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Released: 24-Aug-2023 5:05 PM EDT
Technion Announces Harvey Prize Recipients
American Technion Society

The Harvey Prize will be presented this year to Professor Emerita Helen Quinn from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Professors Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissmanfrom the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Pieter R. Cullis from the University of British Columbia.

Released: 7-Aug-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Atomic-scale spin-optical laser: new horizon of optoelectronic devices
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have developed a coherent and controllable spin-optical laser based on a single atomic layer. It paves the way to study coherent spin-dependent phenomena in both classical and quantum regimes, opening new horizons in fundamental research and optoelectronic devices exploiting both electron and photon spins.

Newswise: The Steak is the Limit
Released: 14-Apr-2022 5:05 PM EDT
The Steak is the Limit
American Technion Society

Israeli scientists have succeeded in creating edible muscle fibers by bioprinting a plant-based scaffold and living animal cells. By using non-animal-derived materials like pea protein, which is non-allergenic, the findings open new possibilities for future development of the cultivated meat market.

Released: 24-Mar-2022 10:40 AM EDT
Technion Prof. Emeritus Moussa Youdim Receives 2022 Israel Prize in Life Sciences
American Technion Society

Professor Emeritus Moussa Youdim is the recipient of the 2022 Israel Prize for Life Sciences. He is co-developer of the Parkinson's disease drug Azilect (Rasagiline), and was selected for the Israel Prize "for his pioneering, groundbreaking scientific achievements in the field of neuropharmacology."

Released: 24-Feb-2022 3:05 PM EST
Machine Learning Antibiotic Prescriptions Can Help Minimize Resistance Spread
American Technion Society

Using genomic sequencing techniques and machine learning analysis of patient records, Israeli researchers have developed an antibiotic prescribing algorithm that cuts the risk of emergence of antibiotic resistance by half.

Released: 10-Feb-2022 10:25 AM EST
Flexible Micro-Needles Platform Provides Quick, Continuous, and Pain-Free Disease Diagnosis
American Technion Society

Technion scientists have developed a system -- based on smart micro-needles fixed inside a sticker that attaches to the skin -- that continuously monitors a patient’s medical condition and sends the data to the patient and his/her doctor.

Released: 22-Dec-2021 4:20 PM EST
Quantum Marbles in a Bowl of Light
American Technion Society

German and Israeli physicists have devised an elegant experiment to answer which factors determine how fast a quantum computer can perform its calculations.

Released: 9-Dec-2021 11:55 AM EST
On Violations, Enforcement, and Deterrence
American Technion Society

Israeli researchers revealed surprising findings about the effectiveness of various deterrence patterns: frequent mild punishments are more effective than infrequent severe punishments

Released: 9-Dec-2021 11:50 AM EST
Materials from the Future
American Technion Society

A development by a team of Israeli and American researchers could make possible acoustic cloaking, in which an object is concealed when the acoustic waves generated around it are identical to the waves that would have been created if the object were not there.

4-Nov-2021 2:30 PM EDT
An Inflammation to Remember
American Technion Society

A new discovery of a physiological mechanism of psychosomatic illnesses could open a new therapeutic avenue for treating chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease, psoriasis, and other autoimmune conditions, by attenuating their memory trace in the brain.

Released: 21-Oct-2021 6:20 PM EDT
A Cure for Diabetes?
American Technion Society

Technion researchers are working on a novel treatment approach for treating type 2 diabetes using an autograft of muscle cells engineered to take in sugar at increased rates. Mice treated in this manner displayed normal blood sugar levels for months after a single procedure.

Released: 8-Oct-2021 12:15 PM EDT
Personalized Medicine: Platform Enables Comparative Research on Cancerous Tumors
American Technion Society

An international team of researchers has developed an algorithm that enhances the ability to compare tumors between different patients, overcoming high inter-patient variability. Although the researchers tested the algorithm on leukemia tumors, they believe that it will also be relevant for other cancer types.

Released: 20-Jul-2021 3:40 PM EDT
Research: Cells Expressing Tendon Markers Fuse Into Muscles
American Technion Society

Israeli researchers have made a breakthrough discovery that muscle fibers are of hybrid origins. The findings highlight a mechanism that enables a smooth transition from muscle fiber characteristics towards tendon features that is essential for forming robust muscle tendon junctions (MTJs).

Released: 8-Jul-2021 12:25 PM EDT
Technion Researchers Use Laser “Tweezers” to Study Structure and Dynamics of Chromatin
American Technion Society

Using optical tweezer technology, Technion researchers were able to gain a greater understanding of the poorly understood DNA packaging process, which impacts how genes are expressed.

Released: 8-Jul-2021 12:10 PM EDT
Do All of Us Understand Coronavirus News Coverage?
American Technion Society

A study to discern the extent to which the average adult understands the quantitative information appearing in the news about COVID-19 showed that fear of math can significantly hinder one’s ability to engage with such information.

Released: 24-Jun-2021 4:50 PM EDT
Scientists Develop a Tuberculosis-Diagnosing Sticker Patch
American Technion Society

Israeli scientists have demonstrated a novel means of diagnosing tuberculosis by means of a sticker patch that catches compounds released by the skin. Using an artificial intelligence (AI) analysis of these compounds, the scientists were able to provide a quick, non-invasive diagnosis.

Released: 10-Jun-2021 2:05 PM EDT
A Spatiotemporal Symphony of Light
American Technion Society

Using an ultrafast transmission electron microscope, researchers from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology have, for the first time, recorded the propagation of combined sound and light waves in atomically thin materials.

Released: 18-Mar-2021 11:05 AM EDT
Technion Launches Nanosatellites Into Outer Space
American Technion Society

In a first, three Israeli satellites will be launched simultaneously on March 20. The Adelis-SAMSON project from the Technion involves three autonomous nanosatellites that will fly in formation and monitor Earth from space.

Released: 5-Feb-2021 3:15 PM EST
The Ramanujan Machine
American Technion Society

Using AI and computer automation, Technion researchers have developed a “conjecture generator” that creates mathematical conjectures, which are considered to be the starting point for developing mathematical theorems. They have already used it to generate a number of previously unknown formulas.

Released: 3-Feb-2021 10:05 AM EST
To Touch and to Smell – a Nature Experience that Creates Happiness
American Technion Society

According to new findings by researcher's at Israel's Technion, the senses -- mainly smell and touch -- are vital in the process that allows us to relax and enjoy nature.

