Latest News from: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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Newswise: Boron Nitride with a Twist Could Lead to New Way to Make Qubits
Released: 6-Oct-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Boron Nitride with a Twist Could Lead to New Way to Make Qubits
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Achieving scalability in quantum processors, sensors, and networks requires novel devices that are easily manipulated between two quantum states. A team led by Berkeley Lab researchers has developed a method, using a solid-state “twisted” crystalline layered material, which gives rise to tiny light-emitting points that can be switched on and off with the simple application of an external voltage. The research could lead to a new way to make quantum bits, or qubits, which encode information in quantum computers.

Newswise: Former Berkeley Lab Scientist Carolyn Bertozzi Wins 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Released: 5-Oct-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Former Berkeley Lab Scientist Carolyn Bertozzi Wins 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal, and K. Barry Sharpless “for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry.”

Newswise: Former Berkeley Lab Scientist John Clauser Among Three Awarded the 2022 Nobel for Physics for Work on Quantum Mechanics
Released: 4-Oct-2022 8:00 PM EDT
Former Berkeley Lab Scientist John Clauser Among Three Awarded the 2022 Nobel for Physics for Work on Quantum Mechanics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics to Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science."

Newswise:Video Embedded indoor-air-cleaning-strategies-are-key-to-minimizing-virus-spread
Released: 22-Sep-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Indoor Air-Cleaning Strategies Are Key to Minimizing Virus Spread
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Along with vaccines, masks, and testing, indoor air hygiene and building engineering controls will be key to slowing the spread of airborne, highly infectious variants of COVID-19. In a recent review in the journal Indoor Air, researchers at Berkeley Lab presented a thorough review of the state of the science for several key strategies to reduce airborne infection risk using building controls – ventilation, filtration, airflow management and disinfection by germicidal ultraviolet (UV) light.

Newswise: Cracking the Secrets to Earthquake Safety, One Shake Simulation at a Time
Released: 15-Sep-2022 4:00 PM EDT
Cracking the Secrets to Earthquake Safety, One Shake Simulation at a Time
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new experimental facility that replicates realistic earthquakes in the laboratory, paired with the world’s fastest supercomputers, will help scientists and engineers build and retrofit shake-resilient buildings and infrastructure across the U.S.

Newswise: Upgraded Laser Facility Paves the Way for Next-Generation Particle Accelerators
Released: 7-Sep-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Upgraded Laser Facility Paves the Way for Next-Generation Particle Accelerators
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab researchers have completed a major expansion of one of the world’s most powerful laser systems, creating new opportunities in accelerator research. The expansion created a second beamline for the petawatt laser at the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA) Center, enabling the development of next-generation particle accelerators for applications in science, medicine, security, and industry.

Newswise: An Anti-cancer Drug in Short Supply Can Now be Made by Microbes
Released: 31-Aug-2022 11:05 AM EDT
An Anti-cancer Drug in Short Supply Can Now be Made by Microbes
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The supply of a plant-derived anti-cancer drug can finally meet global demand after a team of scientists from Denmark and the U.S. engineered yeast to produce the precursor molecules. Previously, obtaining one gram of the chemotherapy drug required growing and harvesting 500 kilograms of the native plant's leaves.

Newswise: Peering Into Mirror Nuclei, Physicists See Unexpected Pairings
29-Aug-2022 2:00 PM EDT
Peering Into Mirror Nuclei, Physicists See Unexpected Pairings
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Using a new technique, physicists studying energetic collisions in light nuclei found something surprising: protons collide with their fellow protons and neutrons with their fellow neutrons more often than expected. Understanding these collisions is important for interpreting data in a wide range of physics experiments studying elementary particles.

Newswise: Scientists Grow Lead-Free Solar Material With a Built-In Switch
Released: 30-Aug-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Scientists Grow Lead-Free Solar Material With a Built-In Switch
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A lead-free solar material developed by Berkeley Lab scientists offers a simpler and more sustainable approach to solar cell manufacturing. The advance could also benefit halide perovskites, a promising solar technology that requires much less energy to manufacture than silicon.

