Newswise — Alexandria, VA—The American Medical Group Association (AMGA) announced today that Robert Pearl, MD, executive director/CEO of The Permanente Medical Group and president/CEO of the MidAtlantic Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente, will assume the role of chair of AMGA’s Council of Accountable Physician Practices (CAPP), effective July 1. Dr. Francis J. Crosson, former executive director of The Permanente Federation, founder and chair of CAPP since its inception in 2002, will be stepping down as chair at the time of his retirement from The Permanente Medical Group. On July 1, he will take the position of Vice President, Physician Satisfaction- Care Delivery and Payment at the American Medical Association.

An affiliate of AMGA’s Foundation, CAPP is a consortium of medical directors from some of the nation’s most respected medical groups and health systems who are providing physician leadership in many areas to stimulate delivery system reform. The CAPP groups are often cited as model care systems that are able to achieve quality healthcare outcomes efficiently and cost-effectively. In his new role, Dr. Pearl will continue the research, policy, and communications work of CAPP to find physician-led solutions to the challenges of American health care.

About this transition, Donald W. Fisher, PhD, CAW, president and CEO of AMGA, said, “Dr. Crosson’s vision that organized systems of care can deliver quality and value is now a national goal. His leadership has greatly shaped the debate around health system reform. We will miss him. However, I have no doubt that Dr. Pearl will guide the CAPP work forward and possibly even take it to a new level as America tackles the issues that plague our healthcare system.”

Dr. Crosson, who will continue his policy work around care delivery models and physician payment in his role with the AMA, said, “Dr. Pearl, together with all of CAPP’s medical directors, will provide the kind of visionary physician leadership that can affect change. I will miss this work, but have faith in its continued success under his direction.”

Currently, CAPP is conducting research on payment methodologies that support accountable care; investigating models of physician-hospital integration that work; exploring ways to build and foster physician leadership throughout the industry; and pursuing research about consumer engagement in system reform.

“I am honored to have been chosen to continue the remarkable work of CAPP and Dr. Crosson,” Dr. Pearl said. “It is a rare opportunity to be able to work with such esteemed medical group and health system thought leaders to address the challenges of American health care in this era of health reform. The CAPP groups are progressive and innovative, which is what the country needs to find good solutions that work for all. We know that when physicians work together as one, with advanced IT tools, superior quality of care, increased personalized service, and greater affordability are the outcomes. This is what the nation is looking for and the CAPP groups have found ways to deliver on that promise. I look forward my work with CAPP."

In addition to Dr. Pearl’s appointment, the CAPP board also ratified Dr. Norman Chenven from Austin Regional Clinic in as Vice-Chairman; Dr. Don Balfour of Sharp Rees-Stealy as Secretary; and Dr. Ron Kirkland of the Jackson Clinic as Treasurer.

About the Council of Accountable Physician Practices (CAPP) CAPP, an affiliate of the American Medical Group Foundation, is comprised of more than 30 physician-led medical groups and health systems. The Council seeks to foster the development and recognition of accountable physician practices and organized delivery systems as a model for transforming the American health care system. It is the work of CAPP to promote the benefits of this model of care as a potential solution to the pressing needs of quality improvement and cost containment within the American health care system. For more information, please visit:

About the American Medical Group AssociationThe American Medical Group Association represents medical groups, including some of the nation's largest, most prestigious medical practices, independent practice associations, and integrated healthcare delivery systems. AMGA's mission is to improve health care for patients by supporting multispecialty medical groups and other organized systems of care. The members of AMGA deliver health care to approximately 130 million patients in 49 states, more than one in three Americans. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, AMGA is the strategic partner for medical groups, providing a comprehensive package of benefits, including political advocacy, educational and networking programs and publications, benchmarking data services, and financial and operations assistance. For more information about AMGA, please visit: