Latest News from:  Johns Hopkins University

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Released: 3-Mar-2020 3:55 PM EST
Johns Hopkins Experts Available to Discuss Democratic Campaign for President, Super Tuesday
 Johns Hopkins University

Two political science professors are available to discuss the Democratic primary contest as voters in 14 Super Tuesday states cast ballots that could either settle which candidate emerges as the favorite to win the nomination or signal a protracted party battle.

Released: 8-Jan-2020 11:00 AM EST
Report Builds Framework For Journalists to Examine ‘Digital Political Ethics’ For Online Campaign Ads
 Johns Hopkins University

Online political advertising is not regulated by the federal government the way television ads are. What standards can journalists use when examining social media campaigning? Johns Hopkins and three other universities have developed a set of 12 recommendations based around 4 ethical principles that reporters can use when judging online campaign strategies.

Released: 12-Dec-2018 9:40 AM EST
Media Advisory: Jhu Expert Available on Lab-Grown Meat
 Johns Hopkins University

A company in Israel has unveiled the world’s first lab-grown steak, grown in a petri dish with the taste and texture of one that comes from a cow. Jan Dutkiewicz, a postdoctoral fellow in political science at Johns Hopkins University has researched the emergence of cellular agriculture. He is available to talk about the new steak and offer perspective on the development.

Released: 2-Mar-2018 10:05 AM EST
Media Advisory: JHU Expert Has New Paper on Risk of Arming Teachers
 Johns Hopkins University

A Johns Hopkins University public safety leadership professor concludes that arming teachers would be risky and ineffective.

Released: 6-Feb-2018 12:05 PM EST
The Mind of a Medalist:
 Johns Hopkins University

Athletes who make it to the Olympics have the speed or strength or whatever physical skills it takes to lead the world in their sport. But Johns Hopkins University scientists say (in three videos) that those who ultimately bring home gold have also honed the mind of a medalist.

Released: 29-Jan-2018 12:05 PM EST
MEDIA ADVISORY: Super Bowl Marks the Season’s End, But Concussion Concerns Continue
 Johns Hopkins University

Engineers hope that soon athletes will have "digital twins" of their heads, baseline representations of skull, vasculature and brain that can help to predict where injuries might occur and diagnose them when they do.

Released: 22-Jan-2018 2:05 PM EST
MEDIA ADVISORY: ‘Race at the Movies’ Expert Available
 Johns Hopkins University

Mark Christian Thompson, a Johns Hopkins University English professor who last semester taught a course “Race at the Movies,” is available to talk to reporters looking for movie analysis and Oscars/Golden Globes commentary.

Released: 19-Oct-2017 7:30 AM EDT
Media Advisory: Experts Can Discuss Fed Chair Options
 Johns Hopkins University

Janet Yellen’s term as chair of the Federal Reserve ends in February. Speculation has begun about who the president might choose to be her successor. Johns Hopkins has several experts with extensive media experience to discuss this and any Fed news.

Released: 6-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Media Advisory: Catalonia Experts Available
 Johns Hopkins University

The Catalonia region of Spain is considering becoming independent, a declaration it could make as soon as Monday. Johns Hopkins University has experts available for perspective.

Released: 8-Sep-2017 11:20 AM EDT
Media Advisory: More Hurricane Experts From Johns Hopkins University
 Johns Hopkins University

This is an additional list of experts from the Johns Hopkins University on issues associated with Hurricane Harvey and now Hurricane Irma

Released: 7-Sep-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Media Advisory: How the U.S. Can Sway North Korea
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University political scientist Steven David has a theory about how the United States might be able to influence the leadership of North Korea. He calls in "omnibalancing."

Released: 30-Aug-2017 1:05 PM EDT
MEDIA ADVISORY:Third Hurricane Harvey Experts List from Johns Hopkins University
 Johns Hopkins University

This is a third list of experts from the Johns Hopkins University on issues associated with the onslaught and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Released: 29-Aug-2017 11:05 AM EDT
MEDIA ADVISORY: More Hurricane Harvey Experts from Johns Hopkins University
 Johns Hopkins University

This is a second list of experts from the Johns Hopkins University on issues associated with the onslaught and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Released: 28-Aug-2017 3:20 PM EDT
Media Advisory: Hurricane Harvey Experts From Johns Hopkins University
 Johns Hopkins University

A list of experts from the Johns Hopkins University on various issues associated with the formation, onslaught and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Released: 15-Aug-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Media Advisory: How a ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors’ Game Led to Charlottesville
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins historian N.D.B. Connolly says last weekend’s white nationalist demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, has made it clear that “generic solutions” to this county’s racial problem do not work. For too long, he says, discrimination and equality in the United States have operated “like an oversized historical game of paper-rock-scissors.”

