Wartime Medicine/Trauma Surgery

* Dr. H. Leon Pachter, Professor of Surgery at NYU Medical Center and a trauma surgeon is available to speak about battlefield medicine. Dr. Pachter has trained Israeli surgeons in trauma and can speak about the effects of different weapons.

Emergency Preparedness:

* Dr. Eric Rackow, Chief Medical Officer at NYU Medical Center

* Dr. Robert Rothberg, Director of the Emergency Department at NYU Medical Center

* Steven Weiner, RN has vaccinated people for smallpox and will vaccinate first responders for smallpox at NYU Medical Center.


* Dr. Alan Keller, Director of the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture can speak about torture. He says torture does not work and is never justified.


* Dr. Martin Blaser, Chairman, Department of Medicine

* Dr. Philip Tierno, Director of Clinical Microbiology at NYU Medical Center, author of Protect Yourself Against Bioterrorism and The Secret Life of Germs.