Latest News from: Ohio State University

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18-Jan-2015 9:00 PM EST
Two Lakes Beneath the Ice in Greenland, Gone Within Weeks
Ohio State University

Researchers discovered craters left behind when two sub-glacial lakes in Greenland drained away--an indication that the natural plumbing system beneath the ice sheet is overflowing with meltwater.

Released: 20-Jan-2015 8:00 AM EST
Hostile Boss? Study Finds Advantages to Giving It Right Back
Ohio State University

In a result that surprised researchers, a new study found that employees who had hostile bosses were better off on several measures if they returned the hostility.

Released: 14-Jan-2015 2:00 PM EST
Love, Marriage and Town-Gown Relationships
Ohio State University

A new study assesses a town-gown relationship as if it were a marriage: asking community members just how much comfort they felt with people from the campus community and how much effort they put into getting along.

6-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
“Assassin” Targets Supernovae in Our Neighborhood of the Universe
Ohio State University

While many astronomical collaborations use powerful telescopes to target individual objects in the distant universe, a new project at The Ohio State University is doing something radically different: using small telescopes to study a growing portion of the nearby universe all at once. Since it began, the project has detected 89 bright supernovae and counting—more than all other professional astronomical surveys combined.

Released: 7-Jan-2015 9:30 AM EST
The Best Offense Against Bacteria is a Good Defense
Ohio State University

A small protein active in the human immune response can disable bacterial toxins by exploiting a property that makes the toxins effective – but also turns out to be a weakness.

Released: 6-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Hey, Guys: Posting a Lot of Selfies Doesn’t Send a Good Message
Ohio State University

he picture isn’t pretty for guys who post a lot of selfies on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. A new study showed that men who posted more online photos of themselves than others scored higher on measures of narcissism and psychopathy.

5-Jan-2015 8:00 AM EST
DNA Origami Could Lead to Nano “Transformers” for Biomedical Applications
Ohio State University

If the new nano-machines built at The Ohio State University look familiar, it’s because they were designed with full-size mechanical parts such as hinges and pistons in mind. The project is the first to prove that the same basic design principles that apply to typical full-size machine parts can also be applied to DNA—and can produce complex, controllable components for future nano-robots.

Released: 22-Dec-2014 7:00 AM EST
Fast-Food Consumption Linked to Lower Test Score Gains in 8th Graders
Ohio State University

The amount of fast food children eat may be linked to how well they do in school, a new nationwide study suggests.

Released: 18-Dec-2014 8:00 AM EST
The Greenland Ice Sheet: Now in HD
Ohio State University

The highest-resolution maps of the Greenland Ice Sheet are debuting at AGU. Starting with Worldview satellite imagery, Researchers at The Ohio State University and the University of Minnesota created the maps, which are already revealing previously unknown features on the ice sheet.

Released: 17-Dec-2014 8:00 AM EST
Top Weather Conditions that Amplify Lake Erie Algal Blooms Revealed
Ohio State University

Of the many weather-related phenomena that can promote harmful algal blooms, a new study has revealed that one—the wind—is the most important. The finding suggests that environmental agencies will have to incorporate the threat of extreme weather events caused by climate change into efforts to prevent algal blooms.

Released: 17-Dec-2014 8:00 AM EST
Study Hints That Ancient Earth Made Its Own Water—Geologically
Ohio State University

In a finding that meshes well with recent discoveries from the Rosetta mission, Ohio State University researchers have discovered a geochemical pathway by which Earth makes it own water through plate tectonics. This finding extends the planet's water cycle to billions of years—and suggests that enough water is buried in the deep earth right now to fill the Pacific Ocean.

Released: 11-Dec-2014 2:00 PM EST
Weighing in on the Role of Mindfulness in Slimming Down
Ohio State University

If dieting is on your New Year agenda, it might pay to be mindful of a study suggesting there is little hard evidence that mindfulness leads to weight loss.

Released: 9-Dec-2014 3:00 PM EST
It Doesn’t Add Up: People Who Say They Are Good at Math, but Aren’t
Ohio State University

Thinking you’re good at math and actually being good at it are not the same thing, new research has found. About one in five people who say they are bad at math in fact score in the top half of those taking an objective math test. But one-third of people who say they are good at math actually score in the bottom half.

Released: 2-Dec-2014 11:00 AM EST
Fighting Air Pollution in China with Social Media
Ohio State University

The serious air pollution problem in China has attracted the attention of online activists who want the government to take action, but their advocacy has had only limited success, a new study has revealed.

Released: 24-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
Sorting Through Recycling Bins to Learn about Alcohol Use
Ohio State University

When researchers wanted to verify alcohol-use survey results at a senior housing center, they came up with a novel way to measure residents’ drinking: Count the empty bottles in recycling bins.

