Cat Got Your Eye?

When donning a Halloween costume this year, consider dressing up your eyes. Spooky looks include "cat eye," "red eye," "white out," "alien," "wolf" and "black spiral." A pair of the wacky contact lenses will put a $70 - $120 dent in your fright-night wardrobe budget. UAB practitioner William J. Benjamin, O.D., says cosmetic lenses are relatively safe, especially if worn only for holiday festivals, but wearers must avoid certain pitfalls such as wearing lenses too long or swapping or sharing lenses. He also said wearers should beware of drying out the eyes through too much consumption of "witch's brew." "And, just like regular corrective lenses, these freaky contact lenses should be properly cleaned and disinfected between uses or thrown away."

Contact Tracy Bischoff, Media Relations, 205-934-8935 or [email protected].


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