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26-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Social Climbing May Change Your Brain
Georgia State University

Dominant and subordinate crayfish react to stressful situations by responding to the same brain chemical in two different ways depending on their changing social status, according to new work by Georgia State University biologists.

Released: 16-Apr-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Researchers Develop A New Drug to Combat the Measles: UPDATE - Watch Pre-Recorded Q&A with Researchers
Georgia State University

A novel antiviral drug may protect people infected with the measles from getting sick and prevent them from spreading the virus to others, an international team of researchers says.

Released: 21-Apr-2014 3:55 PM EDT
Ginseng Can Treat and Prevent Influenza and RSV
Georgia State University

Ginseng can help treat and prevent influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a respiratory virus that infects the lungs and breathing passages, according to research findings by a scientist in Georgia State University’s new Institute for Biomedical Sciences.

Released: 2-May-2014 11:45 AM EDT
Researchers Find Way to Decrease Chemoresistance in Ovarian Cancer
Georgia State University

Inhibiting enzymes that cause changes in gene expression could decrease chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer patients, researchers at Georgia State University and the University of Georgia say.

Released: 6-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Chimpanzees Show Similar Personality Traits to Humans
Georgia State University

Chimpanzees have almost the same personality traits as humans, and they are structured almost identically, according to new work led by researchers at Georgia State University.

Released: 13-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Released Prisoners Are More LIkely to Suffer Early Death
Georgia State University

Men who have been incarcerated and released are more than twice as likely to die prematurely as those who haven't been imprisoned, according to a Georgia State University criminologist.

Released: 16-Jun-2014 11:00 AM EDT
U.S. Housing Policies Increase Carbon Output
Georgia State University

Land use policies and preferential tax treatment for housing – in the form of federal income tax deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes – have increased carbon emissions in the United States by about 2.7 percent, almost 6 percent annually in new home construction, according to a new Georgia State University study.

Released: 16-Jun-2014 3:00 PM EDT
No Correlation Between Baby Formulas and Development of Diabetes-Associated Autoantibodies
Georgia State University

There is no correlation between the consumption of a cow’s milk-based formula or hydrolyzed protein formula and the development of diabetes-associated autoantibodies in children younger than seven, according to a worldwide research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

8-Jul-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Chimpanzee Intelligence Determined by Genes
Georgia State University

A chimpanzee’s intelligence is largely determined by its genes, while environmental factors may be less important than scientists previously thought, according to a Georgia State University research study.

Released: 15-Jul-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Hidden Variations in Neuronal Networks May Explain Differences In Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes
Georgia State University

A team of researchers at the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University has discovered that hidden differences in the properties of neural circuits can account for whether animals are behaviorally susceptible to brain injury. These results could have implications for the treatment of brain trauma.
