Latest News from: International League Against Epilepsy

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Released: 3-Dec-2020 8:35 AM EST
Is this your brain on Mozart? Music, seizures, and epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

A recent one-year study found a 35% decrease in seizure frequency in people with epilepsy who listened to an excerpt of Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos. Research in animal models also suggests that music has multiple effects on the brain.

Released: 10-Nov-2020 10:35 AM EST
Ketogenic diets in low-resource settings: Experience in Zambia
International League Against Epilepsy

More than 75 countries now have at least one ketogenic diet center for the treatment of epilepsy, but most centers are located in high-resource countries. How can lower-income countries establish the ketogenic diet, and what considerations are they facing?

Released: 10-Nov-2020 10:05 AM EST
Food for thought: The ketogenic diet as epilepsy treatment
International League Against Epilepsy

Treating epilepsy with diet is not a new concept, but it's gained popularity and credibility in the past 25 years.

Released: 1-Sep-2020 3:15 PM EDT
¿La pandemia dará un impulso permanente a la telemedicina para la epilepsia?
International League Against Epilepsy

La telemedicina para el cuidado de la epilepsia es más popular que nunca. Tiene muchas ventajas, pero ¿Puede sostenerse en el futuro?

Released: 1-Sep-2020 2:45 PM EDT
New-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE): Awareness and research
International League Against Epilepsy

This rare but life-threatening condition is often due to an autoimmune response. Speedier diagnosis and more effective treatments are priorities.

Released: 20-Aug-2020 4:10 PM EDT
North American Virtual Epilepsy Congress September 24-27
International League Against Epilepsy

The ILAE/IBE congresses attract clinicians, researchers, policymakers and advocates from around the world to hear about the latest research and treatment advances in epilepsy.

Released: 11-Aug-2020 11:45 AM EDT
Will the COVID-19 pandemic give a permanent boost to telemedicine for epilepsy care?
International League Against Epilepsy

Telemedicine for epilepsy care is more popular than ever. It has many advantages—but can it sustain itself into the future?

Released: 10-Aug-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Higher hopes for seizure freedom in epilepsy: Setting the record straight
International League Against Epilepsy

It's been said that after two failed anti-seizure medications, chances for seizure freedom drop to less than 5%. This error arose nearly two decades ago and needs to be corrected, says a letter in the journal Epilepsia - chances are actually much higher.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 2:55 PM EDT
Can community-based interventions help to close the epilepsy treatment gap?
International League Against Epilepsy

More than 50 million people have epilepsy; about 80% live in lower- or middle-income countries, where diagnosis and treatment can be difficult or impossible. The percentage of people with epilepsy that is not receiving treatment is known as the treatment gap; in some countries, this gap exceeds 90%.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 10:10 AM EDT
Suspended studies and virtual lab meetings: How the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting epilepsy researchers
International League Against Epilepsy

How was epilepsy research forced to morph during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic? Researchers from 11 countries shared their experiences and thoughts on the future of laboratory research, clinical trials, and in-person conferences.

Released: 24-Jun-2020 6:45 PM EDT
A deeper dive into epilepsy: Integrating tools for characterizing focal cortical dysplasia
International League Against Epilepsy

Journal Prize winner Zhong Ying integrated genetics, clinical presentation, EEG, MRI, and histopathological diagnosis in a group of people with drug-resistant epilepsy. All had a specific type of brain lesion that can be difficult to identify.

Released: 24-Jun-2020 6:40 PM EDT
Bridging the information gap with new EEG techniques for epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

Journal Prize winner Ana Coito is developing methods to extract information from EEG readings about brain connectivity and information exchange. Her award-winning research focused on applying these methods to low-density EEG readings, which would make them accessible to more regions of the world.

Released: 24-Jun-2020 6:40 PM EDT
Harnessing complexity to advance epilepsy research: Learning the language of EEG spike-wave discharges
International League Against Epilepsy

Journal Prize winner Jesse A. Pfammatter found that certain EEG patterns that indicate absence epilepsy may hold more information than previously thought.