18-Nov-2014 3:00 PM EST
Doubling Saturated Fat in the Diet Does Not Increase Saturated Fat in Blood
Ohio State University

Doubling saturated fat in the diet does not drive up total levels of saturated fat in the blood, according to a controlled diet study. Increasing levels of carbohydrates in the study diet promoted a steady increase in the blood of a fatty acid linked to higher risk for diabetes and heart disease.

17-Nov-2014 3:55 PM EST
Pac-Man Instead of Patch: Using Video Games to Improve Lazy Eye, Depth Perception
Ohio State University

Scientists have created video games that add an important element of fun to the repetitive training needed to improve vision in people – including adults – with a lazy eye and poor depth perception.

18-Nov-2014 9:55 AM EST
Research Shows Why Antidepressant May Be Effective in Postpartum Depression
Ohio State University

An antidepressant commonly prescribed for women with postpartum depression may restore connections between cells in brain regions that are negatively affected by chronic stress during pregnancy, new research suggests.

Released: 19-Nov-2014 11:00 AM EST
Fathers' Engagement with Baby Depends on Mother
Ohio State University

Fathers’ involvement with their newborns depends on mothers’ preparation for parenthood, even for fathers who show the most parenting skills, a new study suggests.

14-Nov-2014 5:00 PM EST
Danger of Repeat Head Injuries: Brain’s Inability to Tap Energy Source
Ohio State University

Two or more serious hits to the head within days of each other can interfere with the brain’s ability to use sugar – its primary energy source – to repair cells damaged by the injuries, new research suggests.

12-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
Ebola a Stark Reminder of Link Between Health of Humans, Animals, Environment
Ohio State University

Though no one would call the Ebola pandemic a good thing, it has presented an opportunity for scientists to alert the public about the dire need to halt the spread of infectious diseases, especially in developing and densely populated areas of the world.

Released: 6-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
New Research Adds Spice to Curcumin’s Health-Promoting Benefits
Ohio State University

The health benefits of over-the-counter curcumin supplements might not get past your gut, but new research shows that a modified formulation of the spice releases its anti-inflammatory goodness throughout the body.

Released: 5-Nov-2014 9:30 AM EST
Why Women Buy Magazines That Promote Impossible Body Images
Ohio State University

A new study reveals the secret of how some fashion and beauty magazines continue to attract devoted audiences, even though they glamorize super-thin models that would seem to taunt normal-sized women.

Released: 23-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Lucky Star Escapes Black Hole With Minor Damage
Ohio State University

Astronomers have gotten the closest look yet at what happens when a black hole takes a bite out of a star—and the star lives to tell the tale.

Released: 21-Oct-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Study Shows How Troubled Marriage, Depression History Promote Obesity
Ohio State University

The double-whammy of marital hostility and a history of depression can increase the risk for obesity in adults by altering how the body processes high-fat foods, according to new research.

Released: 21-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Immersed in Violence: How 3-D Gaming Affects Video Game Players
Ohio State University

Playing violent video games in 3-D makes everything seem more real – and that may have troubling consequences for players, a new study reveals.

Released: 15-Oct-2014 9:25 AM EDT
Astronomers Spot Faraway Uranus-Like Planet
Ohio State University

Our view of other solar systems just got a little more familiar, with the discovery of a planet 25,000 light-years away that resembles our own Uranus.

Released: 6-Oct-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Study: ‘Broad Consensus’ that Violent Media Increase Child Aggression
Ohio State University

Majorities of media researchers, parents and pediatricians agree that exposure to violent media can increase aggression in children, according to a new national study.

2-Oct-2014 5:00 AM EDT
Batteries Included: A Solar Cell that Stores its Own Power
Ohio State University

Is it a solar cell? Or a rechargeable battery? Actually, the patent-pending device invented at The Ohio State University is both: the world’s first solar battery.

Released: 2-Oct-2014 11:00 AM EDT
In A Bad Mood? Head to Facebook and Find Someone Worse Off
Ohio State University

When people are in a bad mood, they are more likely to actively search social networking sites like Facebook to find friends who are doing even worse than they are, a new study suggests.

Released: 2-Oct-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Making Old Lungs Look Young Again
Ohio State University

New research shows that the lungs become more inflammatory with age and that ibuprofen can lower that inflammation. Immune cells from old mouse lungs fought tuberculosis bacteria as effectively as cells from young mice after lung inflammation was reduced by ibuprofen.

Released: 29-Sep-2014 10:00 AM EDT
How Career Dreams are Born
Ohio State University

A new study shows just what it takes to convince a person that she is qualified to achieve the career of her dreams.

