Latest News from: University of Haifa

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Released: 18-Dec-2015 7:05 AM EST
University of Haifa Excavations Uncover Unique Hebrew Inscription Showing Existence of a Jewish Village at Kursi
University of Haifa

This first evidence of a Jewish village on the site strengthens the hypothesis, that until now was no more than folklore, that this is the “Kursi” mentioned in the New Testament as one of the sites where Jesus performed his miracles

Released: 3-Dec-2015 3:05 AM EST
Effects of Exposure of Females to Stress During Adolescence Are Transmitted Not Only to Children but Also to Grandchildren
University of Haifa

“Our studies suggest that there are processes, unrelated to maternal care, that can explain how information is transmitted from generation to generation,” said Dr. Inna Gaisler-Salomon of the University of Haifa, who conducted the study

Released: 30-Nov-2015 6:05 AM EST
Bonobos Documented for First Time Using Ancient Pre-Agricultural Tools, Breaking Bones, and Using Spears as Attack Weapons
University of Haifa

Itai Roffman of the University of Haifa documented groups of bonobos performing complex actions to extract food – a characteristic that has hitherto been regarded as an exclusive evolutionary advantage of archaic pre-humans

Released: 19-Nov-2015 2:05 AM EST
How Does Our Brain Form Creative and Original Ideas?
University of Haifa

A new study by Dr. Naama Mayseless and Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory from the Department of Psychology at the University of Haifa attempted to crack the connection between brain activity and creativity. The results shed a new, perhaps unexpected light, on our ability to think outside the box

Released: 8-Oct-2015 5:05 AM EDT
More “Global” Individuals Contribute Less
University of Haifa

A new study by Dr. Eitan Adres of the University of Haifa found that the more individuals perceive themselves as “citizens of the world,” the less likely they are to contribute to collective public goods and the more likely to hitch a “free ride” on the contributions of other citizens

Released: 17-Sep-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Strained Relationships Between Sisters, One of Whom Has an Eating Disorder, Can Cause the Healthy Sister to Develop High Emotional Distress and Depression
University of Haifa

The study found that healthy sisters of women suffering from eating disorders suffered from higher levels of depressive symptoms stemming from the strained relationship between the two. “During treatment maximum attention should be given to the relationship between the two sisters, strengthening it and transforming it from a negative, competitive interaction to one of support,” said Prof. Yael Letzer from the University of Haifa who led the research together with Prof. Ruth Katz and Keren Berger

Released: 20-Aug-2015 5:05 AM EDT
The Ceremonial Sounds that Accompanied Our Ancestors’ Funerals, 15,000 Years Ago
University of Haifa

The Natufian culture, which flourished 15,000 years ago, is well known for its complex burial customs. A new study by Dr. Danny Rosenberg and Prof. Dani Nadel of the University of Haifa has discovered that these ceremonies included the use of giant boulder mortars whose pounding sound informed the community that a ceremony was being held

Released: 13-Aug-2015 4:05 AM EDT
Big Data and the Social Character of Genes
University of Haifa

In a new study, researchers managed to narrow down 900 million possibilities requiring examination of the connection between genetic markers and genetic expression to just 340,000, in the process identifying “social” genes that play a cooperative role

Released: 10-Aug-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Has the “Baron de Rothschild’s Ship,” Lost over 100 Years Ago, Been Found?
University of Haifa

Dr. Deborah Cvikel and Mr. Micky Holtzman from the Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa suggest that the shipwreck discovered in 1976 off the coast at Dor (Tantura) lagoon may be identified as the missing Baron’s Ship. “The ship we found is structurally consistent with the specifications of the Baron’s ships, carried a similar cargo, and sailed and sank during the right period,” the scholars conclude.