Released: 23-Jun-2020 2:45 PM EDT
Improving treatment for psychogenic seizures: “This is a group of patients that we are taking less seriously”
International League Against Epilepsy

Journal prize winner Benjamin Tolchin tested motivational interviewing to help people with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) start and continue psychotherapy. Often mistaken for epilepsy, these seizures cause serious problems, yet many health care professionals discount them as "not real."

Released: 23-Jun-2020 1:55 PM EDT
From bench to beach: Award-winning epilepsy researcher furthers understanding of how cannabidiol stops seizures
International League Against Epilepsy

Lyndsey Anderson traveled halfway around the world to do epilepsy research in Sydney, Australia. Recently, she was awarded ILAE's 2020 Epilepsia Prize for Basic Science Research.

Released: 26-May-2020 2:50 PM EDT
When seizures don't stop: What's the latest in treating status epilepticus?
International League Against Epilepsy

When seizures last longer than about 5 minutes--a condition called status epilepticus--emergency treatment is required. About two-thirds of people respond to initial treatment with benzodiazepines, but the others need a second drug. Which drug to choose is a matter of some debate.

Released: 13-Apr-2020 8:55 AM EDT
In epilepsy, seizures are often frightening. What happens afterward can be worse.
International League Against Epilepsy

Seizure control is the primary driver of epilepsy treatment. For many people with epilepsy, however, the seizures themselves are secondary to what comes after: fatigue, memory loss and other issues that dramatically affect their lives.

Released: 12-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Post-Ictal Psychosis: A Medical Emergency for People with Epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

About 70% of people with epilepsy report post-seizure (post-ictal) complications, ranging from fatigue to memory issues to headache. Post-ictal psychosis while rare, is perhaps the most dramatic of these. As many as 7% of people with temporal lobe epilepsy develop PIP, which can cause suicidal behavior or interpersonal violence. The condition requires immediate attention and treatment.

Released: 4-Mar-2020 1:40 PM EST
Hold the phone: Smartphone video makes it easier to diagnose epilepsy and psychogenic seizures
International League Against Epilepsy

What if there was a tool to help with faster, more accurate diagnosis of both psychogenic seizures and epilepsy? And what if this tool was simpler and less expensive than video EEG, and available almost everywhere?

Released: 17-Feb-2020 11:55 AM EST
Reducing the epilepsy treatment gap in Pakistan: Start small, stay flexible, never give up
International League Against Epilepsy

In retrospect, Pakistan's effort to reduce the treatment gap can appear painstakingly planned, like the blueprints for a shopping complex or a neighborhood. But the secret of the country's success is not rooted in elaborate planning. Nor did it rely on generous funding or government support.

Released: 6-Feb-2020 8:55 AM EST
Epilepsy education at Disneyland: Spreading awareness, changing lives
International League Against Epilepsy

At Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland, thousands of families and physicians mix epilepsy education, information, and advocacy with enjoying a day at "the happiest place on earth."

Released: 3-Feb-2020 8:05 AM EST
Should People with Epilepsy Ever Stop Taking Medication?
International League Against Epilepsy

Medication controls seizures in many people with epilepsy. The drugs are not a cure, but seizures don't always last a lifetime. After years without seizures, is it safe for some people to gradually come off their medications?

Released: 20-Nov-2019 11:10 AM EST
Six ways doctors can improve reproductive health in women with epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

With a little time, some information and a few questions, neurologists can help women with epilepsy make choices about birth control, folic acid supplements, and pregnancy.

Released: 18-Nov-2019 8:05 AM EST
Anti-seizure drugs and pregnancy: New research on safety and prescription patterns
International League Against Epilepsy

About 600,000 women with epilepsy become pregnant each year. Careful management of anti-seizure medications can reduce risks to both mother and baby.

Released: 31-Oct-2019 1:35 PM EDT
How to improve epilepsy care in Africa? Include traditional healers, schoolchildren and the guy next door
International League Against Epilepsy

In Mozambique, most people with epilepsy don’t seek treatment. So the country took on an intimidating challenge: Diagnose and treat more people by increasing awareness, reducing stigma, improving medication access, and partnering with traditional healers.

Released: 21-Oct-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Parents of adults with epilepsy: Caregiving without a net
International League Against Epilepsy

When an adult child is diagnosed with epilepsy, their parents face a wide array of social, emotional and financial issues, often with very little support. Striking a balance between caring for their child and allowing independence can be difficult and frustrating.

