Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 28-May-2020 8:10 AM EDT
Gap between rich, poor neighborhoods growing in some cities
Ohio State University

New research provides insight into how housing prices and neighborhood values have become polarized in some urban areas, with the rich getting richer and the poor becoming poorer.

22-May-2020 11:45 AM EDT
A few months of vaping puts healthy people on the brink of oral disease
Ohio State University

The collection of oral bacteria in daily e-cigarette users’ mouths is teeming with potent infection-causing organisms that put vapers at substantial risk for ailments ranging from gum disease to cancer, researchers found.

Released: 26-May-2020 10:50 AM EDT
Chinese, American scientists leading efforts on COVID-19
Ohio State University

Despite the political tensions between the United States and China, scientists in the two countries are working together more than ever to study the COVID-19 virus, a new study suggests.

19-May-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Researchers: As Ohio Abortion Regulations Increased, Disparities in Care Emerged
Ohio State University

Ohio has seen a growing disparity between abortion rates in rural and urban communities, later abortions, and less use of medication abortion care as the state has heavily regulated abortion and clinics have closed, a new study has found.

Released: 20-May-2020 12:20 PM EDT
Inspiring stories from women like themselves helped these moms improve their diet
Ohio State University

When researchers asked overweight low-income moms who should be in study videos promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors, moms said they wanted to see themselves. The researchers obliged. And the intervention they designed produced the desired results when it came to improving participants’ diet.

Released: 18-May-2020 12:05 PM EDT
Mindfulness training shows promise for people with MS
Ohio State University

New research suggests mindfulness training may help multiple sclerosis patients in two very different ways: regulating negative emotions and improving processing speed.

Released: 14-May-2020 2:20 PM EDT
Praying together over Zoom: How religion sounds during a pandemic
Ohio State University

Researchers at the American Religious Sounds Project, led by The Ohio State University and Michigan State University, are collecting and cataloging those sounds in an attempt to understand how the pandemic is changing religion around the United States.

Released: 13-May-2020 1:45 PM EDT
Job skills training leads to long-term reduction in drug abuse
Ohio State University

Job skills training for low-income youth does more than just help them get better jobs – it makes them significantly less likely than others to use some illicit drugs, even 16 years later.

Released: 12-May-2020 8:30 AM EDT
Our ability to focus may falter after eating one meal high in saturated fat
Ohio State University

Fatty food may feel like a friend during these troubled times, but new research suggests that eating just one meal high in saturated fat can hinder our ability to concentrate – not great news for people whose diets have gone south while they’re working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 11-May-2020 8:15 AM EDT
State actions played lesser role in COVID-19 economic damage
Ohio State University

Actions by state governments to try to limit the spread of COVID-19 played only a secondary role in the historic spike in U.S. unemployment in March, according to new research.

Released: 7-May-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Glacial ice will likely hold records of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers say
Ohio State University

Ice from glaciers around the world, undisturbed for centuries, show changes in how societies functioned throughout history – and will likely hold a record of the current impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for future generations.

Released: 5-May-2020 11:05 AM EDT
How Race Affects Listening During Political Conversations
Ohio State University

A new study offers a rare look at how black and white people listen to each other during political discussions, including those that touch on controversial issues about race.

Released: 27-Apr-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Breastfeeding moms’ exposure to nicotine linked to infant skull defect
Ohio State University

Lactating mothers who use e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapies may be putting their breastfed babies at risk for skull defects, a new study in animals suggests.

Released: 22-Apr-2020 6:05 AM EDT
The Downside of Feeling Prepared
Ohio State University

Feeling prepared and confident about a job interview you have tomorrow is great. But a new study suggests that you may bring that sense of confidence into other parts of your life for which you might not be nearly so prepared.

Released: 20-Apr-2020 8:00 AM EDT
People may know the best decision – and not make it
Ohio State University

When faced with a decision, people may know which choice gives them the best chance of success, but still take the other option, a new study suggests.

Released: 16-Apr-2020 2:00 PM EDT
Study estimates revenue produced by top college football players
Ohio State University

The most elite players in college football increase revenue for their school football programs by an average of $650,000 a year, a first-of-its-kind study suggests.

Released: 13-Apr-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Tech not hurting social skills of ‘kids these days’
Ohio State University

Despite the time spent with smartphones and social media, young people today are just as socially skilled as those from the previous generation, a new study suggests.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 4:10 PM EDT
Whether marijuana helps with pain is unclear, study suggests
Ohio State University

Medical marijuana users who say they have high levels of pain are more likely than those with low pain to say they use cannabis three or more times a day, a new study finds.

