Latest News from: Texas A&M University

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Released: 12-Aug-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Advancing telemonitoring technology in Texas
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M researchers from the College of Engineering and the Health Science Center teamed up on a report that underscores the importance of the use of telemonitoring technology for rural and underserved Texans.

Released: 8-Jul-2019 4:25 PM EDT
Researchers Enhance Surgical Training with 3D Printing
Texas A&M University

Merging engineering and medical education, a team is providing surgeons-in-training with more realistic and accurate orthopedic surgery simulations through 3D printing and visualized performance data.

Released: 2-Jul-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Moon Landing 50 Years Later: Texas A&M Space Expert Discusses Its Importance
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M astronomer and physics expert Nick Suntzeff has been involved with space research for almost 30 years, and spent 20 years as an astronomer in Chile, where he helped co-discover dark energy. He offers his thoughts about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing and what’s ahead for the U.S. space program.

Released: 26-Jun-2019 4:30 PM EDT
Researchers Create Water Repellent ‘Nanoflower’ for Biomedical Applications
Texas A&M University

Inspired by nature, researchers have developed an innovative way to control the hydrophobicity of a surface, which opens many doors for expanded applications in several scientific and technological areas.

Released: 31-May-2019 3:40 PM EDT
Gas Hydrate Research Could Lead to New Energy Source
Texas A&M University

Natural gas hydrates are an abundant energy resource found in small permafrost areas. Dr. I. Yucel Akkutlu is unlocking the role of hysteresis in hydrate recrystallization, allowing him to better model its behavior, a critical step toward safely producing them as a future energy resource for the world.

Released: 31-May-2019 8:30 AM EDT
Tips for Safe Travel with Pets
Texas A&M University

Kit Darling, infection control coordinator at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, has some helpful tips for keeping pets safe and calm during road trips, plane rides, and any other type of trip away from home.

Released: 30-May-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Texas A&M Researcher: Immigration At Southern Border A Humanitarian Crisis, Not An "Invasion"
Texas A&M University

Changing immigration trends are the topic of a new issue of The Takeaway, a publication of the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University.

Released: 29-May-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Aggie ACHIEVE: The Inclusive College Experience
Texas A&M University

This fall, we celebrate the launch of Aggie ACHIEVE, the state’s first inclusive, four-year postsecondary education program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Released: 24-May-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Pet Talk: Avoiding Heartworms & Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Texas A&M University

Fleas and ticks are not the only parasites that can cause problems for our dogs, cats, and other pets. Mosquitos are the number one vector of diseases and pathogens worldwide, but preventative medicine can make a big impact in reducing infection.

Released: 17-May-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Pet Talk: The Importance of Flea & Tick Control
Texas A&M University

Tick season is here and flea season is soon to follow. These pests don’t just annoy our cats and dogs, but they also serve as vectors that spread a large number of diseases between animals.

Released: 15-May-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Disabled veterans could live more independently with new technology
Texas A&M University

Researchers at Texas A&M University are working on new Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology that could help veterans with severe spinal cord injuries and disorders achieve even more independence with a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Released: 24-Apr-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Researchers Use Shake-Table Testing To Improve Disaster Recovery
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M researchers use shake-table testing to understand how urban wood-based structures sustain damage from earthquakes, and how to repair them more efficiently.

Released: 23-Apr-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Bacteria And Pathogens: Determining Friend From Foe In Soil And Water
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University researchers are developing a way to quickly detect which bacterial pathogens are present in a soil or water sample to determine the good from the bad.

Released: 18-Apr-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Why The Notre Dame Fire Affected Us All
Texas A&M University

The April 15 fire at the 850-year-old Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was met with disbelief and despair by people worldwide. Catholics mourned the damage to their sacred religious center during Holy Week, while others lamented the potential loss of a significant architectural landmark. Hundreds of thousands posted photos of their experiences visiting the cathedral on social media, while others anguished over never having seen the site in person.

