MONTRÉAL STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT LUNG HEALTH(Bancroft Elementary School, Montréal, Monday, October 31, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM)Sponsored by The CHEST Foundation and the ACCP Industry Advisory Council, the Community Outreach Event will join CHEST 2005 attendees and Ambassadors with 4th and 5th grade students from Bancroft Elementary School in Montréal to teach and learn about the importance of lung health and the dangers of tobacco. The CHEST Foundation will use its Lung Lessons™ curriculum to create an exciting, meaningful, and interactive program for the volunteers and students about the importance of maintaining good lung health and avoiding tobacco use. Other special activities include an all school assembly, where students will sing a specially prepared song about the "Horrors of Tobacco." The Lung Association of Québec is also a partner in this exciting program.

MAYO CLINIC PRESIDENT AND CEO GIVES KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Palais de Congrès de Montréal, Room 517C, Monday, October 31, 1:00 PM " 2:15 PM)Denis A. Cortese, MD, FCCP, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, will discuss the need for the US to adopt a learning organization concept for health-care delivery. Dr. Cortese will propose a vision for a health-care learning organization and describe its three key components.

HURRICANE KATRINA: THE IMPACT ON THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY(Palais de Congrès de Montréal, Room 710B, Tuesday, November 1, 4:00-5:30 PM)This late-breaking session will discuss the impact of Hurricane Katrina on medical professionals in the Gulf Coast region. New Orleans-based physicians will share their personal stories of Charity Hospital's struggle to survive in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

PULMONARY MEDICAL PROCEDURES SIMULATED ON PATIENT MODELS(Palais de Congrès de Montréal, Exhibit Hall, Monday through Wednesday, October 31 to November 2, 2005, see Final Program for specific times)Attendees will have the opportunity to observe and participate in patient simulation demonstrations with highly developed patient models simulating realistic medical procedures. Learn about how simulation teaching and learning can be incorporated into educational programs.

CHEST CHALLENGE CHAMPIONSHIP (Fairmont, Montréal, Le Grand Salon, Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 6:00 PM " 9:00 PM)Nine medical teams from the United States and Canada compete during CHEST 2005 for the CHEST Challenge title in this Jeopardy-type contest, testing participants' knowledge of pulmonary and critical care medicine. The CHEST Challenge Championship will feature the three finalist teams.

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CHEST 2005: International Scientific Assembly of the American College of Chest