1-Apr-2020 1:10 PM EDT
Scientists develop “backpack” computers to track wild animals in hard-to-reach habitats
Ohio State University

With new technology described today (April 2) in PLOS Biology, researchers are able to track tiny animals that divide their time between flying around in the sky and huddling together in caves and hollow trees – by attaching little backpacks to them with glue.

Released: 2-Apr-2020 11:15 AM EDT
Stressed about COVID-19? Try tapping into the power of music
Ohio State University

The virus might be keeping people apart; music can help bring them together -- and just might have a positive effect on your physiological response to stress.

Released: 31-Mar-2020 9:55 AM EDT
Some mobile phone apps may contain hidden behaviors that users never see
Ohio State University

A team of cybersecurity researchers has discovered that a large number of cell phone applications contain hardcoded secrets allowing others to access private data or block content provided by users. The study’s findings: that the apps on mobile phones might have hidden or harmful behaviors about which end users know little to nothing.

Released: 30-Mar-2020 8:00 AM EDT
How social media makes it difficult to identify real news
Ohio State University

There’s a price to pay when you get your news and political information from the same place you find funny memes and cat pictures, new research suggests.

Released: 26-Mar-2020 10:05 AM EDT
Scientists electrify aluminum to speed up important process
Ohio State University

Scientists have found a way in the laboratory to shorten the time it takes to create a key chemical used to synthesize a variety of medications, fertilizers and other important substances. The finding could make a number of industrial manufacturing processes cheaper and more efficient. And all it takes, essentially, is electrifying an aluminum container that includes the right chemicals.

Released: 25-Mar-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Study shows how diligent we have to be to keep surfaces germ-free
Ohio State University

A recent study suggests that even organized efforts to clean surfaces can fall short, a reminder for us all that keeping our surroundings clean may require some additional work.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Study uses AI to estimate unexploded bombs from Vietnam War
Ohio State University

Researchers have used artificial intelligence to detect Vietnam War-era bomb craters in Cambodia from satellite images – with the hope that it can help find unexploded bombs.

12-Mar-2020 5:15 PM EDT
Scientists learn how vampire bat strangers make friends
Ohio State University

Scientists haven’t had a good grip on how friendly connections among strangers are made between animals. A new study of vampire bats living in captivity with strangers supports the “raising-the-stakes” model of relationship development: trust builds through gradual acceleration of investments in each other’s well-being.

Released: 19-Mar-2020 8:40 AM EDT
Parents shouldn’t feel they have to be teachers, too
Ohio State University

In the wake of COVID-19, children across the country were sent home from school, many with suggested assignments and learning activities. The last thing parents should do is stress themselves about making their child complete all of these school assignments,

Released: 10-Mar-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Knowing more about a virus threat may not satisfy you
Ohio State University

People who rate themselves as highly knowledgeable about a new infectious disease threat could also be more likely to believe they don’t know enough, a new study suggests.

Released: 9-Mar-2020 12:10 PM EDT
Gratitude interventions don’t help with depression, anxiety
Ohio State University

Go ahead and be grateful for the good things in your life. Just don’t think that a gratitude intervention will help you feel less depressed or anxious.

Released: 6-Mar-2020 2:20 PM EST
Radar and ice could help detect an elusive subatomic particle
Ohio State University

A new study published today in the journal Physical Review Letters shows, for the first time, an experiment that could detect a class of ultra-high-energy neutrinos using radar echoes.

Released: 6-Mar-2020 1:50 PM EST
How communication about environmental issues can bridge the political divide
Ohio State University

A relatively new theory that identifies universal concerns underlying human judgment could be key to helping people with opposing views on an issue coax each other to a different way of thinking, new research suggests.

Released: 5-Mar-2020 8:15 AM EST
Illness won’t stop vampire bat moms from caring for their offspring
Ohio State University

A study of social interactions among vampire bats that felt sick suggests family comes first when illness strikes – and may help explain which social interactions are most likely to contribute to disease transmission.

Released: 4-Mar-2020 8:00 AM EST
Household chemical use linked to child language delays
Ohio State University

Young children from low-income homes whose mothers reported frequent use of toxic chemicals such as household cleaners were more likely to show delays in language development by age 2, a new study found.

