Newswise — The National Association For Continence (NAFC) presented Mickey Karram, MD with its Rodney Appell Continence Care Champion award at the American Urogynecologic Society’s (AUGS) 2013 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV on October 17, 2013. NAFC's executive director, Nancy Muller, PhD, presented the award, which was sponsored by Allergan, a multi-specialty health care company established more than 60 years ago with a commitment to uncover the best of science and develop and deliver innovative and meaningful treatments to help people reach their life’s potential.

Dr. Karram is the Director of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Surgery at The Christ Hospital and the medical director of The Christ Hospital Pelvic Floor Center. He offers his expertise as a Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, where he has received the Teacher of the Year Award twice. Dr. Karram is also the Editor-In-Chief of the International Urogynecology Journal and Women’s Health Today, where he helps cultivate content to educate physicians and consumers, respectively, on the latest research and developments in urogynecology and women’s overall health. Understanding the importance of continued research, he conducts and publishes his own research on a wide variety of topics. The effect of age of anal sphincter injury on surgical outcome, the clinical comparison of local anesthesia with IV sedation to general anesthesia for vaginal correction of pelvic organ relaxation, and the dermal effects of different types of absorbent pads on skin microflora are just a few of his extensive research studies.

“Dr. Karram has dedicated his career to helping women with incontinence and other pelvic floor issues find a better quality of life—through research, advancing technologies and teaching, said Robert Stephens, MD, Medical Director of the Women’s Service Line at The Christ Hospital. “We are proud to have a urogynecologist of his caliber here in Greater Cincinnati and at The Christ Hospital, and it is evident that the impact he has had is even further-reaching, across the U.S. and even abroad. He is well deserving of the Continence Care Champion award and we congratulate and thank him for his tireless commitment.”

In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Karram and his wife Mona co-founded The Foundation for Female Health Awareness to address all aspects of female health, with specific emphasis placed on disease states dealing with the reproductive tract and gender-specific medicine. Its main focus is prevention of disease and promotion of healthy lifestyle choices, with the ultimate goal of significantly improving quality of life for women. They hold privately funded women's symposia featuring talks by local health experts, free health screenings, and tips on weight control, exercise, and nutrition.

Established in 2000 to recognize health care providers who serve as role models to others for outstanding contributions in research, education and clinical practice, NAFC’s Rodney Appell Continence Care Champion Award raises awareness among a variety of professional societies and elevates the importance of addressing incontinence. A listing of all past award recipients can be found on NAFC’s website, in the Hall of Fame. Renamed in memory of Dr. Rodney Appell in 2009, this award is in honor of Dr. Appell’s dedication to patient education and advocacy. A special education fund, created to help continue Dr. Appell’s legacy, has been established by NAFC.

About NAFCThe National Association For Continence is a 501(c) 3 corporation whose mission is threefold: 1) to educate the public about the causes, diagnosis categories, treatment options and management alternatives for incontinence, voiding dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis and related pelvic floor disorders; 2) to network with other organizations and agencies to elevate the visibility and priority given to these areas; and 3) to advocate on behalf of consumers who suffer from such symptoms as a result of disease or other illness, obstetrical, surgical or other trauma or deterioration due to the aging process itself. NAFC is broadly funded by consumers, health care professionals and industry. It is the world’s largest and most prolific consumer advocacy organization devoted exclusively to this field. NAFC celebrated its 30th anniversary year in 2012

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