Labels for Herbal Supplements Don't Tell Whole Story

ROCHESTER, MINN. -- Think you know all about the herbal supplements you take? Maybe not, according to the March issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter. Although 60 million Americans use over-the-counter herbal supplements, information on effectiveness and proper use is often vague, misleading and conflicting.

Here are some facts about common herbal supplements that you won't find on the product labels:

Ginkgo: Studies show that ginkgo can provide a modest improvement in memory. But, because herbal supplements aren't regulated, it's difficult for consumers to know if they are getting dosages and product quality similar to those proven effective.

Echinacea: There's no evidence that echinacea will prevent or cure a cold, but it might shorten the duration of or lessen severity of cold symptoms. There's concern that echinacea can become toxic to the liver if used for more than eight consecutive weeks.

Ginseng: There's no proof for claims that ginseng increases athletic or sexual stamina or reduces the effects of aging. Studies have shown that it may have a positive effect on the immune system and may aid slightly in the body's ability to cope with stress. However, it can also cause hypertension, insomnia, increased heart rates, and in excessive amounts ginseng addiction.

Ephedra (ma-huang): Ephedra, a heart stimulant, is marketed as a safe way to lose weight. Any small benefit it offers on weight loss is outweighed by many health risks including headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, heart attack, seizures, psychosis and stroke. It's even riskier if you have one of many health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension or seizure disorder.

Shelly Plutowski507-284-5005 (days)507-284-2511 (evenings)E-mail: [email protected]

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