Feature Channels: Media and Journalism

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Released: 9-Mar-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Walt Whitman's Democratic Spirit Lives on in Multi-Campus Digital Humanities Teaching Experiment
New York City College of Technology

The NEH has awarded NYC College of Technology English Professor Matthew K. Gold a grant for his innovative digital humanities project, "Looking for Whitman: The Poetry of Place in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman," which expands the boundaries of education beyond the "walled garden" of traditional academic disciplines, classroom activities, and online learning environments.

Released: 2-Mar-2009 4:30 PM EST
National Survey Finds Journalists Use Traditional News Gathering Sources Just as Extensively as Online Sources
George Washington University

In November and December 2008, more than 12,000 editors and journalists participated in a study conducted by Cision, GW's Graduate School of Political Management, and Don Bates, adjunct professor with the school and PR veteran. The survey's goal was to inform best practices and teaching in the public relations and political management fields and to deepen understanding of how editors and reporters use and value outside resources, including social media.

Released: 18-Feb-2009 12:00 AM EST
Ocean Adventure Blog Underway
University of Southern California (USC)

What's it like on the Atlantic in winter? How hard is it to get supplies on board during a national strike? Why go to all this trouble for a bunch of microbes? Find out from Katrina Edwards, geobiologist on the North Pond Expedition and scholar of the "intraterrestrials" in Earth's crust, on her blog at www.usc.edu/northpondexpedition. Join expedition on its route to North Pond, a deep-sea trove of microbial life.

Released: 10-Feb-2009 5:00 PM EST
When Texting, Eligible Women Express Themselves Better
Indiana University

The book "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" and its gender stereotypes on how the sexes communicate remains fodder for debate, but two Indiana University researchers have confirmed one thing: When men and women talk through technology, it's the women who are more expressive.

Released: 22-Jan-2009 7:00 AM EST
Mayo Clinic Blog for Patients, Employees
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic today announced the launch of its culture blog, Sharing Mayo Clinic, (http://sharing.mayoclinic.org), which provides an online site for patients and employees to share their stories about what makes Mayo Clinic unique.

5-Jan-2009 4:00 PM EST
Majority of Teens Discuss Risky Behaviors on MySpace, Studies Conclude
Seattle Children's Hospital

In a pair of related studies released by Seattle Children's Research Institute and published in the January 2009 issue of Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, researchers found that 54 percent of adolescents frequently discuss high-risk activities including sexual behavior, substance abuse or violence using MySpace, the popular social networking Web site (SNS).

Released: 22-Dec-2008 10:35 AM EST
Facebook Generation Learning Social, Technical Skills Online
Florida State University

Worried about the amount of time today's kids spend texting, chatting, blogging, gaming and Facebook-ing? Don't. Rather than fear the time young people devote to technological pursuits, there are many reasons for adults to embrace and even facilitate youth engagement with digital media, according to Florida State University's Lisa Tripp, who was a member of a team of researchers who recently completed the most extensive qualitative study ever done on youth media use in the United States.

Released: 13-Nov-2008 8:15 PM EST
NIST, NCI Bring Web 2.0 Tools to Nanotechnology Standards Effort
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Federal government and U.S. industry scientists say they are forging ahead with plans for an international, on-line collaboration to speed up creation of critically needed nanotechnology standards, including the underpinning reference materials and tests that support development of nanotech products while minimizing potential risks.

Released: 4-Nov-2008 10:00 AM EST
WIU Launches Web 2.0 Resource Site
Western Illinois University

Like many higher ed institutions, Western Illinois University continues to go "2.0" -- as in "Web 2.0" -- in the Information Age. Several departments and campus organizations are taking advantage of the interactive World Wide Web to connect with students, prospective students and WIU friends. Many WIU-related offices and organizations now have a presence on Facebook (including Rocky, WIU's Mascot) and the photo-sharing site Flickr, and various departments and groups are using blogs as a way to interact with web users.

Released: 29-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
State Emergency Managers Underutilize Internet
University of Kansas

"Our nation's emergency managers do not fully appreciate the potential of the Internet and emerging social media," the researcher says

Released: 9-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Kelley School of Business, Its Executive Education Program to Unveil Virtual Campus in Second Life
Indiana University

Due to increasing demand for executive education provided by Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, today (Sept. 9) it is announcing it has built an entirely new campus. The school's Kelley Executive Partners program on Sept. 15 will unveil a virtual campus -- an island in the virtual world of Second Life that bears a striking resemblance to buildings on the IU Bloomington campus.

Released: 4-Sep-2008 2:00 PM EDT
News & Web 2.0: UR Using Social Apps to Interact with Online Users
Western Illinois University

There's still a lot to be said for that old-fashioned "word-of-mouth" way of spreading information. In recent years, such Web-based applications as blogs and social network sites like MySpace and Facebook have amplified that method and taken the World Wide Web into the realm of Web 2.0.

Released: 9-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Students Put Web 2.0 Through a Test in Virtual Classroom with Far-Flung Cohorts at Another College
Indiana University

Students from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business worked in synch -- virtually -- with cohorts at North Carolina State University's Jenkins Graduate School of Management this past spring to learn about service innovation without ever leaving their campuses. Instead, they used a collection of Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis and the 3D virtual world Second Life, to hold meetings and collaborate on team projects.

Released: 20-May-2008 10:40 AM EDT
The Future of the Web: An Old-Fashioned Debate With a Social Media Twist
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

On June 11, leading authorities on the World Wide Web will gather at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for an old-fashioned debate with a social media twist. The questions for discussion will be shaped and selected by the collective wisdom of Web users from around the world.

Released: 2-Jan-2008 1:45 PM EST
Online Video at Risk of Private Censorship
American University

A new, first-of-its-kind study conducted by American University Professors Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi finds that many online videos creatively use copyrighted materials in ways that are eligible for fair use consideration under copyright law; In short, they potentially are using copyrighted material legally.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Online School Soars into Fall with Next Generation Virtual Campus
Animation Mentor

AnimationMentor.com, the online character animation school® that is a cross between youtube, myspace and art school, takes online learning to the next level with its fall '07 virtual campus. Students from more than 40 countries worldwide will attend a school steeped in web 2.0 and enabled by one-of-a-kind proprietary digital teaching tools.

Released: 28-Jun-2007 2:50 PM EDT
Professor Documents Blogging Revolution Among Elected Officials, Public Agencies
Southeastern Louisiana University

A new report by a Southeastern Louisiana University management professor and issued by the IBM-based Center for the Business of Government examines how blogging is becoming an increasingly common method for elected officials and public agencies to communicate with constituencies. The report chronicles blogging activities at all levels of government, including members of Congress, governors, mayors police and fire departments.

Released: 23-Oct-2006 5:00 PM EDT
The Firefox Kid
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

As Web 2.0 takes hold, Blake Ross, co-inventor of the Firefox browser, prepares his own second act.
