FORT WORTH, TXó Primate researcher Jane Goodall will speak to the nation's first college Roots and Shoots environmental summit to be held here Nov. 21-23.

The summit, organized by students at Texas Christian University, will bring 50 delegates from colleges and universities around the nation to learn more about environmental issues and how to start Roots and Shoots chapters on their own campuses.

The Roots and Shoots program was started in 1991 by Dr. Goodall to educate young people on three issues: care for the environment, concern for animals, and community enrichment through service projects. It is a program of the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation.

The event will be held at Camp Carter YMCA in west Fort Worth.

Ms. Goodall will have a press availability from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CST on Saturday, Nov. 22. At 1 p.m. on Saturday she will narrate a slide show at the camp's nature center. She also will speak at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 23 at the nature center.

In addition to Dr. Goodall, the summit will feature speakers discussing topics such as nature photography, animal behavior, environmental projects and composting. The students also will participate in a tree-planting community service project for Camp Carter.

Kristi Argenbright and Karman Kallio are the TCU students who have spearheaded the summit. They sent letters to college science professors across the nation soliciting applications.

If you would like to attend the Jane Goodall press availability, please contact Hope Caldwell of the YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth at 817-335-6147 (extension 2263). If you would like to speak with Kristi Argenbright or Karman Kallio, please contact Jennifer Ford or Rick L'Amie at the TCU Communications Office. Their number is 817-257-7810. Jennifer Lindsey of the Jane Goodall Institute may be contacted at 203-431-2099.


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