Contact: Becky SoglinHealth Science Relations(319) 335-6660(319) 351-6410 Home[email protected]

October 11, 2000


A household name, the Framingham Heart Study is the federal government's effort since 1948 to study nearly 5,200 adult residents in Framingham, Mass., to learn more about cardiovascular disease. Less known but also one of the largest and longest studies in the history of cardiac research, the Muscatine Heart Study is a series of investigations led by University of Iowa Health Care researchers since 1970. Over the years, the study has determined blood pressure and cholesterol norms for school-aged children and provided links between child and adult coronary health.

But these findings didn't just happen because of a dedicated research team. Now in its 30th year, the study has involved nearly 20,000 individuals, most of them school children. Many of the original participants are involved in the study as adults in their 30s and 40s. The Muscatine School Board has endorsed and assisted in the success of the study. The town of Muscatine, located along the Mississippi River in eastern Iowa, was selected for its stable population base, which has helped allow for follow-up studies.

In appreciation of the town's commitment, UI Health Care will host a celebration for the townspeople from 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 22, at the Muscatine High School, located on Highway 22 in Muscatine. The complete program is listed below.

Interview opportunities: Media may interview UI Health Care researchers, study participants and school board officials in a quiet setting (band room) from 1:15 to 1:50 p.m. the day of the celebration. Interview subjects include families with multi-generational participation and a UI physician from Muscatine who has participated in the study since he was 7 years old. Telephone interviews can also be arranged. Backgrounders on the study and on individual UI researchers' projects within the study are available on request by calling Becky Soglin at (319) 335-6660.

Schedule of events for the Sunday, Oct. 22 Muscatine Heart Study 30-Year Celebration:

1:15 - 2 p.m. Interview opportunities for media (band room)1 p.m. Family health fair (school grounds) offering games for children, nutrition information, and free blood pressure and physical activity assessments1:30 p.m. DOX Big Band (auditorium) 2 - 3 p.m. "Ask the Doctors" Town Meeting (auditorium) including presentations by UI Health Care researchers on how the study's findings have helped advance understanding of heart health. The meeting also will include a question-and-answer session.3:30 p.m. DOX Big Band (auditorium)


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