Released: 17-Apr-2019 10:05 AM EDT
New SmartSuit promises a better fit for astronauts
Texas A&M University

A new intelligent hybrid SmartSuit design proposed by Dr. Ana Diaz Artiles from Texas A&M University has the potential to solve some of the current design and health risks associated with the current spacesuit worn by astronauts.

Released: 15-Apr-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Texas A&M study finds arts education positively impacts student performance
Texas A&M University

In a recent study, Dr. Daniel Bowen proved that arts education positively impacts student outcomes by increasing writing achievement, decreasing disciplinary infractions and increasing compassion.

Released: 11-Apr-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Improving Retention Through Classroom Management
Texas A&M University

One of the main reasons teachers leave is because they are not good classroom managers. They struggle with managing disruptive students, implementing effective actions and asserting authority in the classroom.

Released: 10-Apr-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Shrimp claw inspires new method of underwater plasma generation
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M researchers are looking to nature for inspiration in developing a new method of underwater plasma generation using shrimp as a model – a discovery which could provide significant improvements for actions ranging from water sterilization to drilling.

Released: 26-Mar-2019 5:00 PM EDT
New Drilling Technology Could Make Geothermal Energy More Feasible
Texas A&M University

Geothermal wells are drilled deep into the ground in order to tap into the heat radiating from the Earth’s core and transform it into electricity, but it is a slow and expensive. A team of researchers from Texas A&M University is developing new drilling technology to combat this.

Released: 21-Mar-2019 3:20 PM EDT
What to Know Before Bringing Home a Puppy
Texas A&M University

For National Puppy Day on Saturday, March 23, dog lovers may be considering adding a new puppy to the family. Before you bring home a new companion, make sure you are prepared for everything that comes with owning a puppy.

Released: 11-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Could the Ocean Be the Answer to a Clean Energy Supply?
Texas A&M University

The quest for clean energy sources has been ongoing for many years with minimal results. This could all change with the development of a single device that will lie on the water’s surface and utilize the ocean waves to generate electrical power.

Released: 7-Mar-2019 2:05 PM EST
Texas A&M-Led Research Team Develops Model for Improved Oil Spill Forecasts
Texas A&M University

Researchers have developed a new model to track the flow of an oil well spill, providing response agencies with the tools to better mitigate environmental damage to human and ecological systems.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 4:05 PM EST
New Violin Design Could Change The Instrument Forever
Texas A&M University

The fundamental design of the violin has been changed only once since the times of Antonio Stradivari, considered the ultimate master craftsman of the instrument. But new research by a Texas A&M University professor suggests that a modification could be made to the instrument that will enhance its tonal quality and how it is played. His findings could rock the music world, so to speak, and alter the way the stringed instruments are constructed in the future.

Released: 26-Feb-2019 4:15 PM EST
Texas A&M Researchers Develop Higher Impact Resistant Foam Inspired by Pomelo Fruit
Texas A&M University

Foam is widely used as a means of protection against impact, shock and vibration. Drawing inspiration from the peel of a pomelo fruit, Texas A&M researchers became the first to successfully develop a 3D model and simulation of a new nonuniform foam material.

Released: 21-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Building a growable habitat for sustainable life in space
Texas A&M University

Texas A&M researchers have proposed a growable habitat with 1 G of gravitational force to meet the need for a program providing sustainable life for long periods in space.

Released: 15-Feb-2019 3:50 PM EST
Why The Federal Debt Matters
Texas A&M University

As the U.S. federal debt continues to grow, a Bush School economist explains why it threatens national security and is associated with a higher trade deficit.

Released: 23-Jan-2019 10:05 AM EST
Local Newspaper Closures Polarize Voters, Choke Political Progress
Texas A&M University

As local newspapers shutter across the country, the residents residing in those counties without sources of local news are forced to rely more heavily on national media outlets that report political news primarily through the lens of the perennial two-party political conflict.

