Latest News from: UC San Diego Health

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21-Apr-2020 12:15 PM EDT
Gut Microbes Influence How Rat Brains React to Opioids
UC San Diego Health

Antibiotic treatment — which depletes gut microbes — drastically changes the parts of a rat’s brain that are activated during opioid addiction and withdrawal.

Released: 20-Apr-2020 12:05 PM EDT
Finding Leukemia’s Weakness Using Genome-Wide CRISPR Technology
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center used CRISPR technology to identify key regulators of aggressive chronic myeloid leukemia.

Released: 17-Apr-2020 12:05 PM EDT
UC San Diego Health Launches Novel Coronavirus Blood Testing to Identify Past Exposure
UC San Diego Health

Physicians and scientists at UC San Diego Health have launched a pair of serological tests that will look for novel coronavirus antibodies—evidence in persons tested that they have previously been infected by the viral cause of COVID-19, even if they never experienced tell-tale symptoms.

Released: 15-Apr-2020 2:05 PM EDT
When Damaged, the Adult Brain Repairs Itself by Going Back to the Beginning
UC San Diego Health

When adult brain cells are injured, they revert to an embryonic state, say researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine. In their newly adopted immature state, the cells become capable of re-growing new connections that, under the right conditions, can help to restore lost function.

Released: 14-Apr-2020 1:10 PM EDT
In Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic, a Crashing Wave of Neuropsychiatric Problems?
UC San Diego Health

Researchers suggest that in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a host of neuropsychiatric challenges may remain — or emerge — for those recovering from COVID-19 infections.

Released: 14-Apr-2020 11:35 AM EDT
Manoj Monga, MD, Named New Chair of the Department of Urology
UC San Diego Health

Manoj Monga, MD, recognized as an international authority in endourology and stone disease, has been named chair of the Department of Urology at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and will see patients at UC San Diego Health.

Released: 13-Apr-2020 12:50 PM EDT
Loss of Smell and Taste Validated as COVID-19 Symptoms
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at UC San Diego Health publish the first empirical findings that strongly associate sensory loss and COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 3:45 PM EDT
UC San Diego to Advance Stem Cell Therapies in New Space Station Lab
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego and Space Tango received a NASA award to develop the first dedicated stem cell research laboratory within the International Space Station.

Released: 7-Apr-2020 1:20 PM EDT
Artificial Intelligence Enables Rapid COVID-19 Lung Imaging Analysis at UC San Diego Health
UC San Diego Health

With support from Amazon Web Services, UC San Diego Health physicians are using AI in a clinical research study aimed at speeding the detection of pneumonia, a condition associated with severe COVID-19.

Released: 6-Apr-2020 12:25 PM EDT
Tested and Testing: UC San Diego Health Expands COVID-19 Diagnostics
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health makes measurable progress addressing COVID-19 testing shortage through multiple partnerships and rapidly growing in-house testing. Success has meant more testing for more patients, first responders and other health systems.

Released: 26-Mar-2020 1:05 PM EDT
New Studies Investigate How COVID-19 May Impact Breast Milk and Pregnancy
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine are launching a pair of studies to answer critical questions regarding the roles COVID-19 may play in breast milk and pregnancy.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 2:50 PM EDT
UC San Diego Health Launches Clinical Trial to Assess Antiviral Drug for COVID-19
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at four University of California Health medical centers have begun recruiting participants for a Phase II clinical trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of treating adult patients with COVID-19 with remdesivir, a drug that has shown promising activity against multiple viruses.

Released: 20-Mar-2020 1:55 PM EDT
UC San Diego Partners with 5 Leading Diagnostics Manufacturers to Boost COVID-19 Testing
UC San Diego Health

Partnering with five diagnostics manufacturers, UC San Diego is significantly ramping up testing for COVID-19, projecting capacity to complete up to 1,500 tests daily within two to three weeks.

Released: 18-Mar-2020 2:35 PM EDT
How Gene Therapy May Hold Key to Treating Life-Threatening Cardiac Disease
UC San Diego Health

New study finds gene therapy improved cardiac, muscle and liver function in Danon disease mouse models.

Released: 13-Mar-2020 2:20 PM EDT
How Sperm Unpack Dad’s Genome so it Can Merge with Mom’s
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego researchers discover the enzyme SPRK1’s role in reorganizing the paternal genome during the first moments of fertilization — a finding that might help explain infertility cases of unknown cause.

Released: 12-Mar-2020 3:40 PM EDT
How Brain Biology Promotes Starvation in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine have discovered differences in brain circuitry that contribute to starvation and weight loss in people with anorexia nervosa.