Released: 6-Aug-2015 4:05 AM EDT
New Study Reveals for the First Time: How Emotions Influence Learning and Memory Processes in the Brain
University of Haifa

The study, led by Dr. Shlomo Wagner, also found the scientific explanation behind the saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”

Released: 5-Aug-2015 8:05 AM EDT
New Initiative: Massive Purchasing Group to Buy 1.4% of Earth in Order to Save the Planet
University of Haifa

Prof. Uri Shanas of the Department of Biology and Environment at the University of Haifa-Oranim has founded an international organization that will enable anyone anywhere in the world to buy parts of the “hot spots” that are home to exceptional biodiversity and thereby save the Earth. Shanas is seeking crowdfunding to realize the initiative

Released: 27-Jul-2015 1:05 AM EDT
Good News for People Suffering from Fatty Liver Disease – Resistance Training Can Help
University of Haifa

Approximately 30% of the population suffer from fatty liver disease, the commonest liver disease in the Western world. The disease can lead to inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver. A joint study by the University of Haifa and the Tel Aviv Medical Center has found that gym training, and not only aerobic exercises, can help reduce liver fat

Released: 16-Jul-2015 4:05 AM EDT
Does Salt Cause Thirst? It’s Really Not All That Certain
University of Haifa

In a recent study conducted by Prof. Micah Leshem of the University of Haifa, no correlation was found between salt intake and an increased sense of thirst or more drinking of water – “Tavern owners can reduce the amount of salt in their bar snacks without fear of a cutting down their customers’ consumption of drinks,” says Prof. Leshem

Released: 7-Jul-2015 1:05 AM EDT
Continued Development of Natural Gas Resources at the Current Rate Might Incur the “Dutch Disease” Over the Israeli Economy
University of Haifa

The study, which presents an economic model of the effects of the development of the country’s natural gas resources on the entire Israeli economy, points to an increase in the overall GDP, but also harm to the competitiveness of other sectors of the economy

Released: 4-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Contrary to Conventional Wisdom, Young People’s Brains Cope with Stress in a Completely Different Way to Adults
University of Haifa

This conclusion is based on a new study conducted on rats at the University of Haifa. Prof. Mouna Maroun, the researcher leader, explains that given the similarity between the mechanisms in rats and humans responsible for coping with stress, “the immediate significance is that we cannot go on treating children affected by stress in the same way and with the same drugs that we use for adult patients”

Released: 4-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Prof. Carol Padden Receives Honorary Doctorate From the University of Haifa
University of Haifa

Language and human communication researcher, Prof. Carol Padden of UC San Diego, was honored with a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa, from the University of Haifa at a festive event on Tuesday, as part of the University’s 43rd Meeting of the Board of Governors. The honor was bestowed upon Padden in recognition of her pioneering and ongoing contribution to the study of sign language, to understanding the culture of deaf people, and to the study of the nature and development of human language, and on her fruitful academic collaboration with researchers of the Sign Language Research Laboratory and of the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa.

Released: 4-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Prof. Robert Alter Receives Honorary Doctorate From the University of Haifa
University of Haifa

Prof. Robert (Uri) Alter of UC Berkeley was honored with a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa, from the University of Haifa at a festive event on Tuesday, held as part of the University’s 43rd Meeting of the Board of Governors. The honor was bestowed upon Alter in recognition of his outstanding achievement in the study of comparative literature in general and of translating the Hebrew Bible into English, enabling billions of people around the world access to texts that constitute the cultural heritage of the people of Israel.

Released: 4-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Shira and Jay Ruderman Receive Honorary Doctorate From the University of Haifa
University of Haifa

Shira and Jay Ruderman were honored with a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa, from the University of Haifa at a festive event on Tuesday, held as part of the University’s 43rd Meeting of the Board of Governors. The honor was bestowed upon the Rudermans in recognition of their visionary leadership for making those who are different and outsiders become accepted and mainstream and on their uncompromising investment in strengthening relations between American Jews and Israel.

Released: 14-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Empathy Is Related to Sexual Orientation
University of Haifa

The study, led by Professor Simone Shamay-Tsoory of the University of Haifa found that, in addition to gender, differences in empathy between people is related to sexual preference and, therefore, this orientation is important when assessing differences in empathy among people

Released: 12-May-2015 5:05 AM EDT
Dr. Shlomo Wagner of the University of Haifa to Share Prestigious HFSP Research Grant in the Sum of $ 1.3 Million
University of Haifa

Dr. Shlomo Wagner of the University of Haifa to share prestigious HFSP research grant in the sum of $ 1.3 million.

Released: 12-May-2015 4:05 AM EDT
The University of Haifa and ECNU Inaugurated a First of Its Kind Joint Israeli – Chinese Research Center
University of Haifa

Room 210 in the Global Education Park building at the prestigious Chinese university now belongs to the Shanghai-Haifa International Research Center.