Newswise:Video Embedded print-recycle-repeat-scientists-demonstrate-a-biodegradable-printed-circuit
Released: 29-Aug-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Print, Recycle, Repeat: Scientists Demonstrate a Biodegradable Printed Circuit
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have developed a fully recyclable and biodegradable printed circuit. The advance could divert wearable devices and other flexible electronics from landfill, and mitigate the health and environmental hazards posed by heavy metal waste.

Newswise: Protein Structures Aren’t Set in Stone
Released: 26-Aug-2022 2:00 PM EDT
Protein Structures Aren’t Set in Stone
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new study on rubisco, a photosynthetic enzyme thought to be the most abundant protein on the planet, shows that proteins can change their structural arrangement with surprising ease. The findings reveal the possibility that many of the proteins we thought we knew actually exist in other, unknown shapes.

Newswise: A Faster Way to Study 2D Materials for Next-Generation Quantum and Electronic Devices
Released: 25-Aug-2022 11:00 AM EDT
A Faster Way to Study 2D Materials for Next-Generation Quantum and Electronic Devices
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at Berkeley Lab recently unveiled a new, fast, and readily reproducible way to map and identify defects in two-dimensional materials. The method could dramatically reduce the time required to characterize two-dimensional materials and use them in next-generation quantum and electronic devices.

Newswise: Report Highlights Technology Advancement and Value of Wind Energy
Released: 16-Aug-2022 2:00 PM EDT
Report Highlights Technology Advancement and Value of Wind Energy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wind energy continues to see strong growth, solid performance, and attractive prices in the U.S., according to a report released by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and prepared by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

Newswise: Thirdhand Smoke Exposures Surpass Health Risk Guideline Levels
Released: 15-Aug-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Thirdhand Smoke Exposures Surpass Health Risk Guideline Levels
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists first identified thirdhand smoke as a potential health hazard a decade ago. Their newest study shows that concentrations of toxic chemicals lingering in indoor environments where cigarettes have been smoked can exceed safety guidelines, meaning that non-smokers can be exposed to health risks by living in contaminated spaces.

Newswise: New Public-Private Partnership to Upgrade Tool That Estimates Costs of Power Interruptions
Released: 27-Jul-2022 11:00 AM EDT
New Public-Private Partnership to Upgrade Tool That Estimates Costs of Power Interruptions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab has initiated a national public-private partnership to update and upgrade the Interruption Cost Estimate (ICE) Calculator – a publicly available, online tool – which estimates the economic consequences of power interruptions.

Newswise: Machine Learning Paves Way for Smarter Particle Accelerators
Released: 19-Jul-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Machine Learning Paves Way for Smarter Particle Accelerators
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have developed a new machine-learning platform that makes the algorithms that control particle beams and lasers smarter than ever before. Their work could help lead to the development of new and improved particle accelerators that will help scientists unlock the secrets of the subatomic world.

Newswise: Neuroscience Simulations at NERSC Shed Light on Origins of Human Brain Recordings
Released: 14-Jul-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Neuroscience Simulations at NERSC Shed Light on Origins of Human Brain Recordings
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Using simulations run at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a team of researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has found the origin of cortical surface electrical signals in the brain and discovered why the signals originate where they do.

Newswise: Berkeley Lab Researchers Record Successful Startup of LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility
7-Jul-2022 1:00 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab Researchers Record Successful Startup of LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Deep below the Black Hills of South Dakota in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), an innovative and uniquely sensitive dark matter detector - the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, led by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab) - has passed a check-out phase of startup operations and delivered first results.

Newswise: Bacteria for Blastoff: Using Microbes to Make Supercharged New Rocket Fuel
Released: 30-Jun-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Bacteria for Blastoff: Using Microbes to Make Supercharged New Rocket Fuel
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists used an oddball molecule made by bacteria to develop a new class of biofuels predicted to have greater energy density than any petroleum product, including the leading aviation and rocket fuels.