Released: 20-Dec-2018 12:05 PM EST
Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Stop Seizures and Improve Cognitive Function
Texas A&M University

About 3.4 million Americans, or 1.2 percent of the population, have active epilepsy. Although the majority respond to medication, between 20 and 40 percent of patients with epilepsy continue to have seizures even after trying multiple anti-seizure drugs.

Released: 5-Dec-2018 1:05 PM EST
‘Special Airlift Mission 41’ To Conduct College Station Flyover In Honor Of President George H.W. Bush
Texas A&M University

The 89th Airlift Wing, based at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, will conduct a tribute flight in honor of former President George H.W. Bush with an Air Force VC-25A over the interment site at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Center on the campus of Texas A&M University today at about 3:55 p.m. CST.

Released: 26-Oct-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Study Shows Republicans, Democrats Prefer Gender Balanced Decision-making
Texas A&M University

Citizens have more faith in their government institutions when both women and men are involved in decision-making, according to a study conducted by Diana Z. O’Brien, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University and her co-investigators.

Released: 26-Oct-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Texas A&M Expert: Celebrate National Cat Day With Some Real Cat-titude
Texas A&M University

It’s time to open up a can of tuna and celebrate National Cat Day on Oct. 29, and if it’s true cats have nine lives, that’s almost as many days that are devoted to worshipping your furry feline – a case of duplicat-tion if ever there was one.

Released: 12-Oct-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Researchers Document History Of Fear In Public Health Campaigns
Texas A&M University

Fear never works. Or does it? Fear can be a powerful tool in public health efforts, although graphic, emotionally evocative campaigns have been the source of controversy over the past half-century.

Released: 12-Oct-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Are Popular Diets Safe?
Texas A&M University

Many of the latest popular diets make wild claims while imposing drastic changes to what you can eat.

Released: 12-Oct-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Dodge The Flu: Get Vaccinated
Texas A&M University

It’s that time of year again: time to get your flu vaccination. Here’s what you need to know to stay ahead this flu season.

Released: 10-Oct-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Bringing Robotics To Girls In Ghana
Texas A&M University

Dr. Judy Amanor-Boadu, an electrical engineering former student, is creating new STEM opportunities for girls in Ghana. Amanor-Boadu ’13 ’18 was inspired during her graduate studies at Texas A&M University to start a series of girls’ robotics clubs in her home country of Ghana.

Released: 23-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Texas A&M Experts Explain How Retailers Should Balance Inventory Levels
Texas A&M University

Retailers are stocking fewer goods on their shelves, but have companies taken inventory reduction too far? A number of academic studies of U.S. retailers have revealed an overall decrease in product inventories.

Released: 21-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Senior Citizens Day: Stress-Free Approaches To Managing Health In Diverse Older Adults
Texas A&M University

America is aging, with about 15 percent of the population over the age of 65. As Americans age, susceptibility to chronic conditions increases and level of overall health can decline.

Released: 13-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
How Can Video Games Impact Education?
Texas A&M University

It is an $18 billion industry. At least one person in more than 60 percent of households is considered a frequent gamer. For Dr. Sam von Gillern, that is reason enough to focus on the use of video games in education.

Released: 13-Jul-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Testosterone Research Brings New Hope for Cancer Patients
Texas A&M University

Dr. Melinda Sheffield-Moore, professor and head of the Department of Health and Kinesiology, along with researchers at University of Texas Medical Branch, recently published research showing that the hormone testosterone is effective at combatting cachexia in cancer patients and improving quality of life.

Released: 5-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Formula Quantifies Fatal Hazards To Kids Left In Hot Cars
Texas A&M University

A mathematical model developed by Robert Brown, Texas A&M professor of landscape architecture, was used in a highly publicized study quantifying the time it takes for young children to become dangerously hot when they are accidentally left in the back seat of a sweltering car.

Released: 27-Jun-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Virtual Reality Could Be Cure to Public Speaking Fear
Texas A&M University

Dr. Theodora Chaspari, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University is working with Dr. Amir Behzadan, associate professor in the Department of Construction Science, to improve students’ public speaking skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) occupations by utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology.