Released: 30-Apr-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Why One of Three People Aged Over 70 Are Discharged with Functional Decline
University of Haifa

“We wanted to examine why people who come into the hospital on their feet sometimes leave in a wheelchair,” said Dr. Anna Zisberg and Dr. Efrat Shadmi of the University of Haifa’s Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, who performed the study.

Released: 16-Mar-2015 2:05 AM EDT
The Largest Known Bronze Mask of Pan Was Uncovered by University of Haifa Researchers
University of Haifa

A large bronze mask of the god Pan, the only of its kind, was uncovered at the University of Haifa’s excavation at Hippos-Sussita National Park. According to Dr. Michael Eisenberg, bronze masks of this size are extremely rare and usually do not depict Pan or any of the other Greek or Roman mythological images. “Most of the known bronze masks from the Hellenistic and Roman periods are miniature."

Released: 12-Mar-2015 9:05 AM EDT
A 350-Year-Old Copy of the Tanakh Finds Its ‘Twin’ at the University of Haifa Library
University of Haifa

A rare copy of the Tanakh (Old Testament) that reached Israel in a circuitous fashion and was donated to the University of Haifa by the late film producer and director Micha Shagrir, was reunited with its “twin”.

Released: 4-Mar-2015 7:05 AM EST
It Is Beneficial to Express Genuine Benevolent Emotions for Others
University of Haifa

A new study, conducted by Prof. Dana Yagil from the Department of Human Services at the University of Haifa, found that suppressing positive interpersonal emotions is detrimental to employees as well as to customer satisfaction

Released: 26-Feb-2015 8:00 AM EST
A Historic Cooperative Agreement
University of Haifa

A new partnership between the University of Haifa and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute will advance deep sea research in Israel

Released: 18-Feb-2015 4:00 AM EST
The University of Haifa Is Founding a Research Center in Shanghai - the First of Its Kind for Israeli and Chinese Academia
University of Haifa

The University of Haifa and the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai signed a memorandum of cooperation on the construction of the Shanghai-Haifa International Research Center, the first of its kind in Shanghai for Israeli and Chinese academia

Released: 12-Feb-2015 7:00 AM EST
A First-of-Its-Kind Discovery of 1,500 Year-Old Grape Seeds May Answer the Question: Why Was the Wine of the Negev So Renowned in the Byzantine Empire
University of Haifa

For the first time, grape seeds from the Byzantine era have been found. These grapes were used to produce “the Wine of the Negev” — one of the finest and most renowned wines in the whole of the Byzantine Empire

Released: 11-Feb-2015 2:00 AM EST
An International Genetic Study Confirms the History of the Druze Community
University of Haifa

A first of its kind genetic study confirms the history of the Druze community: The community began to form genetically in the 11th century AD, and there has since been no genetic impact of other ethnic groups on the community

Released: 27-Jan-2015 4:05 AM EST
Seeking Green Synergy at the University of Haifa: Do Green Roofs and Solar Panels Work Well Together?
University of Haifa

A new University of Haifa study that examines whether solar electricity panels and green roofs can work well in tandem

Released: 21-Jan-2015 6:00 AM EST
Intrusive Monitoring of Internet Use by Parents Actually Leads Adolescents to Increase Their Risky Online Behavior
University of Haifa

Intrusive monitoring of Internet use by parents actually leads adolescents to increase their risky online behavior

Released: 12-Jan-2015 3:00 AM EST
Involuntary Hospitalization of Patients with Anorexia Nervosa in Extreme Situations Can Save Their Lives
University of Haifa

Involuntary hospitalization of patients with anorexia nervosa in extreme situations can save their lives

Released: 24-Dec-2014 8:40 AM EST
Where Is Israel's Natural Gas Sector Is Heading To?
University of Haifa

Prof. Brenda Shaffer, an expert on international oil and natural gas polices, claims that Israel’s natural gas and electricity sectors suffer from the government’s extreme free market approach.

Released: 24-Dec-2014 1:00 AM EST
Why Do Parents Who Usually Vaccinate Their Children Hesitate or Refuse?
University of Haifa

New study shows the even parents who are not "vaccine refusers", and usually comply with the routine vaccination programs , may hesitate or refuse to vaccinate their children based on poor communication from the relevant healthcare provider, as well as concerns about the safety of the vaccine.

