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Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Research Team Develops Improved Glaucoma Treatment
Swarthmore College

Student researchers and a professor at Swarthmore College have developed a method for delivering a glaucoma pain-relief drug that could be significantly more effective than products currently on the market.

Released: 4-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Teenage Gender Gap in Household Chores
Swarthmore College

Despite major changes in the roles of men and women, gender still determines who does the housework. A Swarthmore College sociology professor finds that not only do married women continue to do the bulk of the chores, but that their daughters do more than their sons.

Released: 4-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Violating Cultural Taboos Triggers Standoffs
Swarthmore College

A book by a Swarthmore College sociologist says it is the violation of cultural taboos that ultimately triggers destructive confrontations between authorities and anti-system groups.

Released: 29-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
New Light Shed on Seasonal Biological Clock
Swarthmore College

How do mammals know when to migrate, reproduce, or take other action necessary for their survival? According to a study by a Swarthmore College biologist, a gland in the brain helps maintain the body's synchronization with the environment (Journal of Biological Rhythms, 4-00).

Released: 20-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Best Proof of Job Corps' Success
Swarthmore College

In the first major evaluation of Job Corps in 20 years and the biggest study of any American social program, research confirms the federal program's success in improving the prospects of disadvantaged young people, a Swarthmore College economist says.

Released: 21-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Bush Says Choice in Life Is Good, Research Says Opposite
Swarthmore College

In his presidential campaign, George W. Bush says Americans will benefit from more choice in their lives. Research by a Swarthmore College psychology professor shows the opposite might be true.

Released: 11-Jan-2003 12:00 AM EST
Researchers Discover Group of Young, Nearby Stars
Swarthmore College

A Swarthmore College astronomer and his undergraduate research partner have discovered previously unknown young stars relatively close to earth, a discovery that could open the door to new understanding of planet formation.

Released: 29-Jan-2003 12:00 AM EST
Book Explores Black Experience on Campuses
Swarthmore College

Many opponents of affirmative action argue that racial discrimination has been largely defeated in America. But a new book by a Swarthmore College sociology professor finds that African American college students still face racism.

Released: 21-Jan-2004 1:40 PM EST
Linguist Finds Language in Siberia on the Brink of Extinction
Swarthmore College

Although the exact number of human languages spoken today remains unknown, most estimates put the number at about 6,800. A linguist has found another one that was previously unknown to the scientific community and says its approaching extinction illustrates the problem of language endangerment.

Released: 13-Jun-2005 10:25 AM EDT
Syphilis Rates Drop in Countries with Gay Marriage Laws
Swarthmore College

Data from Europe suggests that national recognition of same-sex partnerships leads to significant reductions in syphilis rates, according to a new study by a Swarthmore College economist.
