Media Advisory For More Information,
Please Contact: Scott Marx, Burson-Marsteller
hone (415) 764-1348

Breakthrough Technology Generates New Nerve Cells And Restores Memory Impairments

Irvine, CA, October 17, 1997 -- Alvin J. Glasky, Ph.D., president and CEO of NeoTherapeutics, Inc., will present research findings on AIT-082, a potential new therapy for the treatment of memory impairments associated with Alzheimer's disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries, at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in New Orleans, LA.

AIT-082, is the first drug in human clinical trials which was specifically designed to be orally active and promote nerve regeneration. It has recently completed two Phase I clinical trials. The primary presentation will discuss the ability of AIT-082 to restore memory impairments. Dr. Glasky will make two poster presentations regarding AIT-082: Tuesday, October 28th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Wednesday, October 29th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Both will take place in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd.

Glasky will also be available for one-on-one interviews during the conference. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that AIT-082 enhances cognitive function and memory in animals with neurological deficits. It is a novel small molecule that is designed to cross the blood-brain barrier and enhance nerve cell function by increasing levels of neurotrophic factors. Laboratory studies have shown that AIT-082 has unique properties in that it is able to stimulate the production of neurotrophins, natural proteins that promote the growth and regeneration of nerve cells.

"We believe that our drug is working by generating new nerves. In other words, no matter how Alzheimer's disease occurs or how nerve cells are killed, we are hopeful that our drug will cause new cells to be regenerated," stated Glasky. "Our drug turns on the genes inside the brain to produce natural substances that control nerve multiplication and growth. Our research has shown that AIT-082 can augment and mimic neurotrophic activity," he added.

Currently available treatments for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, neurological trauma, stroke and infections associated with AIDS do not address the underlying problem of neuronal degeneration and therefore, are of limited benefit. Accordingly, a treatment to slow or reverse the actual process of neuronal degeneration remains of vital clinical importance. NeoTherapeutics is engaged in the discovery and development of new drugs that act on the central nervous system to treat neurodegenerative diseases and conditions associated with Alzheimer's disease, impairment associated with the dementia of aging, stroke, spinal cord injuries and the neurological aspects of AIDS.

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