Latest News from: Michigan State University

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Released: 16-Jul-2004 6:00 AM EDT
Press Freedom Lacking in Religion Coverage in Central Asia
Michigan State University

Domestic Central Asian online media are unable to report about controversial religion issues because of sparse resources and governmental, cultural and self-imposed restraints.

Released: 9-Jul-2004 6:10 AM EDT
AIDS Toll in African Heartland Isn’t Always What People Think
Michigan State University

New ways to study the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural African families shows that conventional wisdom isn't necessarily wise, and points to better ways to help those struggling in the wake of death.

Released: 1-Jul-2004 4:00 PM EDT
Digital Evolution Reveals the Many Ways to Get to Diversity
Michigan State University

In finding an answer to "perhaps the greatest unsolved ecological riddle," evolutionists propose that diversity is a testament to there being more than one way to make a living. The riddle: Why are some habitats loaded with many more species than others? The answer: Nature and evolution respect that there's more than one way of doing things.

Released: 8-Jun-2004 6:10 AM EDT
Nation’s Plant Database Falling Behind
Michigan State University

Stopping to smell the roses may be laudable, but more people need to be picking, preserving and cataloging them.

Released: 3-Jun-2004 2:10 PM EDT
Report: Location and Familiarity Keys to Recruit, Retain Teachers
Michigan State University

Teachers would rather work close to home and in schools like the ones they attended as students, a report commissioned by the university's Education Policy Center and released today has found.

Released: 3-Jun-2004 6:10 AM EDT
NSF Grant Used to Develop Digital Evolution Teaching Tool
Michigan State University

A Michigan State University professor is using a National Science Foundation grant of $255,000 to take a computer program that speeds up the process of evolution and turn it into a teaching tool.

Released: 20-May-2004 12:20 PM EDT
Supply Chain Often Neglected in Business Continuity Planning
Michigan State University

A study commissioned by AT&T has found that companies are courting disaster if their business continuity plans fail to ensure supply chain continuity.

Released: 11-May-2004 2:20 PM EDT
Program Fires Up Young Politicos to Run for Office
Michigan State University

Some 20 college students will spend part of their summer break learning how to be the next Howard Dean "“ or how not to be.

Released: 7-May-2004 7:00 AM EDT
New Book Challenges Perceptions of Anatomical Differences
Michigan State University

"Why not change minds instead of bodies?" That's the question Michigan State University's Alice D. Dreger poses in "One of Us: Conjoined Twins and the Future of Normal," a book that challenges the way so-called "normal" people perceive those with "abnormal" anatomies.

Released: 6-May-2004 3:40 PM EDT
Sixty-one-year-old Med School Grad Ready for Next Step in Life
Michigan State University

At the age of 61, Clarence "Nic" Nicodemus is getting ready to take that next step in his life, and it's not retirement. At a time when most people are slowing down, Nicodemus is graduating from the College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Released: 28-Apr-2004 12:00 PM EDT
Video Game Designed to Improve Nutrition among Low-Income Families
Michigan State University

Educators are using a video game to improve the eating and nutrition habits of adults.

Released: 20-Apr-2004 8:40 AM EDT
Condoleezza Rice to Address MSU Undergraduates at Convocation
Michigan State University

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice will address Michigan State University undergraduates at spring commencement convocation ceremonies Friday, May 7.

Released: 16-Apr-2004 4:10 PM EDT
Law School Name Change Reflects Integration and Collaboration
Michigan State University

The new name for the law school "“ the MSU College of Law "“ represents the academic integration and collaboration between a private law school on the rise and a Big Ten university.

Released: 15-Apr-2004 6:10 PM EDT
Chile-Based Telescope Collects Images in Optical, Infrared
Michigan State University

When the Southern Astrophysical Research telescope opens its eye later this year and captures what astronomers call "first light," it will not only open a new window on the night skies of the Southern Hemisphere, but will also shine new light on science research and education at MSU.

Released: 15-Apr-2004 6:10 PM EDT
Infrared Camera to Push Boundaries of Astronomical Research
Michigan State University

What separates the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope from other similar instruments is an infrared camera, whose images could rival those that are captured by space-based telescopes.

Released: 2-Apr-2004 9:40 AM EST
Children Spend More Time Playing Video Games than Watching TV
Michigan State University

Boys spend twice as much time playing video games as girls, but the gap is expected to close as more games are designed for girls with their preferences in mind, a survey released today has found.

