Research Garners Recognition
Salisbury University

Salisbury University Nursing Professor Katie Hinderer was recognized at the National Teaching Institute held by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses for her research on the sensitive topic of planning for end-of-life care. Dr. Hinderer is available for media interviews on this subject.

Released: 3-Jun-2013 1:00 PM EDT
FIU 2013 Hurricane Experts List
Florida International University (FIU)

Florida International University, home of the International Hurricane Research Center and the Wall of Wind research facility, has several experts who are available to discuss various issues related to hurricanes and their consequences.

Released: 29-May-2013 12:20 PM EDT
Baseline Measurements Vital to Climate Change Research Says Expert
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Dr. Jeffrey Gaffney, an internationally known chemist specializing in atmospheric sciences, says there is a gap in knowledge about the effect of gases produced as a result of wildfires and our consumption of biofuels.

Released: 29-May-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Towards a More Sustainable World - Research at the Interface of Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate Change, and Green Chemistry
Nova Southeastern University

“Climate change is one of the most pressing issues that challenge the sustainability of a global environment and society” says Nova Southeastern University Associate Professor Song Gao, Ph.D. Scientists know that aerosols—such as dust, smog, and smoke—have an impact on air quality, human health, and ecosystem balance.