23-Sep-2014 1:00 PM EDT
A Step in the Right Direction to Avoid Falls
Ohio State University

Researchers have developed a mathematical model that lends new insight to how humans walk.

17-Sep-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Even Without Kids, Couples Eat Frequent Family Meals
Ohio State University

Couples and other adult family members living without minors in the house are just as likely as adults living with young children or adolescents to eat family meals at home on most days of the week, new research suggests.

Released: 17-Sep-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Math Model Designed to Replace Invasive Kidney Biopsy for Lupus Patients
Ohio State University

Mathematics might be able to reduce the need for invasive biopsies in patients suffering kidney damage related to the autoimmune disease lupus.

Released: 15-Sep-2014 9:30 AM EDT
Gas Leaks From Faulty Wells Linked to Contamination in Some Groundwater
Ohio State University

A study has pinpointed the likely source of most natural gas contamination in drinking-water wells associated with hydraulic fracturing, and it’s not the source many people may have feared.

Released: 8-Sep-2014 9:25 AM EDT
First-Ever Look Inside a Working Lithium-Ion Battery
Ohio State University

In an unprecedented view inside a working lithium-ion battery, researchers used a neutron beam to "see" the flow of lithium in real time, as the battery charged and discharged. What they saw could one day help explain why rechargeable batteries lose capacity over time, and why they even sometimes catch fire.

Released: 2-Sep-2014 11:00 AM EDT
In Pro Baseball Pitchers, Weak Core Linked to More Missed Days
Ohio State University

New research suggests that professional baseball pitchers with poor core stability are more likely to miss 30 or more days in a single season because of injury than are pitchers who have good control of muscles in their lower back and pelvis.

Released: 26-Aug-2014 10:00 AM EDT
No Purchase Required to Win? Devoted Customers Not So Sure
Ohio State University

Loyal customers of a company feel that they are more likely and more deserving than others to win perks from the business – even those that are randomly given out.

Released: 25-Aug-2014 10:05 AM EDT
Expectant Parents’ Play with Doll Predicts Later Parenting Behavior
Ohio State University

Having expectant parents role-play interacting with an infant using a doll can help predict which couples may be headed for co-parenting conflicts when their baby arrives.

Released: 18-Aug-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts
Ohio State University

Fish species native to a major Arizona watershed may lose access to important segments of their habitat by 2050 as surface water flow is reduced by the effects of climate warming, new research suggests.

7-Aug-2014 4:00 PM EDT
No Excess Baggage: Antarctic Insect’s Genome, Newly Sequenced, is Smallest to Date
Ohio State University

Scientists who sequenced the genome of the Antarctic midge suspect the genome’s small size – the smallest in insects described to date – can probably be explained by the midge’s adaptation to its extreme living environment.

30-Jul-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Just One Simple Question Can Identify Narcissistic People
Ohio State University

Scientists have developed and validated a new method to identify which people are narcissistic: just ask them.

Released: 28-Jul-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Children with Disabilities Benefit from Classroom Inclusion
Ohio State University

The secret to boosting the language skills of preschoolers with disabilities may be to put them in classrooms with typically developing peers, a new study finds.

Released: 15-Jul-2014 1:35 PM EDT
Study Finds Why Some Firms Are “Named and Shamed” by Activists
Ohio State University

A new study of the anti-sweatshop campaigns of the 1990s reveals which companies are most likely to become targets of anti-corporate activists.

10-Jul-2014 10:20 AM EDT
Weighty Issue: Stress and High-Fat Meals Combine to Slow Metabolism in Women
Ohio State University

A new study in women suggests that experiencing one or more stressful events the day before eating a single high-fat meal can slow the body’s metabolism, potentially contributing to weight gain.

7-Jul-2014 10:40 AM EDT
Study Points To Potential New Target For Antibiotics Against E. coli, Other Bugs
Ohio State University

Scientists have identified a protein that is essential to the survival of E. coli bacteria, and consider the protein a potential new target for antibiotics.

7-Jul-2014 10:15 AM EDT
For Corals Adapting to Climate Change, It’s Survival of the Fattest—and Most Flexible
Ohio State University

The future health of the world’s coral reefs and the animals that depend on them relies in part on the ability of one tiny symbiotic sea creature to get fat—and to be flexible about the type of algae it cooperates with.

30-Jun-2014 8:00 PM EDT
Discovery Expands Search for Earth-Like Planets
Ohio State University

A newly discovered planet is expanding astronomers’ notions of where Earth-like—and even potentially habitable—planets can form, and how to find them.

24-Jun-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Salmonella’s Achilles’ Heel: Reliance on Single Food Source to Stay Potent
Ohio State University

Scientists have identified a potential Achilles’ heel for Salmonella – the bacteria’s reliance on a single food source to remain fit in the inflamed intestine.