Released: 30-Mar-2004 4:30 PM EST
Method to Remove Virus from Bones, Tissues for Transplants Questioned
Michigan State University

Lyophilization, a procedure once thought to inactivate retroviruses such as HIV from bones and connective tissues used in transplant procedures may not be quite as effective as originally thought.

Released: 3-Feb-2004 11:00 AM EST
First Amendment Should Function Differently for Children than for Adults
Michigan State University

In his new book, "Saving Our Children from the First Amendment," an author asserts that freedom of expression can be very harmful to our children.

Released: 2-Feb-2004 2:30 PM EST
Unique Program Gives New Medical Students Hands-On Experiences
Michigan State University

A unique program that matches first-year medical students with patients suffering from chronic illnesses gives the students the opportunity to experience "real life" medical issues while honing their doctor-patient relationship skills.

Released: 28-Jan-2004 4:00 PM EST
Partnership Formed to Respond to Animal Health Emergencies
Michigan State University

Michigan State University, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and the state's largest veterinarian organization have come together to form the Michigan Emergency Veterinary Network, or "Vet Net," a comprehensive education and training program.

Released: 13-Jan-2004 3:10 PM EST
Team Looking Into "How Volcanoes Work"
Michigan State University

A team of scientists is taking a close look at frozen magma, or lava, taken from a very active Japanese volcano in order to determine why some volcanoes tend to erupt more violently than others.

Released: 12-Jan-2004 4:40 PM EST
Warning: Privacy Does Matter
Michigan State University

Consumers need explicit warnings about the threats of identity theft, spam, and credit card fraud to deter them from innocently surrendering personal information online.

19-Nov-2003 6:00 AM EST
‘Slow and Steady Wins the Race’ Possible Caveat for College Graduates
Michigan State University

The 33rd annual "Recruiting Trends" survey conducted by the Collegiate Employment Research Institute at MSU says while the economy is improving and the labor market has stabilized, employers in some fields are still keeping their hiring options open.

Released: 20-Nov-2003 12:10 PM EST
New Web Site to Screen for Lead Poisoning
Michigan State University

Researchers have developed a new Web-based tool that has proven to be much more effective than current methods of predicting which children are at increased risk of lead poisoning.

Released: 12-Nov-2003 12:10 PM EST
Research Sheds New Light on Process of Evolution
Michigan State University

The long-held theory that a species evolves by going through an infinite number of small genetic changes may not be completely accurate, according to resaerch.

Released: 29-Oct-2003 2:40 PM EST
Team Discovers Gene Mutations That Cause Hearing Loss
Michigan State University

Researchers have discovered a set of gene mutations that cause progressive hearing loss, a discovery that should provide significant clues in the hunt to solve the puzzle of acquired hearing loss.

Released: 20-Oct-2003 1:20 PM EDT
Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea Are Most Attractive Emerging Markets
Michigan State University

Michigan State University's Center for International Business Education and Research (MSU-CIBER) in the Eli Broad College of Business today released its semi-annual market potential index for emerging markets (EMPI).

Released: 20-Oct-2003 1:10 PM EDT
$1.2 Million Grant Will Establish Wireless Telemedicine Network to Link Nursing Homes
Michigan State University

A professor has been awarded a grant worth nearly $1.2 million to establish a wireless network to link three rural nursing home facilities in Michigan with an MSU teaching nursing home facility.

Released: 14-Oct-2003 2:00 PM EDT
New National Center to Study Environmental Breast Cancer Links
Michigan State University

Partnering with state and community organizations, Michigan State University is establishing a national center that will investigate whether certain environmental exposures can predispose women to breast cancer.

Released: 7-Oct-2003 2:00 PM EDT
New Web Site Focuses on American Quilting Traditions
Michigan State University

A new Web site is putting historical and contemporary American quilts at the fingertips of anyone with a computer and Internet access.

Released: 8-Sep-2003 2:00 PM EDT
Researchers Study Veins' Role in Hypertension
Michigan State University

Researchers will use a unique grant to investigate an under-studied but important part of the cardiovascular system that could hold the key to why one in five Americans suffer from high blood pressure. The $9 million grant will be used to study the role that veins, play in hypertension.

Released: 8-Sep-2003 1:00 PM EDT
New Intellectual Property Law Program at Michigan State U
Michigan State University

Michigan State University-DCL College of Law has launched a new Intellectual Property and Communications Law Program.