Released: 1-Feb-2017 9:05 AM EST
Media Advisory: Theory for Trump’s Frenetic First Days
 Johns Hopkins University

JHU expert looks at what may be behind the flurry of executive orders during President Trump’s first days in office.

Released: 19-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
MEDIA ADVISORY: What Happens When Hackers Hijack Our Smart Devices?
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins cybersecurity expert Avi Rubin warns that our increasing reliance on Internet-connected add-ons to our home appliances and vehicles could yield unwelcome consequences.

Released: 18-May-2016 11:05 AM EDT
In the Face Of Continuing Legal Challenges and the Impending November Elections,What Does The Future Hold For Obamacare?
 Johns Hopkins University

Attorney Daniel E. Dawes, author of the new book, 150 Years of ObamaCare (May 15, 2016, from Johns Hopkins University Press), is available to offer an authoritative, behind-the-scenes account of the passing of ObamaCare–the greatest and most sweeping equalizer in the history of American health care.

Released: 23-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Media Advisory: Super Bowl Commercial Expert Available
 Johns Hopkins University

A Johns Hopkins researcher who has studied what makes a Super Bowl commercial successful is available to discuss, analyze and rate the 2015 ads.

Released: 6-Oct-2014 12:45 PM EDT
Johns Hopkins Brain GPS Experts Available to Talk about Nobel Prize
 Johns Hopkins University

David Foster, assistant professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and James J. Knierim, professor of neuroscience in the university’s Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, are available for interviews to discuss today’s announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Released: 31-Mar-2014 12:30 PM EDT
Walter White’s Crime: He’s A Bad Teacher
 Johns Hopkins University

Walter White of “Breaking Bad” sneaks, lies and manipulates – to say nothing of dealing drugs and killing people. But he's also a career criminal in another sense, a Johns Hopkins University professor says: He's a really, really bad teacher.

Released: 31-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
In Super Bowl Commercials, Storytelling Counts
 Johns Hopkins University

They say sex sells, but when it comes to Super Bowl ads, a researcher begs to differ. He says it's all about the storytelling. Shakespeare's kind of storytelling.

Released: 20-Feb-2013 12:20 PM EST
Experts Available on Horse Meat Scandal in Europe
 Johns Hopkins University

Two professors at The Johns Hopkins University are available to discuss the horse meat incident. They say a culinary taboo is a distraction from the real issue: inadequate food inspection regulations.

Released: 14-Feb-2013 3:20 PM EST
Media Advisory: Asteroid Flyby on Friday, Feb. 15
 Johns Hopkins University

As asteroid 2012 DA14 squeaks by Earth, professors at The Johns Hopkins University are available to discuss what we can do to prepare for – or even prevent – such close encounters in the future.

Released: 1-Feb-2013 10:15 AM EST
Computer Security Expert Available for Interviews on Hacker Attacks on The New York Times
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins computer security expert Avi Rubin is available for interviews on reports from the New York Times and Wall Street Journal that their computer systems have been targeted by Chinese hackers.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 12:20 PM EST
Sleigh Bells Ring, and We’re Listening: Holiday Songs Draw Us Closer Together
 Johns Hopkins University

There’s a reason why Christmas carols start filling the air before we have polished off the last pieces of our Halloween candy. Craving a sense of community and drawn to ritual, we welcome the return of seasonal music, even if the calendar says we have several weeks to go before Dec. 25, according to Jeffrey Sharkey, director of the Peabody Institute at The Johns Hopkins University.

Released: 30-Oct-2012 12:15 PM EDT
Hurricane Sandy – 8 to 10 Million Cumulative Power Outages Predicted
 Johns Hopkins University

An engineer at The Johns Hopkins University is predicting power outages for 8 to 10 million people in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