Newswise: Giant Bacteria Found in Guadeloupe Mangroves Challenge Traditional Concepts
Released: 23-Jun-2022 3:15 PM EDT
Giant Bacteria Found in Guadeloupe Mangroves Challenge Traditional Concepts
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In Science, researchers describe a “’macro’ microbe” – a giant filamentous bacterium composed of a single cell discovered in the mangroves of Guadeloupe. Using various microscopy techniques, the team also observed novel, membrane-bound compartments that contain DNA clusters dubbed “pepins.”

Newswise: New Ultrathin Capacitor Could Enable Energy-Efficient Microchips
Released: 22-Jun-2022 5:00 AM EDT
New Ultrathin Capacitor Could Enable Energy-Efficient Microchips
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley have developed a thin film from a century-old material for next-gen memory and logic devices. The breakthrough advances the pursuit of low-voltage electronics that require less energy to operate than today’s silicon-based electronics.

Newswise:Video Embedded pushing-the-boundaries-of-moore-s-law-how-can-extreme-uv-light-produce-tiny-microchips
Released: 3-Jun-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Pushing the Boundaries of Moore’s Law: How Can Extreme UV Light Produce Tiny Microchips?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Some analysts say that the end of Moore’s Law is near, but Patrick Naulleau, the director of Berkeley Lab’s Center for X-Ray Optics (CXRO), says that it could be decades before the modern chip runs out of room for improvement, thanks to advances in materials and instrumentation enabled by the CXRO.

Newswise: A 50% Reduction in Emissions by 2030 Can be Achieved. Here’s How
Released: 2-Jun-2022 7:00 AM EDT
A 50% Reduction in Emissions by 2030 Can be Achieved. Here’s How
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

To prevent the worst outcomes from climate change, the U.S. will need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in the next eight years. Scientists from around the nation have developed a blueprint for success.

Newswise: New Silicon Nanowires Can Really Take the Heat
Released: 17-May-2022 10:00 AM EDT
New Silicon Nanowires Can Really Take the Heat
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Berkeley Lab-led research team has demonstrated an ultrathin silicon nanowire that conducts heat 150% more efficiently than conventional materials used in advanced chip technologies. The device could enable smaller, faster, energy-efficient microelectronics.

Newswise: Skyrmions on the Rise – New 2D Material Advances Low-Power Computing
Released: 28-Apr-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Skyrmions on the Rise – New 2D Material Advances Low-Power Computing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team co-led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has discovered a new ultrathin material with exotic magnetic features called skyrmions. The new material could enable the next generation of tiny, fast, energy-efficient electronic devices.

Newswise: Capturing Carbon With Inspiration From Battery Chemistry
Released: 21-Apr-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Capturing Carbon With Inspiration From Battery Chemistry
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The need for negative emissions technologies to address our climate crisis has become increasingly clear. At the rate that our planet is emitting carbon dioxide – adding about 50 gigatons every year – we will have to remove carbon dioxide at the gigaton scale by 2050 in order to achieve “net zero” emissions.

Newswise: Using Hundred-Year-Old Chemistry to Capture Carbon Directly From Air
Released: 20-Apr-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Using Hundred-Year-Old Chemistry to Capture Carbon Directly From Air
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists at Berkeley Lab are working on new approaches to achieve direct air capture of carbon dioxide. Andrew Haddad, a researcher in Berkeley Lab’s Energy Technologies Area with a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry, talks about how a Nobel Prize-winning chemistry concept from more than a century ago inspired his idea for efficiently capturing CO2.

Newswise: Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Transformational Changes
Released: 4-Apr-2022 5:00 AM EDT
Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Transformational Changes
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The third and final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) Sixth Assessment Report calls for aggressive and comprehensive actions if we are to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century. It finds we still need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically, beyond what governments have pledged, and that this emissions gap is exacerbated by implementation gaps despite the mitigation efforts underway.

Newswise: Scientists Uncover Surprising New Clues to Exotic Superconductors’ Superpowers
Released: 24-Mar-2022 11:00 AM EDT
Scientists Uncover Surprising New Clues to Exotic Superconductors’ Superpowers
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Unconventional superconductors carry electrical current with zero resistance in ways that defy our previous understanding of physics. A recent study led by Berkeley Lab could help researchers advance future applications in next-gen energy storage, supercomputing, and magnetic levitating trains.

