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Released: 6-Jan-2021 8:05 AM EST
Revolutionising the manufacturing industry through digitalisation
University of Warwick

Until now, smaller manufacturing companies have missed out on the productivity benefits of digital technologies and data-driven solutions. Too many manufacturers don’t know where to start, and lack the skills required to deploy and use digital solutions.

Released: 15-Dec-2020 5:10 PM EST
The UK’s Modern Slavery Act isn’t enough to tackle modern slavery
University of Warwick

Currently there are 24 million victims of modern day slavery or forced labour around the world, with a significant amount working on project-related activities.

Released: 14-Dec-2020 8:40 AM EST
High-rate Li-ion batteries demonstrate superior safety
University of Warwick

As the inevitable growth of transport electrification continues, the types of batteries that will be used in such vehicles, their charging parameters, infrastructure and timeframes are key considerations that will speed up the transition to electrification.

Released: 3-Dec-2020 9:00 AM EST
Robot hands one step closer to human thanks to WMG AI algorithms
University of Warwick

The Shadow Robot Dexterous Hand is comparable to a human hand, reproducing all of its degrees of freedom

Released: 1-Dec-2020 9:00 AM EST
Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival
University of Warwick

Plants have the unique capability to sense and adapt to changes in their environment

Released: 1-Dec-2020 9:00 AM EST
The ultimate gift for music lovers, 24kt Gold headphones
University of Warwick

University of Warwick spin out company, Warwick Acoustics, have the ultimate gift for music enthusiasts seeking the most unforgettable and remarkable listening experience delivered in a one of kind, eye-catching, headphone system.

Released: 26-Nov-2020 9:35 AM EST
Early construction of prototype innovative light rail vehicle for the City of Coventry
University of Warwick

The Coventry Very Light Rail (VLR) is an innovative light rail system which will be battery powered, lightweight and rail-based.

Released: 25-Nov-2020 7:35 AM EST
Warwick scientists design model to predict cellular drug targets against Covid-19
University of Warwick

The covid-19 virus, like all viruses relies on their host for reproduction

Released: 24-Nov-2020 8:30 AM EST
Diabetic drug could slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease
University of Warwick

A hallmark of Parkinson's disease is the degeneration of a group of neurons in the brain that release the neurotransmitter dopamine (dopaminergic neurons)

Released: 23-Nov-2020 8:10 AM EST
Breakthrough in studying the enzyme that ultimately produces fish odour syndrome
University of Warwick

The condition trimethylaminuria, is more commonly known as fish odour syndrome, it currently has no cure.

Released: 19-Nov-2020 10:40 AM EST
Understanding lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis
University of Warwick

Staphylococcus aureus (which includes MRSA) is the most prevalent organism isolated from the airways of children with cystic fibrosis (CF), and is treated using antibiotics, but its role in lung disease is poorly understood

Released: 18-Nov-2020 8:55 AM EST
The ultimate conditions to get the most out of high-nickel batteries
University of Warwick

The automotive industry has become increasingly interested in the use of high-Ni (nickel) batteries for electric vehicles. However high-Ni cathodes, which make the batteries, are prone to reactivity and instability when exposed to humidity

Released: 6-Nov-2020 8:55 AM EST
ALKS cannot be on roads by Spring if a sufficient Driver State Monitoring system is not in place
University of Warwick

The Government released a call for evidence for the safe use of Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) in August this year ready for Spring 2021.

30-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Secrets behind “Game of Thrones” unveiled by data science and network theory
University of Warwick

What are the secrets behind one of the most successful fantasy series of all time? How has a story as complex as “Game of Thrones” enthralled the world and how does it compare to other narratives?

Released: 2-Nov-2020 8:30 AM EST
WMG helped keep Tetley tea on shelves during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
University of Warwick

As the UK entered lockdown as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, panic buying of essential items including tea caused a massive spike in demand.

Released: 26-Oct-2020 12:10 PM EDT
Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active
University of Warwick

New genetic sensors, developed by scientists at University of Warwick and Keele University, could function as a lab test device and even as a live monitoring system inside living cells

Released: 26-Oct-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Could insect manure help grow crops? Warwick and Durham researchers to investigate
University of Warwick

The waste from larvae production could be used as a crop fertiliser should commercial insect farms get off the ground in the UK.