Released: 26-Aug-2003 1:00 PM EDT
Michigan State Now Offers PET/CT SCANS, Produces Radiopharmaceuticals
Michigan State University

Michigan State University's newly installed PET/CT scanner "“ the first commercial, large-bore fusion machine in the world "“ makes it easier and faster to diagnose many types of deadly cancers, including head and neck, breast and colorectal.

Released: 13-Aug-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Scientists Rewrite Laws of Glacial Erosion
Michigan State University

Glaciers aren't so different from people "“ they can gain weight in their bottoms and be less active. Glaciers grow not just from snow accumulating on their surfaces but also from beneath by freezing of meltwater which can affect the rate at which they can erode.

Released: 28-Jul-2003 10:00 AM EDT
Children Who Spend More Time Online Do Better in School
Michigan State University

Internet use has no negative effect on users' social involvement or psychological well-being, and it increases children's grade point averages and standardized test scores.

Released: 28-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Web Site Offers Information, Insight on Foodborne Illnesses
Michigan State University

If you find yourself suffering from what you think is a foodborne illness, there"šs a Web site that can not only offer you some help, but also help health officials determine if there is a public health problem to consider.

Released: 27-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Michigan State Offers New Online Nursing Programs
Michigan State University

The Michigan State University College of Nursing is offering several new degree programs that are completely online and will help address both the shortage of nurses and nurse educators in this country.

Released: 10-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Michigan State Wins Prestigious IT Award
Michigan State University

Michigan State University has received the coveted 21st-Century Achievement Award from the Computerworld Honors Program for visionary use of information technology in the category of Education & Academia.

Released: 9-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Work Life Boundaries Help Families Thrive
Michigan State University

Contrary to popular opinion, people who integrate their work and families are not always happier, Michigan State University researchers say.

Released: 6-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Childhood Obesity Under-Diagnosed
Michigan State University

A Michigan State University study has found that despite the increased attention being paid to childhood obesity issues, very few physicians and other health care providers are identifying obesity, and its myriad complications, in their young patients.

Released: 25-Apr-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Undergrads' Early Practices Key to Future Employment
Michigan State University

MSU Business School study links undergraduates' early professional practice with future employment opportunities.

Released: 23-Apr-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Reducing Worker's Compensation Costs
Michigan State University

The practice of non-intervention in workers"š compensation claims could be at the expense of employees and insurance carriers, according to a new Michigan State University study.

Released: 16-Apr-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Who Is at Risk for Staph Infections
Michigan State University

A study by a Michigan State University physician finds that people undergoing dialysis, as well as those with HIV and others with compromised immune systems, are much more susceptible to deadly staph infections than the general population.

24-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Gene Responsible for Smith-Magenis Syndrome Identified
Michigan State University

Researchers at Michigan State University have identified the gene responsible for a developmental disorder known as Smith-Magenis syndrome, a discovery that could lead to new therapies for the disorder and the myriad problems that accompany it.

Released: 21-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
West Nile Virus Sources, Story Ideas
Michigan State University

Health officials nationwide are in general agreement that West Nile virus will be a major health issue again this year. Here are some story ideas and Michigan State University sources that can answer your questions about West Nile virus.

Released: 7-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Center for Great Lakes Culture Announces Winners
Michigan State University

The Center for Great Lakes Culture at Michigan State University has announced the winners of the third annual Great Lakes Culture Awards.

Released: 4-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
'Virtual Colonoscopy" Alternative to Colonoscopy
Michigan State University

For those who fear the colonoscopy procedure, a CT colonography or "virtual colonoscopy," provides a more comfortable alternative, says a Michigan State University radiologist.

Released: 4-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Easter Lilies Deadly to Cats
Michigan State University

With the Easter holiday approaching, cat owners should be aware that Easter lilies pose a potential health hazard to their pets.

Released: 4-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
MSU Students Serve Others During Alternative Spring Break
Michigan State University

More than 300 Michigan State University students are participating in an Alternative Spring Break, helping the homeless, disabled, poor and orphaned, and working to improve the environment, throughout North and Central America.

Released: 27-Feb-2003 12:00 AM EST
IBM and MSU's Broad School Form Logistics Center
Michigan State University

Michigan State's Eli Broad College of Business and IBM today announced they will establish a center for joint research and study of advanced supply chain practices at MSU, one of the world's top schools for supply chain management and logistics.