Newswise: A Laser-Powered Upgrade to Cancer Treatment
Released: 23-Mar-2022 10:30 AM EDT
A Laser-Powered Upgrade to Cancer Treatment
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new research venture pairs cutting-edge particle accelerator science and radiation therapy using laser-generated proton beams.

Newswise: How X-Rays Can Make Better Batteries
Released: 4-Mar-2022 11:00 AM EST
How X-Rays Can Make Better Batteries
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In this Q&A, ALS senior staff scientist David Shapiro and Stanford materials science professor William Chueh share how their pioneering X-ray techniques can help researchers understand how battery materials work in real time at the atomic scale.

Newswise: Safely Studying Dangerous Infections Just Got a Lot Easier
Released: 25-Feb-2022 9:00 AM EST
Safely Studying Dangerous Infections Just Got a Lot Easier
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Soft X-ray tomography – a way to take gorgeously high-resolution, 3D images of cells – can help us study infections without risk of contamination. And now, the whole process takes just a fraction of the time and preparation required by other imaging methods.

Newswise: Cutting Through the Noise
Released: 23-Feb-2022 2:05 PM EST
Cutting Through the Noise
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A collaboration between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Physics Division and Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division has yielded a new approach to quantum error mitigation - "noise estimation circuits" - that could help make quantum computing’s theoretical potential a reality.

Newswise: Quantifying California’s Lithium Valley: Can It Power Our EV Revolution?
Released: 16-Feb-2022 10:00 AM EST
Quantifying California’s Lithium Valley: Can It Power Our EV Revolution?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Salton Sea geothermal field in California potentially holds enough lithium to meet all of America’s domestic battery needs, with even enough left over to export some of it. But how much of that lithium can be extracted in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way? And how long will the resource last? These are just a few of the questions that researchers hope to answer in a new project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Newswise: Science Snapshots from Berkeley Lab
Released: 15-Feb-2022 10:00 AM EST
Science Snapshots from Berkeley Lab
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab joins in broad federal effort to develop pathways for Puerto Rico to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050, microorganism discovered in spacecraft assembly facility named for Berkeley Lab microbiologist, discovering the "secret sauce" behind the exotic properties of a new quantum material

Newswise: With a Little Help, New Optical Material Assembles Itself
Released: 3-Feb-2022 3:45 PM EST
With a Little Help, New Optical Material Assembles Itself
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A research team led by Berkeley Lab has demonstrated an optical material that self-assembles from tiny concentric nanocircles. Their work could enable the large-scale manufacturing of nanocomposites for fiberoptic telecommunications systems as well as for buildings, automobiles, and aerospace.

Newswise: Crystallography for the Misfit Crystals
18-Jan-2022 2:20 PM EST
Crystallography for the Misfit Crystals
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

As the name implies, crystallography requires crystals – specifically, purified samples of the molecule of interest, coaxed into a crystal form. But most molecules form powders composed of jumbled granules, not picture-ready crystals. A new computer algorithm, combined with a state-of-the-art laser, can adapt X-ray crystallography for the many not-so-neat-and-tidy compounds that scientists seek to study.

Newswise: National Labs Support Safe Nuclear Waste Disposal by Studying Safety Material for Underground Sites
Released: 18-Jan-2022 11:00 AM EST
National Labs Support Safe Nuclear Waste Disposal by Studying Safety Material for Underground Sites
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Geoscientists from Berkeley Lab and two other U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories, Sandia and Los Alamos, are collaborating on the HotBENT project. This international field experiment is evaluating how well the natural, clay-based material (bentonite) placed around canisters of buried, high-level nuclear waste retains its safety functions when exposed to simulated long-term heating.

Newswise: Electricity Regulation with Equity and Justice for All
Released: 14-Jan-2022 9:00 AM EST
Electricity Regulation with Equity and Justice for All
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Advancing Equity in Utility Regulation, a new report published by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), makes a unifying case that utilities, regulators, and stakeholders need to prioritize energy equity in the deployment of clean energy technologies and resources.