20-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Building Blocks of Language Evolved 30-40 Million Years Ago
University of Warwick

Language is one of the most powerful tools available to humanity, and determining why and when language evolved is central to understand what it means to be human

Released: 20-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Manufacturers leverage supply chain practices developed in response to COVID-19 to prepare for Brexit
University of Warwick

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many people across the world, one particular way includes supply chains, some people found they couldn’t buy pasta or loo roll, and it was the same for manufacturers, who suddenly had to change their strategies to ensure their supply chain during the pandemic.

Released: 15-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Warwick researcher to investigate the link between apes and the evolution of human language
University of Warwick

Dr Adriano R. Lameira, from the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick, has been awarded a prestigious UKRI Future Leader Fellowship, for his project: The ape and the first word: Understanding the origins and evolution of the first linguistic structures in the human clade through comparative research.

Released: 15-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
WMG and Senergy Innovations Ltd Launch Graphene Enabled All Polymer Solar Thermal Cell
University of Warwick

Solar thermal cells continue to attract much interest as they have massive potential to heat water in a cost-effective and sustainable process. To date, the efficiency of these cells has been limited as the polymers used in their manufacture are poor thermal conductors.

Released: 12-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
A circular economy could save the world’s economy post-COVID-19
University of Warwick

The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged all facets of human endeavours, and seven months later the economic effects are particularly being felt

Released: 8-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Robots and AI to transform hospital’s resilience to disasters such as COVID-19
University of Warwick

Hospitals all over the world must increase their efficiency and productivity and boost quality and safety, while containing and reducing costs. Over years, this resulted in linear cuts, which proved to be a disaster during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 14-Sep-2020 9:00 AM EDT
You can train your brain to reduce motion sickness
University of Warwick

Everyone can suffer from motion sickness, and around one in three are known to be highly susceptible to motion sickness

Released: 10-Sep-2020 9:30 AM EDT
Warwick Racing team develop second electric race car during lockdown
University of Warwick

Warwick Racing is a team of 30 dedicated members all working towards getting a single-seater electric race car designed, manufactured and tested in the space of a year.

8-Sep-2020 12:45 PM EDT
A new method for directed networks could help multiple levels of Science
University of Warwick

Many complex systems have underlying networks: they have nodes which represent units of the system and their edges indicate connections between the units.

Released: 2-Sep-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Risk factors for mortality in diabetic patients discharged from hospital identified
University of Warwick

Patients with diabetes are at a higher risk of mortality when discharged from hospital

Released: 25-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Battery life for wearable electronic devices could be improved with design considerations to stress asymmetry clues in cylindrical battery cell formats
University of Warwick

Researchers in WMG and the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick have found that asymmetric stresses within electrodes used in certain wearable electronic devices provides an important clue as to how to improve the durability and lifespan of these batteries.

Released: 24-Aug-2020 8:55 AM EDT
C3-Cloud: the digital coordinated care platform of the future
University of Warwick

The C3-Cloud could be the future for supporting coordinated care across GPs, hospitals and specialties

Released: 17-Aug-2020 12:50 PM EDT
Environmentally friendly audio systems for Electric Vehicles to be made by Warwick Acoustics and University of Warwick
University of Warwick

Warwick Acoustics Ltd, a spin-out company from the University of Warwick’s School of Engineering, is a manufacturer of next generation audio systems for the automotive sector and personal use, and thanks to a grant from Innovate UK, will support development of a lower cost version of its patented ElectroAcoustics Audio Panels for next generation vehicles.

Released: 13-Aug-2020 8:20 AM EDT
Genetic mutation may hold answers to controlled breathing
University of Warwick

The protein Connexin 26 has been previously identified as being directly sensitive to Carbon dioxide and linked to conditions such as KIDS syndrome and deafness.

Released: 12-Aug-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Natural way to boost crop yield to be explored by Warwick Scientists
University of Warwick

Increases in plant yield could be naturally made thanks to research at the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

Released: 10-Aug-2020 7:40 AM EDT
Aquatic robots can remove contaminant particles from water
University of Warwick

Corals in the Ocean are made up of coral polyps, a small soft creature with a stem and tentacles, they are responsible for nourishing the corals, and aid the coral’s survival by generating self-made currents through motion of their soft bodies.

Released: 10-Aug-2020 7:35 AM EDT
Grasshopper jumping on Bloch sphere finds new quantum insights
University of Warwick

New research at the University of Warwick has (pardon the pun) put a new spin on a mathematical analogy involving a jumping grasshopper and its ideal lawn shape. This work could help us understand the spin states of quantum-entangled particles.