9-Mar-2020 12:30 PM EDT
Microbial DNA in Patient Blood May be Tell-Tale Sign of Cancer
UC San Diego Health

From a simple blood draw, microbial DNA may reveal who has cancer and which type, even at early stages

Released: 3-Mar-2020 11:30 AM EST
Presence of Staph Bacteria in Skin Microbiome Promotes Netherton Syndrome Inflammation
UC San Diego Health

Netherton syndrome is exacerbated by the presence of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis living on human skin report University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers.

Released: 26-Feb-2020 4:25 PM EST
Multi-sensor Band Quickly and Simply Records Subtle Changes in Patients with MS
UC San Diego Health

An international team of scientists, led by UC San Diego researchers, has developed a new, multi-sensor tool that measures subtle changes in multiple sclerosis patients, allowing physicians to more frequently and more quickly respond to changes in symptoms or patient condition.

24-Feb-2020 12:45 PM EST
How Resident Microbes Restructure Body Chemistry
UC San Diego Health

A comparison of normal and germ-free mice revealed that as much as 70 percent of a mouse’s gut chemistry is determined by its gut microbiome. Even in distant organs, such as the uterus or the brain, approximately 20 percent of molecules were different in the mice with gut microbes.

Released: 25-Feb-2020 12:05 PM EST
Heatwave Exposure Linked to Increased Risk of Preterm Birth in California
UC San Diego Health

A new study at UC San Diego, published February 11, 2020, found that exposure to heatwaves during the last week of pregnancy was strongly linked to an increased risk of preterm delivery – the hotter the temperature or the longer the heatwave, the greater the risk.

Released: 24-Feb-2020 4:15 PM EST
Too Much of a Good Thing May Lead to Too Much of a Liver As Well
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego researchers suggest that prolonged exposure to a pair of antioxidant proteins may contribute to enlargement of the liver and fatty liver diseases.

Released: 18-Feb-2020 11:35 AM EST
Study: Difference in Breast Milk Concentrations Impacts Growth Up to Age 5
UC San Diego Health

In a new study, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine confirmed the findings of previous pilot studies that found an association between human milk concentrations and infant weight and body composition.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 12:40 PM EST
Subtle Decline in Cognition Predicts Progression to Alzheimer’s Pathology
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine report that abnormal levels of beta-amyloid plaques in brain predict cognitive decline and higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, but also that cognitive performance predicts progression from normal to abnormal levels of beta-amyloid.

Released: 13-Feb-2020 3:15 PM EST
Predicting Autism Risk May Begin With a Drop of Blood
UC San Diego Health

A novel research study by UC San Diego researchers will determine whether testing stored blood drops, recorded at birth, for 1,000 different molecules and chemicals can help predict autism risk years before symptoms would likely appear.

5-Feb-2020 11:25 AM EST
More than Just a Carnival Trick: Researchers Can Guess Your Age Based on Your Microbes
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego and IBM researchers reveal a new understanding of how our microbiomes change as we age, setting the stage for future research on the role microbes play in accelerating or decelerating the aging process and influencing age-related diseases.

7-Feb-2020 1:50 PM EST
Human Gut-in-a-Dish Model Helps Define ‘Leaky Gut,’ and Outline a Pathway to Treatment
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego researchers use 3D human gut organoids to reveal the molecular system that keeps intestinal linings sealed, demonstrate how the system breaks down and how it can be strengthened with the diabetes drug metformin.

4-Feb-2020 1:40 PM EST
Study: Two Enzymes Control Liver Damage in NASH
UC San Diego Health

After identifying a molecular pathway that allows nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) to progress into liver cell death, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers were able to use these pathways to halt further liver damage.

Released: 6-Feb-2020 1:25 PM EST
Cancer-Causing Culprits Could be Caught by their DNA Fingerprints
UC San Diego Health

Researchers from University of California San Diego School of Medicine have defined the most detailed list of genetic fingerprints of DNA-damaging processes that drive cancer development to date.

30-Jan-2020 6:05 PM EST
Novel Intervention in Senior Housing Communities Increases Resilience and Wisdom
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, in collaboration with Mather Institute, developed a method to enhance resilience and reduce subjective stress in residents living in senior housing communities.

Released: 3-Feb-2020 12:20 PM EST
National Study Confirms Nurses at Higher Risk of Suicide than General Population
UC San Diego Health

In the first national study of its size, researchers at UC San Diego have found that nurses are at higher risk of suicide than the general population. Results were published in the February edition of WORLDviews on Evidence Based-Nursing.

Released: 29-Jan-2020 6:15 PM EST
UC San Diego Health Launches Drone Transport Program with UPS, Matternet
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health launches pilot project using drones to move medical samples, supplies and documents between Jacobs Medical Center, Moores Cancer Center and the Center for Advanced Laboratory Medicine, speeding delivery of services and patient care currently managed through ground transport.

Released: 29-Jan-2020 11:50 AM EST
New Injection Technique May Boost Spinal Cord Injury Repair Efforts
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues, describe a new method for delivering neural precursor cells to spinal cord injuries in rats, reducing the risk of further injury and boosting the propagation of potentially reparative cells.