Newswise: New technique tunes into graphene nanoribbons’ electronic potential
22-Dec-2021 12:05 AM EST
New technique tunes into graphene nanoribbons’ electronic potential
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley have discovered how to directly measure the unique magnetic properties of superthin graphene nanoribbons. The breakthrough could lead to high-speed, low-power nanoscale data storage technologies.

Newswise: Science Snapshots from Berkeley Lab
Released: 20-Dec-2021 10:00 AM EST
Science Snapshots from Berkeley Lab
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A mélange of mini science stories from Berkeley Lab, December 2021.

Newswise: New Device Advances Commercial Viability of Solar Fuels
Released: 16-Dec-2021 10:05 PM EST
New Device Advances Commercial Viability of Solar Fuels
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A research team has developed a new artificial photosynthesis device with remarkable stability and longevity as it converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into two promising sources of renewable fuels – ethylene and hydrogen.

Newswise: New Smart-Roof Coating Enables Year-Round Energy Savings
14-Dec-2021 10:05 PM EST
New Smart-Roof Coating Enables Year-Round Energy Savings
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have developed an all-season smart-roof coating that keeps homes warm during the winter and cool during the summer – without consuming natural gas or electricity. Research findings point to a groundbreaking technology that outperforms commercial cool-roof systems in energy savings.

Released: 9-Dec-2021 7:05 AM EST
India's Clean Power Target Will Double Electricity Supply Economically if Low-Cost Storage is Deployed
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Using state-of-the-art computer models and simulations, researchers examined a least-cost investment pathway to reliably meet India’s electricity demand through the year 2030 in the publication, “Least Cost Pathway for India’s Power System Investments.” The study demonstrates that if India achieves its target of installing 500 GW of non-fossil electricity capacity by 2030, it could reduce electricity costs by 8 to 10%, provided the renewable energy and battery storage prices continue to decline. From 2020 levels, the carbon emissions intensity of its electricity supply would reduce by 43 to 50% by 2030.

Newswise:Video Embedded these-tiny-liquid-robots-never-run-out-of-juice-as-long-as-they-have-food
Released: 8-Dec-2021 9:30 AM EST
These Tiny Liquid Robots Never Run Out of Juice as Long as They Have Food
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists at Berkeley Lab have demonstrated the first self-powered, aqueous robot that runs continuously without electricity. The technology has potential as an automated chemical synthesis or drug delivery system for pharmaceuticals.

Newswise:Video Embedded enlarging-windows-into-understanding-gene-functions
Released: 2-Dec-2021 7:05 PM EST
Enlarging Windows into Understanding Gene Functions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In Nature Methods, DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers developed two approaches that build upon DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) technology, a tools researchers can apply to study the transcription factors that control how genes are turned.

Released: 1-Dec-2021 11:00 AM EST
How Can Next-Gen Computer Chips Reduce Our Carbon Footprint?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists Maurice Garcia-Sciveres and Ramamoorthy Ramesh discuss how future microchips could perform better – and require less energy – than silicon.

Released: 17-Nov-2021 10:00 AM EST
New Technique Improves Conversion of Carbon Dioxide Into Liquid Fuels
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at Berkeley Lab have demonstrated how coating copper catalysts with thin films can improve a standard technique for converting carbon dioxide emissions into useful chemicals and liquid fuels.

Newswise: Berkeley Lab Science Snapshots
Released: 8-Nov-2021 9:00 AM EST
Berkeley Lab Science Snapshots
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab Science Snapshots for Nov. 2021 on EV battery research, technology to see crop roots, improved earth system model, low-cost building retrofits

Newswise: Managing Water Resources in a Low-to-No-Snow Future
25-Oct-2021 8:45 AM EDT
Managing Water Resources in a Low-to-No-Snow Future
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new Berkeley Lab analysis finds that if greenhouse gas emissions continue along the high-emissions scenario, low-to-no-snow winters will become a regular occurrence in the western U.S. in 35 to 60 years.
