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Released: 4-Apr-2007 7:00 PM EDT
Study of California's Tobacco Control Program
UC San Diego Health

Since the advent of the California Tobacco Control Program, in 1989, the state's young adult smokers are quitting the habit in record numbers and older smokers are consuming far fewer cigarettes, according to a new series of studies from the Moores Cancer Center at University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

Released: 9-Apr-2007 2:45 PM EDT
Researchers Discover Variants of Natural Tumor Suppressor
UC San Diego Health

Building on their 2005 discovery of an enzyme that is a natural tumor suppressor, researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have now identified two variants of that enzyme which could provide new targets for therapies to treat diabetes, heart and neurological disease.

Released: 17-Apr-2007 3:40 PM EDT
Twin Studies Reveal Genes Influence Cardiac and Kidney Disease
UC San Diego Health

Studies may point to new drug targets for heritable conditions. Daniel O'Connor, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine has studied about 265 twin pairs over the past few years, which has led him to some surprising discoveries.

20-Apr-2007 4:30 PM EDT
Damaged Motor Neurons in ALS Contribute to Their Own Death
UC San Diego Health

Researchers from The Ludwig Institute and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have discovered that when motor neurons damaged by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease, inappropriately send the wrong signal, immune cells react by killing the messenger. Their surprising finding provides new direction for therapies to treat ALS.

5-May-2007 1:15 AM EDT
How to Steer a Moving Cell
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have developed new technology which, combined with proteomics "“ the large-scale study of the structure and function of proteins and their functions "“ has allowed them to map an extensive network of the signaling proteins that control cell movement.

Released: 16-May-2007 3:05 PM EDT
Wearable Technology Helps Monitor Mental Illness
UC San Diego Health

Psychiatric researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine will report important new findings from a study of patients with bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia at the upcoming meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, to be held in San Diego May 17-20.

17-May-2007 11:25 AM EDT
Decoding Gene Expression in Cancer Tumors Using Non-Invasive Imaging
UC San Diego Health

By correlating images of cancerous liver tissue with gene expression patterns, a research team led by a radiologist at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine has developed tools that may some day allow physicians to view a CT image of a cancer tumor and discern its genetic activity.

Released: 17-May-2007 6:20 PM EDT
Healthy Humans Not Harmed By Taser
UC San Diego Health

A study conducted by emergency medicine physicians at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Medical Center showed no lasting effects of the Taser on healthy test subjects.

29-May-2007 2:25 PM EDT
Hot Flashes May Be Welcome Sign In Women with Breast Cancer
UC San Diego Health

Women on tamoxifen therapy who reported having hot flashes were less likely to develop recurrent breast cancer than those who did not report hot flashes, according to a study from the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

Released: 31-May-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Human Stem Cell Treatment Restores Motor Function in Paralyzed Rats
UC San Diego Health

Rats paralyzed due to loss of blood flow to the spine returned to near normal ambulatory function six weeks after receiving grafts of human spinal stem cells (hSSCs), researchers from the UCSD School of Medicine report. The study, led by Martin Marsala, M.D., UC San Diego professor of anesthesiology, is published in the June 29, 2007 issue of the journal Neuroscience, which is now online.
