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Released: 25-Jan-2006 9:30 AM EST
Titania Nanotube Arrays Harness Solar Energy
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Penn State researchers are finding new ways to harness the power of the sun using highly-ordered arrays of titania nanotubes for hydrogen production and increased solar cell efficiency.

Released: 15-Aug-2007 10:45 AM EDT
Revolution in Solar Hydrogen on the Horizon
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A cheap and easily scalable technique to produce hydrogen from visible light is close to being a reality.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 7:00 PM EDT
Near Infrared Nanoparticles Shine a Bright Light on Cancer
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A new imaging method for breast cancer has been developed by a team of scientists from Penn State utilizing encapsulated fluorescent molecules in calcium phosphate nanoparticles and non-toxic near infrared imaging.

Released: 13-Nov-2008 10:40 AM EST
Nanoparticles Deliver Their Cargo, Then Disappear
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A nontoxic nanoparticle developed by researchers at Penn State University is proving to be an all-around effective delivery system for both therapeutic drugs and the fluorescent dyes that can track their delivery.

Released: 27-Feb-2009 2:00 PM EST
Recycling a Greenhouse Gas for High-Energy Fuel
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A team of researchers at Penn State has come up with an ingenious method of turning captured CO2 into methane using the energy of the sun.

Released: 30-Apr-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Storing a Lightning Bolt in Glass for Portable Power
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Penn State materials researchers have reported the largest known energy storage capacity for a bulk glass, making it a potential new candidate for capacitors for electric vehicles and portable power applications.

Released: 29-Jan-2010 10:40 AM EST
Key Milestone Reached on Road to Graphene-Based Electronic Devices
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Researchers in the Electro-Optics Center (EOC) Materials Division at Penn State have produced 100mm diameter graphene wafers, a key milestone in the development of graphene for next generation high frequency electronic devices.

Released: 21-Oct-2010 12:35 PM EDT
An Engineered Directional Nanofilm Mimics Nature’s Curious Feats
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A team of researchers led by Penn State report on the development of an engineered nanoscale thin film that mimics the unusual abilities of insects to walk on water and gecko's to climb walls.

Released: 3-Mar-2011 3:40 PM EST
A Misunderstanding Leads to Method for Making Nanowells
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A safe, simple, and cheap method of creating perfectly etched micron and smaller size wells in a variety of substrates has been developed by researchers in Penn State’s Department of Chemical Engineering.

Released: 16-Mar-2011 2:35 PM EDT
A New Process Cleanly Extracts Oil from Tar Sands and Fouled Beaches
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Penn State materials scientists have developed a process to separate heavy oil from tar sands for the energy industry or to clean up oil spills on beaches.