Released: 28-Jan-2020 6:50 PM EST
Stem Cells, CRISPR and Gene Sequencing Technology are Basis of New Brain Cancer Model
UC San Diego Health

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers created a new type of brain cancer model for glioblastoma using stem cells, CRISPR and gene sequencing.

Released: 24-Jan-2020 1:05 PM EST
Opioid Dependence Found to Permanently Change Brains of Rats
UC San Diego Health

Approximately one-quarter of patients who are prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them, with five to 10 percent developing an opioid use disorder or addiction. In a new study, UC San Diego researchers found that opioid dependence produced permanent changes in the brains of rats.

Released: 23-Jan-2020 1:45 PM EST
Liver Fibrosis 'Off Switch' Discovered in Mice
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers identified several genetic switches, or transcription factors, that determine whether or not liver cells produce collagen — providing a new therapeutic target for liver fibrosis.

14-Jan-2020 3:35 PM EST
Zika Virus’ Key into Brain Cells ID’d, Leveraged to Block Infection and Kill Cancer Cells
UC San Diego Health

Two different UC San Diego research teams identified the same molecule — αvβ5 integrin — as Zika virus’ key to brain cell entry. They found ways to take advantage of the integrin to both block Zika virus from infecting cells and turn it into something good: a way to shrink brain cancer stem cells.

Released: 15-Jan-2020 1:15 PM EST
Researchers Identify Gene with Functional Role in Aging of Eye
UC San Diego Health

Researchers say a gene known to be a biomarker of age plays a key role in age-associated functional and anatomical aging in mouse retinas, a finding that has direct relevance to age-related eye diseases.

Released: 14-Jan-2020 4:50 PM EST
In Mice, Alcohol Dependence Results in Brain-Wide Remodeling of Functional Architecture
UC San Diego Health

Using novel imaging technologies, researchers produce first whole-brain atlas at single-cell resolution, revealing how alcohol addiction and abstinence remodel neural physiology and function in mice.

Released: 14-Jan-2020 12:30 PM EST
Unfruitful: Eating More Produce Will Not Cure, Stop Prostate Cancer
UC San Diego Health

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers report that patients with prostate cancer assigned to eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily saw no extra protection from the increased consumption of micronutrients, running contrary to current thought.

Released: 13-Jan-2020 11:55 AM EST
How Marijuana Accelerates Growth of HPV-related Head and Neck Cancer Identified
UC San Diego Health

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers identified how THC from marijuana accelerates cancer growth in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive head and neck cancer.

8-Jan-2020 4:05 PM EST
Taking One for the Team: How Bacteria Self-Destruct to Fight Viral Infections
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers have discovered how a new immune system works to protect bacteria from phages, viruses that infect bacteria — new information that could be leveraged to improve treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections by refining phage therapy.

8-Jan-2020 2:35 PM EST
Lonely in a Crowd: Overcoming Loneliness with Acceptance and Wisdom
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found the main characteristics of loneliness in a senior housing community and the strategies residents use to overcome it.

3-Jan-2020 2:25 PM EST
The Birds and the Bats: Evolving to Fly May Have Had Big Effect on Gut Microbiome
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego researchers studied nearly 900 vertebrate species and found that bats have unusual gut microbiomes that more closely resemble those of birds than other mammals, raising questions about how evolutionary pressures change the gut microbiome

Released: 6-Jan-2020 4:15 PM EST
Experts Come Together to Save 3-year-old Gorilla’s Eyesight at San Diego Zoo Safari Park
UC San Diego Health

San Diego Zoo Safari Park and UC San Diego Health experts performed cataract surgery to restore a 3-year-old gorilla’s eyesight.

Released: 31-Dec-2019 8:20 AM EST
Objective Subtle Cognitive Difficulties Predict Amyloid Accumulation and Neurodegeneration
UC San Diego Health

Researchers report that accumulating amyloid protein occurred faster among persons deemed to have “objectively-defined subtle cognitive difficulties” (Obj-SCD) than among persons considered to be “cognitively normal,” offering a potential new early biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease.

19-Dec-2019 11:25 AM EST
Injection of Virus-Delivered Gene Silencer Blocks ALS Degeneration, Saves Motor Function
UC San Diego Health

Novel spinal therapy/delivery approach prevented disease onset in neurodegenerative ALS disease model in adult mice and blocked progression in animals already showing disease symptoms.

19-Dec-2019 2:35 PM EST
Measuring Mutations in Sperm May Reveal Risk for Autism in Future Children
UC San Diego Health

Spontaneous mutations in male sperm are linked to development of autism spectrum disorder. Researchers have created a way to measure mutations and estimate risk of ASD in future children. If developed into a clinical test, the method could be a useful predictive tool in genetic counseling.