Released: 23-Sep-2019 7:05 AM EDT
Screening for depression in people with epilepsy: Improve care, save lives
International League Against Epilepsy

Any neurologist who sees patients with epilepsy also sees patients with undiagnosed depression. A simple screening tool can improve outcomes and save lives.

Released: 20-Sep-2019 9:50 AM EDT
Epilepsy and caregiver stress: How one family counters stress by giving back
International League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy affects entire families, with impacts on caregivers' physical health, emotional functioning, social relationships, employment and finances. Caregivers and siblings are at risk for post-traumatic stress. Here's how one family works to channel their stress and frustration into helping others.

Released: 28-Aug-2019 9:40 AM EDT
Two families' experiences with epilepsy: Stress, love, responsibility
International League Against Epilepsy

Being a parent or sibling of someone with epilepsy is life changing. Family members share their stories.

Released: 27-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Epilepsy and the family: Caregiver stress and sibling experiences
International League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy affects entire families. Research shows that uncontrolled seizures can lead to the development of PTSD in caregivers and siblings. Family members also may struggle with anxiety and depression, as well as guilt and fear.

Released: 27-Aug-2019 10:05 AM EDT
The other side of seizure freedom: "I kind of wish my epilepsy was back"
International League Against Epilepsy

It might seem that there’s no downside to successful epilepsy surgery. Who wouldn’t want to be free of seizures that limit their life? But there are challenges to seizure freedom after years of living with epilepsy. The “burden of normality” can disrupt a person’s life and their relationships.

Released: 29-Jul-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Epilepsy Is a Threat to Public Health, Says International Report
International League Against Epilepsy

Worldwide, more than 50 million people are living with epilepsy. As many as 37 million are not receiving treatment, though it can cost as little as US$5 a year and eliminates seizures about two-thirds of the time. These findings and many others are published in "Epilepsy: A public health imperative", a report produced by ILAE, the World Health Organization and the International Bureau for Epilepsy.

Released: 14-Jun-2019 2:05 PM EDT
The gut microbiota and epilepsy: Intriguing research and the road ahead
International League Against Epilepsy

An increasing number of studies are finding intimate communication between the gut and brain, as well as complex interplay among the gut microbiome, the brain and the rest of the body. But does the gut affect epilepsy? More specifically, can certain populations of bacteria predispose to seizures, and can we harness the power of the microbiome to stop seizures?

Released: 14-Jun-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Semana de la Epilepsia – Paraguay – América Latina
International League Against Epilepsy

En abril, Paraguay celebró su primera Semana de la Epilepsia. El concepto de una semana de epilepsia, que se puso a prueba en Bolivia en 2015, incluye actividades científicas, sociales y culturales para crear conciencia sobre la epilepsia y su importancia como centro de atención de la salud pública.

Released: 14-Jun-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Paraguay celebrates Latin American Epilepsy Week with educational, social and scientific activities
International League Against Epilepsy

Paraguay held its first Epilepsy Week in April, with scientific, social and cultural activities to raise awareness of epilepsy and its importance as a focus of public health.

Released: 3-Jun-2019 11:05 AM EDT
What’s in a name? In the case of epilepsy, more than you might think.
International League Against Epilepsy

Classifying seizures and types of epilepsy is something like creating another language - one that's used by physicians, patients and policymakers. How do these classifications change over time, and why is it sometimes difficult to reach consensus?

Released: 30-May-2019 10:25 AM EDT
Success after epilepsy surgery: It's more than just seizure freedom
International League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsy surgery that stops seizures is usually considered successful. However, surgical consequences -- such as cognitive issues, depression, and anxiety -- can affect quality of life. And some struggle with the 'burden of normality' that comes from no longer having seizures.

Released: 6-May-2019 12:05 PM EDT
ILAE creates curriculum and standards for epilepsy education worldwide
International League Against Epilepsy

The International League Against Epilepsy's Task Force for Epilepsy Education has developed a roadmap for a competency-based curriculum in epileptology. The curriculum is meant to address educational gaps and strengthen the knowledge of all health professionals who care for people with epilepsy.