Released: 3-Mar-2020 12:15 PM EST
For anxious spouses, a baby may be a rival
Ohio State University

A new child can spark feelings of jealousy in a person who already fears being abandoned by his or her partner, research suggests.

Released: 24-Feb-2020 11:35 AM EST
Childhood physical abuse linked to heavy cigarette use among teens who smoke
Ohio State University

A new study in kids at risk for maltreatment shows that physical abuse, especially when they’re toddlers or teens, dramatically increases the odds that their adolescent experimentation with cigarettes will lead to a heavy smoking habit.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 12:15 PM EST
Having fewer children reduced the education gap in China
Ohio State University

A new study uses China’s one-child policy to show that having fewer children leads women to achieve higher levels of education.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:00 AM EST
The use of jargon kills people’s interest in science, politics
Ohio State University

When scientists and others use their specialized jargon terms while communicating with the general public, the effects are much worse than just making what they’re saying hard to understand.

Released: 11-Feb-2020 8:00 AM EST
Revenge is more enjoyable than forgiveness – at least in stories
Ohio State University

When it comes to entertainment, people enjoy seeing bad guys get their punishment more than seeing them be forgiven, a new study reveals.

Released: 10-Feb-2020 4:40 PM EST
Adapting to Climate Change: We’re Doing It Wrong
Ohio State University

When it comes to adapting to the effects of climate change, scientists and policymakers are thinking too small, according to a new research review.

Released: 6-Feb-2020 10:05 AM EST
When kids face discrimination, their mothers’ health may suffer
Ohio State University

A new study is the first to suggest that children’s exposure to discrimination can harm their mothers’ health.

29-Jan-2020 4:55 PM EST
Exposing a virus’s hiding place reveals new potential vaccine
Ohio State University

By figuring out how a common virus hides from the immune system, scientists have identified a potential vaccine to prevent sometimes deadly respiratory infections in humans.

Released: 27-Jan-2020 11:55 AM EST
Current model for storing nuclear waste is incomplete
Ohio State University

The materials the United States and other countries plan to use to store high-level nuclear waste will likely degrade faster than anyone previously knew because of the way those materials interact, new research shows. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Materials, show that corrosion of nuclear waste storage materials accelerates because of changes in the chemistry of the nuclear waste solution, and because of the way the materials interact with one another.

Released: 22-Jan-2020 3:05 PM EST
Chemistry finding could make solar energy more efficient
Ohio State University

Scientists for the first time have developed a single molecule that can absorb sunlight efficiently and also act as a catalyst to transform solar energy into hydrogen, a clean alternative to fuel for things like gas-powered vehicles. This new molecule collects energy from the entire visible spectrum, and can harness more than 50% more solar energy than current solar cells can. The finding could help humans transition away from fossil fuels and toward energy sources that do not contribute to climate change.

Released: 17-Jan-2020 10:25 AM EST
Acid reflux drugs may have negative side effects for breast cancer survivors
Ohio State University

Acid reflux drugs that are sometimes recommended to ease stomach problems during cancer treatment may have an unintended side effect: impairment of breast cancer survivors’ memory and concentration.

Released: 16-Jan-2020 1:00 PM EST
Fossil Is the Oldest-Known Scorpion
Ohio State University

Scientists studying fossils collected 35 years ago have identified them as the oldest-known scorpion species, a prehistoric animal from about 437 million years ago. The researchers found that the animal likely had the capacity to breathe in both ancient oceans and on land.

Released: 15-Jan-2020 10:55 AM EST
Study: Pig virus is easily transmitted among chickens and turkeys
Ohio State University

The first animal study of a pig virus’s potential to jump to another species shows that the virus, once introduced to a select group of birds, is easily transmitted to healthy chickens and turkeys.

Released: 7-Jan-2020 8:00 AM EST
When college students post about depression on Facebook
Ohio State University

When college students post about feelings of depression on Facebook, their friends are unlikely to encourage them to seek help, a small study suggests.

3-Jan-2020 11:20 AM EST
Finding a new way to fight late-stage sepsis
Ohio State University

Researchers have developed a way to prop up a struggling immune system to enable its fight against sepsis, a deadly condition resulting from the body’s extreme reaction to infection.

Released: 30-Dec-2019 2:05 PM EST
More Chinese scientists in America are going back home
Ohio State University

A growing number of Chinese scientists working in the United States and other parts of the world are returning to their homeland, enhancing China’s research productivity.
