What:Affecting one in two men and one in three women, cancer remains a leading cause of death around the world.

This year, in the nation’s capital, the American Association for Cancer Research will convene its 101st Annual Meeting, which will draw more than 17,000 academics, scientists, clinicians, industry leaders, survivors and media professionals to hear and discuss the latest scientific findings in this fast-moving arena.

To help you plan your coverage of the conference, the program schedule is available online at www.aacr.org/program, and an electronic press kit containing the press releases and select highlighted abstracts will be available on April 13, 2010, via Eurekalert, Newswise and to members of the media registered through the AACR Communications Department.

Findings presented at the meeting will include:• emerging therapies in the hard-to-treat cancers, including lung and pancreatic;• the role of infectious bacteria and AIDS in cancer development;• basic science on the role of microRNAs and cancer stem cells;• the effects of socioeconomic factors on cancer prognosis;• new data on ways to prevent cancer before it starts; and• practice-changing diagnostic methods.

When:April 17-21, 2010

Where:Washington, D.C. Convention Center