Released: 6-May-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Barriers to epilepsy surgery evaluation: Reports from physicians and patients
International League Against Epilepsy

Though the success rate of epilepsy surgery can be higher than 80% for certain seizure types, only a small fraction of people with drug-resistant epilepsy are referred for surgical evaluation. A study of 185 people with epilepsy, all seen at clinics in Germany, investigated why this might be.

Released: 10-Apr-2019 10:05 AM EDT
The long reach of trauma: Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in middle age
International League Against Epilepsy

It’s just after Valentine’s Day, 2016. Audrey Bart, age 41, is rushed to an emergency room in Cape Town, South Africa, for unexplained paralysis. Over the next week, she begins having seizures. A logical conclusion might be that Audrey has epilepsy. But that's not what's going on.

Released: 10-Apr-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Improving daily practice: Master's program for epilepsy enters its twentieth year
International League Against Epilepsy

The University of Sfax Master’s program in epileptology has educated hundreds of physicians from Tunisia and a handful of other countries, combining e-learning with hands-on training.

Released: 25-Mar-2019 10:00 AM EDT
Emotion in motion: How psychogenic non-epileptic seizures changed Nina Pye’s life
International League Against Epilepsy

Nina Pye was a college student in the United Kingdom when she began collapsing. After months of tests and frustration, she learned she had psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. That wasn't the end of the story; it was only the beginning.

Released: 25-Mar-2019 9:00 AM EDT
One teen’s journey to self-discovery through psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
International League Against Epilepsy

At 13 years old, Franci van den Berg was already a driven student and athlete in South Africa. She attended elite schools and pushed herself to succeed. A few weeks after starting high school, Franci began having panic-like attacks. She was diagnosed with anxiety and prescribed medication. A few months later, her cousin was killed by a drunk driver. It all went downhill from there.

Released: 25-Mar-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Journeys through psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Diagnosis, treatment and stigma
International League Against Epilepsy

Franci van den Berg and Nina Pye live 13,500 kilometers apart: one at the southern tip of Africa, the other in London. Both young women have spent years grappling with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) and their physical, psychological, emotional and social consequences.

Released: 22-Mar-2019 10:30 AM EDT
Unparalleled assessment of the global burden of epilepsy highlights yawning treatment gap in low-income countries
International League Against Epilepsy

While the prevalence of epilepsy has not changed over the past 25 years, lower-income countries are still saddled with a large treatment gap that results in higher levels of death and disability. The conclusions are part of a rigorous global analysis published in the February 14 issue of Lancet Neurology.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 8:05 AM EST
ADHD Medication Does Not Increase Seizure Risk
International League Against Epilepsy

As many as 50% of children with epilepsy and 20% of adults carry an ADHD diagnosis. Package inserts for ADHD medications warn of the drugs’ potential to lower the seizure threshold. However, there are few empirical data on the risk of seizures at therapeutic doses.

Released: 28-Feb-2019 8:05 AM EST
Blamed, Shamed, Misdiagnosed: Inside the World of Psychogenic Seizures
International League Against Epilepsy

Combine one cup of seizure stigma with two cups of stigma around mental health conditions. Add a teaspoon of scorn, a dash of societal judgment and mix well.

Released: 18-Feb-2019 1:05 PM EST
Seizure-related injuries common: Head wounds and drowning risk top list of dangers
International League Against Epilepsy

Each year, 1 in every 10 people with epilepsy is injured during a seizure, according to a community-based study using registry data from Tasmania.

Released: 13-Feb-2019 8:05 AM EST
Más que crisis: en personas con epilepsia, la ansiedad social afecta la calidad de vida
International League Against Epilepsy

Mónica Patricia Molina ha presentado crisis epilépticas desde hace 28 años, muchas de ellas en espacios públicos. Actualmente, a los 42 años, tiene temor de salir de su casa.

Released: 28-Jan-2019 9:00 AM EST
Podcast: Raphael Mechoulam and the History of Cannabis Research
International League Against Epilepsy

From patent medicines to the discovery of the body's own endocannabinoid system - listen to Raphael Mechoulam as he talks about the history of cannabis research.
