Newswise — A report that shows U.S. health insurance coverage and poverty rates for 2005 will be released on Tuesday, Aug. 29, by the Census Bureau. Timothy McBride, Ph.D. a Saint Louis University health economist, can put the findings into perspective and is available for interviews.

McBride can discuss how public policy affects health insurance coverage and poverty levels.

For instance, he believes that the number of Missourians without health insurance is likely to be substantially higher than last year because recent state Medicaid cuts.

"In Missouri, over 160,000 people have been cut from Medicaid insurance rolls since last May," McBride says. "Some of them might have picked up insurance. But we expect that most of them are uninsured."

McBride, who also is professor of health management and policy at Saint Louis University School of Public Health, focuses his research on health economics, health policy, and aging. In particular, most of his research has focused on Medicare reform, the uninsured and insurance markets, rural health, and long-term care. He has given Congressional testimony on individual insurance coverage in rural America.