Newswise — Donald W. Fisher, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of the American Medical Group Association (AMGA), welcomes the nomination of Donald M. Berwick, M.D., to the post of Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Dr. Berwick, whose appointment is subject to Senate confirmation, is the president and chief executive officer of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) of Boston, Massachusetts. IHI, a private, nonprofit organization, works for the improvement of health care throughout the world by building awareness about successful models achieving high-quality care efficiently.

“AMGA is pleased that Dr. Berwick has been nominated to lead CMS because he brings vast knowledge of innovative healthcare delivery, including the benefits of integrated care models like those found in AMGA member groups,” commented Fisher. “We are confident that he will bring that expertise to bear in his demanding job at CMS.”

In addition to his position with IHI, Dr. Berwick is a clinical professor of pediatrics and health care policy at the Harvard Medical School and professor of health policy and management at the Harvard School of Public Health; an associate in pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital; and a consultant in pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital. Berwick graduated from Harvard College, went to Harvard Medical School, and holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, also at Harvard.

Dr. Berwick has expertise in the realm of healthcare policy, acquired in a number of his work experiences, including serving as chair of the Health Services Research Review Study Section of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research from 1995-1999; as a vice chair of the United States Preventive Services Task Force from 1990 through 1996; and as a member of several editorial boards, such as the Journal of the American Medical Association. Since 2002, Dr. Berwick has served on the Institute of Medicine’s governing council and as the liaison to the Institute’s Global Health Board.

The American Medical Group Association represents medical groups, including some of the nation's largest, most prestigious medical practices, independent practice associations, and integrated healthcare delivery systems. AMGA's mission is to improve health care for patients by supporting multispecialty medical groups and other organized systems of care. The members of AMGA deliver health care to approximately 105 million patients in 49 states, nearly 1 in 3 Americans. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, AMGA is the strategic partner for medical groups, providing a comprehensive package of benefits, including political advocacy, educational and networking programs and publications, benchmarking data services, and financial and operations assistance.