For more information, contact
Lynn Schultz-Writsel
Kimberly Cordero,
Cecilia Obejero
Michael Roy of the Press Room in Chicago: (312) 949-3262.

During the meeting, a communications center will provide press rooms and media briefing rooms as well as closed circuit television and daily bulletins.

Press briefings sponsored by the APA and affiliated and allied organizations and pharmaceutical companies will preview sessions and will be held throughout the day, Monday through Wednesday, May 15 through 17, beginning at 9:00 a.m. each morning. Lunch time media opportunities with APA leaders and officers also are scheduled for Monday through Wednesday, and an "after hours" reception with APA media spokespersons will be held prior to the APA annual Convocation on Monday evening, May 15, 5 to 7 p.m.

PRESS BRIEFING: "Psychiatric Aspects of Violence"
Monday, May 15, 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Violence highlights the headlines of almost every news outlet in America on a regular basis. Violent acts, which have at times ended fatally, remain enigmatic as mental health professionals and the criminal justice system struggle to arrive at concrete explanations and fail-proof solutions. At the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) 153rd Annual Meeting in Chicago, Ill., leading psychiatric researchers will discuss the possible causes and consequences of violence, the psychiatric implications of violent acts, and new research studies on diagnostic tools and methods used to prevent violent tendencies.

Marvin Swartz, M.D., of Duke University Medical Center, will lead the press briefing on the "Psychiatric Aspects of Violence" at the McCormick Place Lakeside Convention Center, Level 2, Room E270. Presenters, and the featured APA Annual Meeting sessions, include:

Kenneth D. Busch, M.D., and Robert J. Zagar, M.D.: Scientific and Clinical Report Session 2: "Asking the Right Questions to Find Teenage Killers" (Monday, May 15, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room E255, Level 2, McCormick Place Lakeside)

Paul Fink, M.D.: Forum 1: "Psychiatric Perspectives on Violence" (Monday, May 15, noon-1:30 p.m., Room E253 D, Level 2, McCormick Place Lakeside)

Norman A. Alessi, M.D.: Symposium 76C: "Teen Violence and the Internet" (Wednesday, May 17, 2-5 p.m., Lake Erie Room, 8th Floor, Chicago Hilton)

Related sessions to be presented (see Annual Meeting Program for schedule and locations):

Monday, May 15

Component Workshop 5: "Bullying and Harassment: Paths to School Violence"
Forum 3 "School Violence and Its Aftermath"
Symposium 10: "Tragedy and Remedy: Remembering Littleton One Year Later"
Scientific and Clinical Report Session 7: "Gender Differences: Youth Violence Exposure/Risk"
Scientific and Clinical Report Session 14: "Gender Differences in Violence"
Scientific and Clinical Report Session 16: "Seasonal Variation of Violence and Latitude"
Symposium 14B: "Social Violence: Psychiatric and Sociological Aspects"
New Research 215: "Violence and Inner-City, State Psychiatric Patients"

Tuesday, May 16

Telecommunication Session 1: "Sex, Hate and Violence on the Internet"
Symposium 44: "Political Violence in the New Millennium"
Forum 4: "Beyond Just Watching Hate Crimes"

Wednesday, May 17

Forum 7: Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence: Public Health and Criminal Justice Issues
New Research 523: Psychological Correlates of Assaultive Adolescents
New Research 524: Partner and Nonpartner Violence and Victimization Among Individuals in Substance Abuse Treatment: General and Gender-Specific Markers of Violence Involvement

Thursday, May 18

Symposium 102: "Violent Patients: Assessment, Management and Treatment"

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For more information, contact Lynn Schultz-Writsel, Kimberly Cordero, Cecilia Obejero or Michael Roy of the Press Room of APA's Annual Meeting in Chicago: (312) 949-3262.