Released: 5-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Warwick Moto’s electric superbike build racing ahead despite lockdown
University of Warwick

A team of 25 students who formed Warwick Moto are designing, building and developing an electric superbike which was due to race this summer

Released: 4-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Consumers don’t fully trust smart home technologies
University of Warwick

Smart home technologies are an emerging market, with some households installing voice controlled appliances and smart security

Released: 3-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Novel magnetic stirrer speaks to lab equipment
University of Warwick

A current problem for a wide range of chemists is when stirring a solution in the laboratory there is a need to check the properties of the solution and monitor how they change.

27-Jul-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Medieval medicine remedy could provide new treatment for modern day infections
University of Warwick

To fight antibiotic resistance more antimicrobials are needed to treat bacterial biofilms, which protect an infection from antibiotics

Released: 16-Jul-2020 8:45 AM EDT
Breakthrough in studying ancient DNA from Doggerland that separates the UK from Europe
University of Warwick

Thousands of years ago the UK was physically joined to the rest of Europe through an area known as Doggerland. However, a marine inundation took place during the mid-holocene, separating the British landmass from the rest of Europe, which is now covered by the North Sea.

13-Jul-2020 9:50 AM EDT
Thermonuclear blast sends supernova survivor star hurtling across the Milky Way
University of Warwick

Bizarre white dwarf star shows evidence of a ‘partial supernova’ in observations using the Hubble Space Telescope, led by University of Warwick astronomers

Released: 3-Jul-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Warwick Moto superbike designs unveiled
University of Warwick

As the government has announced proposals to ban the sale of petrol, diesel and hybrid cars by 2035 the race to electrify the motor industry is on, and motorbikes aren’t to be overlooked.

29-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
An ethical eye on AI - new mathematical idea reins in AI bias towards making unethical and costly commercial choices
University of Warwick

Researchers from the University of Warwick, Imperial College London, EPFL (Lausanne) and Sciteb Ltd have found a mathematical means of helping regulators and business manage and police Artificial Intelligence systems’ biases towards making unethical, and potentially very costly and damaging commercial choices - an ethical eye on AI.

Released: 15-Jun-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Intelligence (IQ) throughout childhood to adulthood is impacted if born small for gestational age
University of Warwick

People born small for gestational age (SGA) have a lower IQ throughout development from infancy to adulthood

Released: 11-Jun-2020 9:55 AM EDT
How Dashcams help and hinder forensics
University of Warwick

Dashcams are vital for helping police investigate car incidents, however the way the footage is submitted to police, managed and processed can cause problems. A researcher at WMG, University of Warwick has assessed seven different types of dashcams’ SD storage systems to see how they help and hinder digital forensics.

8-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Appetite Can Be Increased by Cells in the Brain
University of Warwick

Tanycytes are glial cells, which communicate with neurons in the brain to inform it of what we have eaten. Researchers from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick have found when tanycytes are selectively stimulated appetite was increased.

Released: 8-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
New Study Provides Insights Into How Retailers Have Responded to COVID-19
University of Warwick

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the retail sector, a new study by WMG, University of Warwick, and Blue Yonder has examined how retailers have responded to the situation. The study identified the human vulnerabilities across the supply chain and the need for future investment in flexibility, visibility and automation to improve future resilience.

Released: 5-Jun-2020 12:10 PM EDT
New technique for engineering living materials and patterns
University of Warwick

Engineered living materials (ELMs) is a new class of materials that exploit the properties of living organisms

Released: 28-May-2020 7:05 AM EDT
Previously claimed memory boosting font “Sans Forgetica” does not actually boost memory
University of Warwick

A font called Sans Forgetica was designed to enhance people’s memory for information displayed in that font—compared to reading information in an ordinary font, such as Arial.

26-May-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Chimpanzees Help Trace the Evolution of Human Speech Back to Ancient Ancestors
University of Warwick

Chimpanzee lip-smacks exhibit a speech-like rhythm, a group of researchers led by the University of Warwick have found

22-May-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Warwick Scientists Discover How Cells Respond to Fasting
University of Warwick

The UK has the highest level of obesity in Europe, in fact it’s estimated half the population could be obese by 2050. Obesity is a significant risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality

Showing results 1 – 50 of 327