Released: 17-Dec-2014 3:00 AM EST
Insomnia Can Predict the Appearance of Back Pain in Adults
University of Haifa

Insomnia can predict the appearance of back pain in adults

Released: 15-Dec-2014 1:00 AM EST
The History of King David
University of Haifa

important information about the period of David’s reign, based on new archaeological and epigraphic data unearthed in northwestern Syria and southern Turkey

Released: 8-Dec-2014 7:00 AM EST
Two-Headed Salamander Tadpole Discovered in the Community Ecology Lab of the University of Haifa
University of Haifa

In the Community Ecology Lab, headed by Prof. Leon Blaustein, researchers have found a salamander tadpole which has two heads. Researchers at the lab, Dr Ori Segev and Antonina Plavikov, noted that while they had observed an incidence of deformity, especially among the limbs of salamanders, in the past such cases of two heads were more rare. The reason for this deformity is unknown, but the chief theories are pollution of water sources, changes in radiation and the influence of a small population.

Released: 3-Dec-2014 1:00 AM EST
Is This the End of “Fake Exemptions”?It Is Possible to Detect When We Provide False Information Regarding Our Health Conditions Through Our Handwriting
University of Haifa

According to a recent study conducted at the University of Haifa. Its purpose: to develop a computerized system that can be used to detect medical fraud

Released: 26-Nov-2014 2:35 AM EST
Pleasure at Another’s Misfortune Is Evident in Children as Young as Two
University of Haifa

Even very young children will show signs of schadenfreude when an inequitable situation is rectified.

Released: 19-Nov-2014 2:00 AM EST
Researchers Find a Way to Improve Memory by Suppressing a Molecule That Links Aging to Alzheimer’s Disease
University of Haifa

Researchers find a way to improve memory by suppressing a molecule that links aging to Alzheimer’s disease

Released: 13-Nov-2014 2:00 AM EST
About Half the Women in Israel Have Experienced Considerable Crisis After Giving Birth for the First Time
University of Haifa

About half the women in Israel have experienced considerable crisis after giving birth for the first time.

Released: 6-Nov-2014 1:30 AM EST
A New Study Conducted at the University of Haifa Has Found Omega-3 Reduces Smoking
University of Haifa

Taking omega-3 supplements reduces craving for nicotine and even reduces the number of cigarettes that people smoke a day.

Released: 23-Oct-2014 2:00 AM EDT
Silent Evidence of the Earthquake of 363 CE
University of Haifa

During their last excavation season archeologists from the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa found fascinating findings: In addition to a gold pendant, they found a large muscular marble leg and artillery ammunition from some 2,000 years ago. “The data is finally beginning to form a clear historical-archaeological picture,” said Dr. Michael Eisenberg, the dig director

Released: 23-Oct-2014 2:00 AM EDT
A New Tune: There Is Intonation in Sign Language Too
University of Haifa

Intonation is an integral part of communication for all speakers. But can sign languages have intonation? A new study at the University of Haifa shows that signers use their faces to create intonational ‘melodies’ just as speakers use their voices, and that the melodies of the face can differ from one sign language to another.

Released: 22-Sep-2014 4:00 AM EDT
New Discovery in the Study of the Brain and Memory
University of Haifa

a functional link between the brain region responsible for taste memory and the area responsible for encoding the time and place we experienced the taste had been found.

Released: 18-Sep-2014 3:00 AM EDT
Israel Needs to Prepare for the Waves of Arab Immigrants Into Its Territory That Could Pose a Threat on Its Existence
University of Haifa

“In a region of collapsing countries that are in states of internal and external war, Israel must prepare for waves of immigrants from Arab countries to its territory, which may endanger its existence,” maintain Prof. Arnon Soffer, who holds the Reuven Chaikin Chair in Geostrategy, University of Haifa, and Dr. Anton Berkovsky, in a new article by the Chair. According to Prof. Soffer and Dr. Berkovsky, waves of immigrants already constitute a real danger to the future of Jordan, and the worst-case scenario would be if ISIS gained control of territories in Jordan and added them to its caphilate.
