Feature Channels: Alzheimer's and Dementia

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Released: 13-May-2022 7:00 AM EDT
Factors Predicting Engagement of Older Adults With a Coach-Supported eHealth Intervention Promoting Lifestyle Change and Associations Between Engagement and Changes in Cardiovascular and Dementia Risk: Secondary Analysis of an 18-Month Multinational
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Digital health interventions could help to prevent age-related diseases, but little is known about how older adults engage with such interventions, especially in the long term, or whether engagement is associated with cha...

Released: 12-May-2022 10:35 AM EDT
Dementia: Combination of “feelings” and measurements suggest Alzheimer’s in the early stage
DZNE -- German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Subjective memory disorders in conjunction with conspicuous levels of beta-amyloid proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid are a strong indication of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

9-May-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Study Finds Increased Risk of Dementia After Hospitalization for Major TBI
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who have been hospitalized for a major traumatic brain injury (TBI) may have a higher risk of developing dementia when compared to people who do not have a TBI, according to a new study published in the May 11, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 9-May-2022 3:10 PM EDT
Quantifying Cognitive Decline in Dogs Could Help Humans With Alzheimer’s Disease
North Carolina State University

A suite of complimentary tests can quantify changes in dogs suspected of suffering from cognitive decline. The approach could benefit dogs and serve as a model for evaluating cognitive decline progression in – and treatments for – humans with Alzheimer’s disease.

Released: 9-May-2022 3:00 PM EDT
Factors Predicting Engagement of Older Adults With a Coach-Supported eHealth Intervention Promoting Lifestyle Change and Associations Between Engagement and Changes in Cardiovascular and Dementia Risk: Secondary Analysis of an 18-Month Multinational
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Digital health interventions could help to prevent age-related diseases, but little is known about how older adults engage with such interventions, especially in the long term, or whether engagement is associated with cha...

Released: 6-May-2022 9:50 AM EDT
‘Stressed’ cells offer clues to eliminating build-up of toxic proteins in dementia
University of Cambridge

It’s often said that a little stress can be good for you. Now scientists have shown that the same may be true for cells, uncovering a newly-discovered mechanism that might help prevent the build-up of tangles of proteins commonly seen in dementia.

Newswise: Cedars-Sinai Experts to Present New Research and Discuss Advances in Care for Older Adults
Released: 5-May-2022 11:50 AM EDT
Cedars-Sinai Experts to Present New Research and Discuss Advances in Care for Older Adults

Cedars-Sinai geriatrics experts will present their latest advances in research and care in person at the annual scientific meeting of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) in Orlando May 12-14, sharing innovations to improve both the quality of patient care and quality of life for older adults.

28-Apr-2022 3:50 PM EDT
Higher Antioxidant Levels Linked to Lower Dementia Risk
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People with higher levels of antioxidants in their blood may be less likely to develop dementia, according to a study published in the May 4, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 4-May-2022 12:40 PM EDT
Hearing and vision impairment linked to serious cognitive impairment in older adults
University of Toronto

A new nationally representative study published online in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports found hearing impairment and vision impairment to be independently associated with cognitive impairment.

29-Apr-2022 7:05 PM EDT
Study of Promising Alzheimer’s Marker in Blood Prompts Warning About Brain-Boosting Supplements
University of California San Diego

Elevated levels of an enzyme called PHGDH in the blood of older adults could be an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Research led by UC San Diego has consistently found high levels of PHGDH expression in brain tissue and blood samples of older adults with different stages of the disease.

Released: 2-May-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 研究人员提出了一种新的计算模型,用于在阿尔茨海默病症状与脑解剖结构之间建立起映射关系。该模型是通过将机器学习技术应用于患者大脑成像数据而开发的。这个模型利用大脑的完整功能,而不是特定的大脑区域或网络来解释脑解剖结构与心理过程之间的关系。研究结果已发表在《自然通讯》杂志上。

Released: 2-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
اقتراح نموذج محوسب جديد لداء الزهايمر
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- اقترح باحثو مايو كلينك نموذجًا جديدًا لرسم خرائط أعراض داء الزهايمر في تشريح الدماغ. وتم تطوير هذا النموذج عبر إجراء التعلم الآلي على بيانات تصوير دماغ المرضى، حيث يستخدم الوظيفة الكاملة للدماغ بدلًا من استخدام مناطق أو شبكات دماغية محددة لشرح العلاقة بين تشريح الدماغ ومعالجة الدماغ للعمليات. وتم نشر النتائج في نيتشر كوميونيكيشنز.

Released: 2-May-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Novo modelo computacional proposto para a doença de Alzheimer
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic propuseram um novo modelo para mapear os sintomas da doença de Alzheimer na anatomia do cérebro. Esse modelo foi desenvolvido aplicando o processo de aprendizagem de uma máquina a dados de imagens de cérebros de pacientes.

Released: 2-May-2022 3:10 PM EDT
Proposición de modelo computacional para la enfermedad de Alzheimer
Mayo Clinic

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic propusieron un nuevo modelo para hacer un mapa de los síntomas de la enfermedad de Alzheimer en la anatomía cerebral. El modelo se creó mediante la aplicación de aprendizaje automático a los datos de imágenes cerebrales de los pacientes.

Newswise: Scientists Detail Brain Dynamics Implicated in Neurological Conditions
Released: 2-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Scientists Detail Brain Dynamics Implicated in Neurological Conditions
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

This research in mice provides evidence for how dynamics in the default mode network of the brain are altered by activating the locus coeruleus region – a small nucleus in the brainstem that releases norepinephrine. It also suggests new targets for treatment to restore DMN function.

Newswise: 'Eye-Catching' Smartphone App Could Make It Easy to Screen for Neurological Disease at Home
Released: 29-Apr-2022 1:45 PM EDT
'Eye-Catching' Smartphone App Could Make It Easy to Screen for Neurological Disease at Home
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego researchers developed a smartphone app that could allow people to screen for Alzheimer's disease, ADHD and other neurological diseases and disorders—by recording closeups of their eye. The app uses a smartphone's built-in near-infrared camera and selfie camera to track how a person's pupil changes in size. These pupil measurements could be used to assess a person's cognitive condition.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Insulin Spray Improved Gait, Cognitive Function in Patients with and Without Type 2 Diabetes, Clinical Trial Shows
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Scientists have assessed the long-term effects of intranasal insulin on cognition and on gait in people with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Newswise: Tufts University Researchers Discover New Function Performed by Nearly Half of Brain Cells
28-Apr-2022 8:45 AM EDT
Tufts University Researchers Discover New Function Performed by Nearly Half of Brain Cells
Tufts University

Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine have discovered a previously unknown function performed by a type of cell that comprises nearly half of all cells in the brain. The scientists say this discovery in mice of a new function by cells known as astrocytes opens a whole new direction for neuroscience research that might one day lead to treatments for many disorders ranging from epilepsy to Alzheimer’s to traumatic brain injury.

Released: 27-Apr-2022 5:05 PM EDT
New research identifies blood biomarker for predicting dementia before symptoms develop
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway)

New research from NUI Galway and Boston University has identified a blood biomarker that could help identify people with the earliest signs of dementia, even before the onset of symptoms.

Released: 27-Apr-2022 3:00 PM EDT
6G and Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Dementia Care: Literature Review and Practical Analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: The dementia epidemic is progressing fast. As the world’s older population keeps skyrocketing, the traditional incompetent, time-consuming, and laborious interventions are becoming increasingly insufficient to address d...
